Salon and Spa Marketing Toolkit

Michael Colosi

Michael Colosi from discusses the importance of various aspects of spa and salon marketing and reveals some of the easiest and fastest ways to create a predictable and substantial flow of new clients and higher profits in your salon or spa… Guaranteed.

  • 1 minute 44 seconds
    Hair Salon Advertising Ideas - Mark and Mike Colosi Salon and Spa Marketing Toolkit
    Hair Salon Advertising Ideas. In this podcast Mike and Mark Colosi talk about different ideas when advertising your beauty or hair salon and which ideas work and which advertising ideas don't work.
    15 January 2012, 12:47 pm
  • 58 seconds
    Marketing My Beauty Salon - How You Can Market Your Beauty Salon Profitably
    Marketing My Beauty Salon - Mark and Mike Colosi from Salon and Spa Marketing Toolkit share some ways you can market your beauty salon so that it thrives regardless of any economy.
    15 January 2012, 12:36 pm
  • 1 minute 6 seconds
    Effective Hair Salon Marketing Ideas - Mark Colosi Salon and Spa Marketing Toolkit
    Effective Hair Salon Marketing Ideas - Hair and beauty salon marketing doesn't have to be expensive and complex in order for it to work. Here, Mark Colosi discuss some ideas that they have tested and are proven to work to make your spa nd hair salon...
    15 January 2012, 12:34 pm
  • 1 minute 25 seconds
    Hair Salon Advertising For New Clients - Mark and Mike Colosi Salon and Spa Marketing Toolkit
    Hair Salon Advertising For New Clients - Few (if any) commonly used forms of advertising actually work well for spa and salon owmers and in the end, they end up losing money and not gaining any new clients. Listen as Mark and Mike Colosi talk about what
    15 January 2012, 12:31 pm
  • 5 minutes 4 seconds
    Getting More Salon Clients Via Your Website - Mark and Mike Colosi Salon and Spa Marketing Toolkit
    Getting More Salon Clients Via Your Website - Almost every spa and hair salon owner has a website, but most of them fail to REALLY work for the salon owner as they should. A productive spa or hair salon website needs to be consistently generating new...
    15 January 2012, 12:26 pm
  • 3 minutes 2 seconds
    Get New Salon Clients This Week - Mark and Mike Colosi Salon and Spa Marketing Toolkit
    Get New Salon Clients This Week....and every week hereafter by using these cutting-edge hair salon client generating techniques from salon marketers Mark and Mike Colosi.
    15 January 2012, 12:15 pm
  • 43 seconds
    How To Attract More Salon Clients - Mark Colosi Salon and Spa Marketing Toolkit
    How To Attract More Salon Clients - In this video, Mark Colosi from Salon and Spa Marketing Toolkit goes over a strategy to help salon and spa owners attarct more new, higher paying, longer lasting salon clients into their businesses.
    15 January 2012, 12:01 pm
  • 1 minute 29 seconds
    Effective Advertising For Hair Salons - Mark Colosi Salon and Spa Marketing Toolkit
    Effective Advertising For Hair Salons. In this video, Mark Colosi of Salon and Spa Marketing Toolkit discusses and explains why certain forms of advertising work better than others for hair salons and why some advertisements fail salon owners miserably.
    15 January 2012, 11:57 am
  • 2 minutes 40 seconds
    Benefits Of Salon Consulting
    The benefits of utilizing a salon consulting company or individual are numerous and advantageous in number. Here we talk about how you can receive a fantastic return on investment when hiring a hair salon consulting firm.
    22 December 2011, 8:06 pm
  • 2 minutes 17 seconds
    Developing A Salon Marketing Plan
    When developing a salon marketing plan, it's vitally important to have the end result in mind first, so that you know where you are headed from the beginning. In this video we outline the essential ingredients of a successful hair salon marketing plan.
    22 December 2011, 8:06 pm
  • 2 minutes 41 seconds
    Beauty Salon Marketing For Beauty Salon Owners
    Beauty Salon Marketing For Beauty Salon Owners can be simple and profitable if you have the right tools and strategies. Listen in as this video discusses and shares (4) important beauty salon marketing tips.
    22 December 2011, 8:06 pm
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