The Magnetic Wealth Show allows you to free your mind and the wealth will follow! Each week Nan Akasha, CHT, a Wealth Coach, #1 bestselling Author, International Speaker and hypnotherapist invites you to unlock the secrets of your mind and attract wealth and abundance joyfully. Using experiential processes, Nan shows you how to mine the riches of your mind. Create your ideal self (wealth) image anew, direct your energy, enhance your Wealth vibe and tap into the field of abundance!
Nan and her family live in one of the current wildfire locations. They are all well and safe, but have had to evacuate their home and may not be reachable for several days. Please be patient with any requests.
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AndroidRSSThis Magnetic Wealth Show is all about how money is controlling you, your choices, decisions and life. It is deep and subconscious, yet true for us all.
Throughout history money has been used to control … and it has now become the norm to think you have to trade your time and energy for money. Money is a basic need. Yes, it is. It is one of your top 5 basic needs along with water, air and food.
You may not like that, and it may make you angry, but if so, this is the perfect show for you! It is time to understand.. not blame, that money is a powerful energy and it controls your life in more ways that you probably realize.
First we will look at your family history and beliefs… I will bet you can think of a few easy examples of how the way you family modeled and believed about money is controlling the choices you make.
Then we look at choices and decisions. You make your decisions based on how much money you have… to spend, or invest. Based on how much money you feel you deserve. You even make major life choices like having children, going to college, or which college based on your perception and relationship with money.
Once you become aware of this and see how deep of a rabbit hole this is… you will be amazed and what you can begin to change in your life.
It all begins with awareness.
This is not about anger or blame, this is about freedom. When money is not controlling you, you
are free to make choices from your Soul!
So be sure to grab the doanload of this, because this is an issue that will
This week we also have a quick share form an expert in self esteem and my ever popluar Magnetic Wealth Affirmation.
Join me and free yourself!
And for more information on how to break free from your Money Story – visit
I know you are strong enough to reclaim your power! Rich blessings,
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In this special Magnetic Wealth Show we look into a core human need… to be or feel safe.
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AndroidRSSDo you think it is safe to be rich? When you think of having more money than you have ever had before… an amount you would feel like would solve all your worries and create a lifestyle you would enjoy… does it feel safe?
I know you may be saying… this sounds strange, because you really have a conscious desire for wealth, or more money. But I know you are here for more… you want a life lived authentically. You understand that most of the world is invisible to us and it has power and holds all riches, and love and joy. So I want you to go deeper and feel it today on the show!
So ask on this show you will ask yourself a powerful question to uncover what is really going on within you. Ask yourself this question and stay still and alert and see what arises within you.
Say this slowly , with deliberate meaning:
“I AM rich… I have more money than I can ever need or want… I have the lifestyle of my dreams… my life is easy, fun and rewarding… I AM Safe”
When you feel in to it… you will immediately feel where your do not feel safe!
For 100’s of Magnetic Wealth Affirmations check out my book: “Already Rich: Secrets to Master Your Money Mind”.
Money is such an amazing and revealing energy. When you look at how you really feel with money, having your dreams come true, and being happy, while doing what you love and feeling safe and fulfilled… you will find resistance.
Now… if you are not seeing it yet, trust me and follow along: if you DID feel safe right now with money, in all ways… you would be RICH! It’s simply the law… and Divine Law is absolute. So… look again.
Why would it not be safe to be rich? I have heard 1000′s of reasons… all of them very real and powerful for the person experiencing them… yet none of them True. There is no reason at all.. for you not to be as rich as you would like… in money, cash, physical wealth and Spiritual riches.
It is safe and highly approved of my the Universe, for you to be rich. The feelings you will discover are lies… there is a reason… but it is within you, not because of the money, or The Universe, or anyone else. Only because it does not feel safe to you.
Yes… when we do not feel safe, we do not have the ability to accept or actively seek that which we would love to have and would fulfill our Soul Mission… but free yourself from that shackle and you can soar into riches of all sorts while expanding in love and fulfilling your missions.
First… you must feel safe.
Come join the conversation and leave your own comment what about being rich… in money, clients and income… as well as having what you want, with ease and no more suffering or struggle. Be honest… this is a powerful healing.
I hold a safe space for you… feel it and step in! Rich blessings,
Nan Akasha
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This Magnetic Wealth Show is all about how you unconsciously are programmed to sabotage your success…. in fact Success Sabotage is so wide spread… you may even know you do it!
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AndroidRSSIn this show you’ll learn a 3 ways you are Sabotaging your own Success… and how to be able to pinpoint the stream and then follow it to the underlying pattern of lack and Success self sabotage.
You may be aware that you block or ‘sabotage’ yourself when you want something and you just do not take the action or stay consistent long enough to see results. Success sabotage is sneaky… invisible…. and believe it or not, it comes from a place within you that is
1.Trying to protect you and keep you safe doing exactly what you told it to do!
Yes… you are the one who chose the beliefs, agreements and even vows that are within you and keep you from your success.
So.. what better time to uncover the real core reasons why you procrastinate…. or hesitate… or even don’t call, ask or speak up… especially when you know it will bring you what you truly desire?
I am sure you will relate to the stories I share… and your insight will deepen into why you may be repeating patterns that keep you from the success you desire… in money… love… happiness… AND in just the way YOU want it!
When you uncover the fears that keep you from allowing yourself to receive the success you desire you can
feel good about your success
make decisions quickly and effectively
take actions with ease and grace
notice opportunities all around you
Feel worthy of success
let go of guilt and lack
…so remember to listen to and download this show now!
Once you follow these streams of sabotage to streams of income you will automatically begin to take action towards your dreams, while knowing you are worthy..
It’s time to shift from holding on to false beliefs that keep you from feeling fulfilled and satisfied… it’s time to share your brilliance and prosper with joy and power.
You were designed to be a success on your terms… and you have everything you need within you… once you transform the 3 areas where you keep yourself from your success… you will feel calm, centered and authentic… because you are a Divine success story in progress.
Claim it.
Go ahead and listen now…
And for more information on your inner Success sabotage – visit
I see your shining bright and loving it! Rich blessings,
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Wondering how to break that 6 figure $ ceiling… ready to charge what you are worth while feeling aligned with your authentic self?
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AndroidRSS“We need a more spiritual approach to success and to affluence, which is the abundant flow of all good things to you” Deepak Chopra
… I couldn’t agree more!!
Your Spiritual Secret Keys to Unlock a 6 Figure Income… the super powers you actually have
right now, that are the keys to you attracting, keeping and growing more money.
Today you will gain insight into how you are stopping your breakthrough to higher income levels… and discover that there is a spiritual path that will create ease and open doors and allow you to be supported on your path…
Imagine you and everyone was given $100,000…every year for life… how would that change the world…change your life… allow you to feel differently about money… yourself… others? What would you do…?
You possess Super Powers… you can be Spiritually rich… financially rich… rich in love… your Super powers hold the keys to your riches… it’s not a dream.. it is possible…
Inner conflict causes so much pain… and lack… and slows you way down on your path to your abundant purpose filled life…
Because you won’t allow yourself to accept your TRUE IDENTITY…. tune in to your Spiritual Guidance and allow yourself to be guided, supported and loved… 24/7…
But when you CLAIM your SPIRITUAL POWER – you’ll find yourself allowing your true identity… of a wealthy, Divine creator… and seeing, feeling and acting differently… living into your Soul purpose and full potential… and then you can hold enough power to attract, keep and grow a 6 Figure or Multi 6 Figure income!
In this show, you’ll learn:
3 ways to switch on your power and claim it…
Super powers you have right now
Keys to you attracting, keeping and growing more money
How you are stopping your breakthrough to higher income levels
And much more…
The things that you need and seek… to fulfill that yearning inside of you for more purpose, power and profits… is already there…. you just need to know how to access it…. and then choose to own it…
At some point, you have to BREAKTHROUGH THE LIES in your head, in your relationship with your Spiritual power and purpose… in the limits you believe about yourself…
Your true bliss, feeling on purpose, BEing yourself and flowing with an abundant income… is all possible … join me and let’s uncover how…
Rich blessings of love, guidance and joy!
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This Magnetic Wealth Show is all about how to accept, allow and receive more money… the money you work so hard for..
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AndroidRSSReceiving is the most common place for you to block your flow of abundance. You put in the hours, the intention and yet over 50% of the time, you do not allow it into your reality.
Today you’ll discover the top 3 reasons you are repelling money… yes… actually repelling it, like teflon.
If you’ve ever wanted to
feel comfortable asking for money
feel worthy of the money you receive so you can accept more
be able to say yes when offered money or gifts with comfort
increase your cashflow, consistently
be able to see more money streams (Spiritual Streams of Income ™ ) & attract them
…you want to listen to and download this show now!
*Make sure you grab the 2 previous shows, because this has been a 3 part series…they stand alone, and yet you can see how all three of these work together to Increase your capacity for more money to be a common occurrence for you!
How to Increase Your Capacity for More Money
How to Increase Your Income by Increasing your Wealth Esteem
Once you discover how often you have kept money from you… you will be shocked! Now that you understand the top 3 key internal blocks to receiving money…you can begin to heal these and open yourself to more money!
Be sure to implement these easy tips… I want you to turn your dreams into realities.. so go out and take action towards your dreams today.
Get ready to shift your magnetic wealth vibe and increase your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual capacity for more money.
Maybe you think… this isn’t that important… I want to know how to make more money… well, let me be blunt, if you do not clear up your internal issues with money…. and everyone has them…whatever you do to make money, will be at least 50% less effective!
In fact, the longer you wait to recognize you are clogging your money pipeline at your end…. where you receive it…the longer you are rejecting money… literally keeping it from you… and after you spent all that energy to attract it!
I know you didn’t know, and now you can empower yourself to make a real change in your inflow of money… I know you
are ready for more so you can make your dreams your reality.
I know each person is worthy of having at least 6 figures… you must prosper so you can fulfill your full potential and live the life your Soul intended…
Good :), then now’s the time to do something about it…
Go ahead and listen now…
And for more information on how to increase your capacity to receive more money, follow your Soul purpose and break the 6 figure barrier in alignment with your spirit.. visit
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This Magnetic Wealth Show is all about the top 3 ways to increasing your Wealth Esteem in order to be able to receive more money..
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AndroidRSSYour “Wealth Esteem” is our inner self acceptance, love and esteem and how you see yourself in relation to wealth.
Today you’ll learn what Wealth Esteem is…. why you need to increase it now, and the top 3 ways to increase it and attract more abundance…
If you’ve ever wanted to feel more
ease and calm in any situation
trust of yourself, your ability to perform and your skills
inner peace
able to attract, KEEP and grow more money
…you want to listen to and download this show now!
Once you discover how worthy and wealthy you feel when you implement these easy tips… you will want to go out and take action towards your dreams.
Get ready to shift your appreciation and respect for yourself, and watch the world mirror it back to you.
Now, you may be thinking …”Will this really increase my capacity for more money?”… how do you know if you don;t try it? It worked for me and 1000’s of clients, why not you?
In fact, do you see simply by doubting this will work for you, or thinking it is not worth it… you have fallen into lack, low Wealth Esteem…
I know you are ready for more money… in fact I bet you want to break that 6 figure barrier – right??
If so, then now’s the time to do something about it…
Go ahead and listen now…
And for more information on how to raise your “Wealth Esteem” – visit
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As always, today’s Magnetic Wealth Show is all about creating the abundance necessary for you to live out your soul’s mission…
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AndroidRSSYour “Wealth Setting” determines how much prosperity you possess, much like a thermostat controls the temperature of a room…
Today you’ll learn how to identify your current “Wealth Setting”, why it is set where it’s set & how to increase it so that you attract more abundance…
If you’ve ever wanted more of the things that make life worth living – then you want to hear this show…
You’re going to discover the top 3 influences affecting your “Wealth Setting” – giving you invaluable insight into what you are doing right, what needs work & what to watch out for…
This powerful show will shift your mindset to be more attractive to wealth, abundance & prosperity…
Don’t be surprised when you come away feeling lighter & more in tune with your life’s purpose…
What else are you going to do today to raise your “Wealth Setting”??
If you said something along the lines of “I don’t know” then you owe it to yourself to create the time & space to increase your personal prosperity by listening…
You do want more money – right??
If so, then now’s the time to do something about it…
Go ahead and listen now…
And for more information on how to raise your “Wealth Setting” – visit for the next steps in your journey to your abundant destiny…
I’ll see you here again in two weeks when we pick up where this show left off…
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Limiting beliefs – Are they the reason you’re stuck??
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AndroidRSSOvercoming limiting beliefs is usually the last step before receiving the abundance you desire…
But a limiting belief is just one type of block – there are others – and until you deal with them, you’ll never reach the next level of income & wealth…
Because you won’t allow yourself to have more than you believe you should have – you’ll self-sabotage, not pursue wide-open opportunities, or any other number of things that will stop the increased income in its tracks…
But when these blocks are gone – you’ll find yourself living up to the potential you already possess and being the powerful person you are afraid to be today…
In this show, you’ll discover:
The top 3 blocks stopping you from living an abundant life – a life filled with love, passion and prosperity…
What is a block – who does it affect & what can you do to eliminate them – permanently…
What key shift in thinking you need to make before you can make more money than ever before…
What tools can you use to replace your un-serving beliefs with new empowering mindsets…
And much more…
The things that prevent one person from growing their annual income from $40k to $50k are the same things that prevent another person from breaking the $1M mark to reach $2M…
At some point, you reach a level of income where your mind says – that’s too much…
And when that happens, you become stuck at a certain level of income – and you will not move forward to the next level until you change your limiting beliefs so that your mind allows you to receive more…
In this show, I’ll share the different types of blocks that you will encounter as you press forward towards a brighter future…
You’ll learn how to raise your vibration to a level that magnetically attracts abundance – and better still, how to possess this new wealth with peace of mind, love & joy…
When you’re ready to make more money & squeeze more of the juice out of life, you need to listen to this show…
Your blocks are limiting you, not serving you – listen now & get started down the path to prosperity, reclaim your financial future & leave the world a better place than you found it…
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Are you interested in knowing how to attract more money, while living a life of meaning and joy?
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AndroidRSSDid you know you can uncover the emotional, confusing, draining and often violent feelings you have
about money because of the meaning you give it? Today we will uncover the top blocks to
money: attracting, receiving and growing it. I will take you through a process and you can
feel that money is just energy, yet it touches every area of our lives.
The meaning you give money determines your income. Wait till you uncover this turbulent relationship
and the impact it has on your life!
If you are ready to make a real change in your income and your happiness, then you are in the right place…
come talk to me here, I love to answer your questions!
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