Pink ribbons for the cause are everywhere: pink marshmallows, pink hair dryers, pink cupcakes and pink cosmetics. How do we know when something is really helping, educating or protecting our breast health? Have we been pink-washed? Linda Bamber helps you sort it all out. Join her as she talks with survivors, educators and writers for so that you can Think beyond Pink.
Susun Weed, author of Breast Cancer? Breast Health! – The Wise Woman Way, says it like it is. Every chapter in her book oozes with wisdom that all women need and that she generously shares on this show. She describes “how mammograms are dangerous, how they are more dangerous because of the possible treatment and that mammograms are not really preventive and not really finding cancer early.” So what’s a girl to do!
Susun shares her earthy wisdom and gives us a new phrase “You’re in Good Hands with Me, Girls”. A woman’s inner wisdom and intuition is still the number one way that breast cancer is found. She describes the controversy on whether women should have a biopsy to explore calcifications. She tells us the truth behind breast cancer statistics that can manipulated so it looks like cancer rates are improving, and she shares important information about using thermography as a preventative tool in your breast health arsenal. This is a powerful interview that you’ll want to share with everyone you know.
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Robert Wright, the founder and director of the American Anti-Cancer Institute shares his mission and passion. His book, Killing Cancer-Not People, leads the way for a massive paradigm shift in cancer care as a way for Americans to regain physical and economic strength. He shares many ideas specific for breast health and cancer prevention. Bob is educating people that you need not fear this disease and provides three simple ideas on what you must do to help protect yourself against cancer. This is a must have book for everyone-we can’t ignore the fact that 1 in 2 of us are expected to get cancer. The statistics will never change until we use the knowledge from Killing Cancer-Not People.
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Susan Wadia-Ells provides provocative information so every woman can bust the vicious breast cancer cycle that continues to spiral out of control. She reveals in her first e-book, Birth Control Drugs- Learn the Terrible Truth, the true concept of prevention not profits. Newer information includes never-before-published government statistics on the double digit annual increase in invasive breast cancer rates among U.S. women of childbearing age. Susan documents what is known about a woman’s increased breast cancer risk while she is using any of the dozens of contraceptive pills, patches, rings, implants, shots, or the Mirena, a hormone-based IUD sold on the U.S. market today. She also reveals why American women are forced to pay the monopoly price of $754 for the safest and most effective hormone-free reversible birth control method available…Don’t miss this interview.
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The pink ribbon cause has given us an awareness of the breast cancer epidemic. But has it helped improve our survival rates? Dr.Gayle Sulick tackles that question and many more in her book Pink Ribbon Blues, How Breast Cancer Culture Undermines Women’s Health A scholarly look at both sides of the pink wave leaves little doubt that there are some problems with the pink culture. Dr. Sulick, a sociologist, shares her research about the financial incentives that keep the war on breast cancer profitable at the expense of our breast health. She also takes offense ( as should everyone) that The National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is bankrolled by a chemical company that makes two chemicals that cause breast cancer—never mind that they also manufacture Tamoxifen. Pink Ribbon Blues reveals a deeper side that all of us should know more about! Listen- then think before you support everything that’s frosted with pink.
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Mary Oberg, a 30 year veteran nurse also has another calling…she works with breast cancer patients in Menorah Hospital in Kansas City providing energy healing. Mary describes her eleven years of work in the energy field and highlights the research showing less pain, fatigue, better recovery from surgery, and management of chemotheraphy side effects..The Healing Touch Therapy she uses is endorsed by the American Holistic Nursing Association and used in other hospitals around the country. Once, these services were frowned on by the mainstream medical-now the medical establishment is embracing a new way to heal. Mary shares the energy—hopefully energizing you on one more idea for breast health protection!
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Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, or Dr. V, addresses some eye-opening scientific reviews on the pros and cons of mammography. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month really puts the push towards every woman getting a mammogram yearly after the age of 40. Is there really scientific evidence to back up we hear in the media? Listen carefully for some studies by the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the Radiological Society of North America, the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, the British Medical Journal, JAMA, the Lancet and others. Women need education about our present screening system and Dr. V gives us a mix of ideas including mammograms and thermograms– a safe, painless, radiation free screening.
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During National Breast Cancer Awareness Month it’s great to discover that there are some new faces in the sea of pink. BRAS, Breast Research Awarenss & Support, is a unique one of a kind franchise founded by Linda Bamber, host of Think beyond Pink. Libby Ray, the National Sales Director for BRAS gives some unique insights into a business developed around a passion to help women understand some of the preventable cause s of breast cancer that are not being addressed in the elusive hunt for the cure. Thermogrpahy, a safe, pain-less, radiation free breast health screening provided by BRAS is also detailed. Libby esplains the basic concept, financing available and franchise models that may be of interest to a business entrepreneur who has a heart to help others.
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Stephanie Mastroianni & Beth Reichart, from the UBCF continue their co-creative efforts to help women in the purest sense of the word. Since the UBCF is not obligated to anyone-they are really one of the best sources for women who really need support for the basics…help before surgery, after surgery, reconstructive surgery, domestic services in the home, college scholarships and the all important screenings for our breast health. No other organization really gets this close to women who need support. Sadly, financial aid for many young women between 20-30 with breast cancer is a necessity in today’s world—this organization is there for those with little or no insurance. Unlike other organizations with fund raisers and pink ribbon sales—the UBCF is dependent on personal donations. So…please listen to Stephanie and Beth and help support the superlative programs that make a difference in women’s lives. I can’t think of a better way to be involved in National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
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Dr. John Cannell, the founder of the Vitamin D Council, really kicked off an interest in Vitamin D and its protection from 16 different cancers and a host of other health problems around the world. He shares the need for 5000 I.U. of Vitamin D daily and the importance of getting some from the sun at the right time of the day. Dr. Cannell explains how cancer cells tend to immediately go about destroying Vitamin D receptors allowing their growth to continue unchecked. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with about 350,000 cancer deaths worldwide every year. Learn about a home test for Vit. D levels and where to get Dr. Cannell’s Advanced D supplement. It’s the perfect gift!
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Dr. Christine Horner, M.D., shares many ideas with us from her book, Waking the Warrior Goddess. Her 30 customs to include into your daily regimen are right on target for everyone: they are quick, easy and cost effective. According to Dr. Horner, just adding one change to your life can make a 30-50% decrease in your breast cancer risk but your risks can be decreased astronomically or even exponentially if you add more than one prevention idea. Exceptional advise is what we all need to learn and share… so don’t miss this episode. Dr. Horner wants us all to have extraordinary health…her book is a must read for a roadmap to that goal.
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Sarah Pope, known as the Healthy Home Economist, shares delightful ideas for fermenting foods. This is a forgotten art-something that has been left out of most recipe books for several generations after canning became the norm. We are just now documenting the enormous importance fermented foods provide: antibiotic and anticarginogenic effects, healthier immune systems, less allergies, anti-aging, decreased digestive problems, better availability of nutrients, higher nutrient content than the original food and yes, better breast health-especially when nursing. Join Sarah as she shares easy recipes and simple starter ideas to help you incorporate fermented foods into your diet: fermented ketchup ,easy orangana, saukerkraut, beet kavass, and more.
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