Although there are currently over 25 million entrepreneurs in the United States, most are chasing the elusive pot at the end of the rainbow without being fully prepared. They are not practicing the skills that will help them develop their business, and more importantly, their life. Come and join us as we look at ways to not only help you grow your business, but also ways to affect your consciousness that will allow transformation in every phase of your life. It is possible to develop a holistic approach to your business that allows you to not only benefit in your professional career, but in the path you walk as a human being. Enjoy the business, spiritual, psychology, and Samurai philosophy that takes you farther than you ever dreamed possible.
This call features Executive Consultant John Sweeney of Booze, Allen, and Hamilton. In the call, the host Ray Faulkenberry and his guest talk about the resources that Fortune 100 companies have using top end consulting practices and how these resources don’t get down to small companies and entrepreneurs. Discussion of the Corporate Samurai philosophy shows how we can not only evolve our business but also how we can use this model to live our lives. I pin John down as we talk about service and we both commit to giving anyone who requests a no obligation, no cost half hour of our time in which we will assess where you are currently and offer constructive, professional, and personal feedback to you to help you move in the direction you desire both personally as well as professionally. We further encourage you to take that same model and begin living it in your life as you look to continue to grow and serve in your life. You can contact both of us through my email which is listed below. Also, pick up your free gift of the Samurai Papers at
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Chris Souchak is a soul unlike any you will ever meet. Her background of media branding, sales, and advertising underlies her desire to connect with people and help them achieve their goals. Having worked with Fortune 500 companies Chris knows what makes people and companies successful. As you will gather in our conversation, Chris is tenacious when it comes to living a life that is rooted in all types of success. Her website is a way that she is connecting to Fortune 100 companies as her skill at branding the concept of joy is where business is heading. It doesn’t matter whether your business is large or small, Chris and I have a discussion that will help crystallize your view of what it takes to be successful on multiple levels. Grab your Samurai Papers as a gift to living a healthier life in a dozen ways at
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Lauren Skowronski is a living model of service at a level we can all aspire. Although Lauren has an impressive background rooted in working at the local, state, and national level her willingness to do what she can as a conscious, evolving soul is something we can learn from. Listen in as Lauren and I share how the concept of service fits in the modern world of the Entrepreneur. We also talk about ways to connect wherever you to serving in your community. Many people feel that they are too busy to take the time to serve but the benefit of giving just a couple of hours a week are staggering – both to who you may be serving and to yourself as we gain in ways we are not fully aware. Universal Laws like ATTRACTION, ABUNDANCE, and RECIPROCITY provide a backdrop to serving that will benefit us in many ways. Lauren is one of these sweet souls that truly “gets it” when it comes to doing her part in making the world a better place. Come share in the conversation as Ray Faulkenberry and Lauren Skowronski take you to another place in your mind and heart that will benefit you on your journey to becoming and enlightened entrepreneur. Listen in at the end of the call on how to get a gift book from TWICE IN A LIFETIME on my website!
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Many people feel that success only happens when you go to school, get a degree, and get connected through a stellar network. While education in some form is very valuable, education of the human within far outweighs any formal education from a university. Without making light of higher learning, the value of moving forward in life, accepting challenges, taking risks, following your passion is another form of success that personally I think is incredible. Alex Gese is an individual that fits this mold. His life has taken him through traditional academia but Alex followed his passion and continued to learn both in and out of the classroom.
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AndroidRSSCome and listen to a gifted young man as we talk about success as part of a healthy living process. Success is something that we continually evolve towards as we look to expand our limited views of what success truly is. Understanding that success is a journey that if done by way of the Enlightened Entrepreneur philosophy, you will always be engaged with adventure, excitement, growth, opportunity, and connecting to other people. Alex is one of these rare people who is living a lifestyle that I would define as living as an enlightened entrepreneur. Come and share the conversation as we laugh, share stories, and hopefully point you in the right direction for your life in becoming an enlightened entrepreneur.
Listen at the end and I’ll point you to not only a gift that you’ll enjoy, I’ll also share with you about a new book I wrote about transformation called TWICE IN A LIFETIME.
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Most people truly associate success with the bottom line – How much is the company making? How much am I making?
This mindset has created a framework for doing business that is taking us to a new low in how we look and achieve success. Dr. Jerome Crichton brings a fresh awareness of what true success is that is rooted in psychology and spirituality. According to Dr. Crichton, businesses are getting very “slick” in their ability to get you in the door, get your money, and then slack when it comes to providing the services they discuss. I personally found this to be true in the vast majority of businesses that I have been introduced to.
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AndroidRSSHow do we avoid these pitfalls?
Come and listen as we look at how to avoid these in general, we’ll look at an example using their ever-changing and evolving world of publishing.
This topic is near and dear to my heart and you can gather more depth in this subject on my podcast series listed below. As always, feel free to contact me or go to my website to receive free information and reports.
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There has been a lot of questions and comments that have come to me concerning my views on engaging in an evolving career as an enlightened entrepreneur. In this show I take the time to answer as many questions as possible that were emailed to me from our audience. Sample questions include:
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AndroidRSS1. What is the NEW school of doing business?
2. What new businesses do you think will be hot and profitable in 2011?
3. How do you deal with dishonest people in business?
4. What is the best tool I’ve come across in becoming successful?
5. I have a long list of friends and associates who believe in me. How can I turn them into money clients after all the freebies I’ve given that proved to them my value?
6. What is the best training one can get when going into business?
7. What’s the best way to get started?
8. I get turned off by overly religious people in business who speak about “the way.” How do you deal with this issue?
9. What kind of funding options are out there besides VC’s, Angel Investment Firms, Loans, and grants?
10. How do you walk away from your work and leave it when your office/work is at home?
And more!
As always, you can go to my site and download a gift from me called THE SAMURAI PAPERS that help you discover ways to live your best life.
There will also be a gift book going up soon called THE ENLIGHTENED ENTREPRENEUR. Look for it!
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Very little bit is ever truly accomplished without passion. Passion is what drives us to create, improve and accomplish. The conversation with my guest Andy Ameral is an incredibly story of passion in which we can all benefit. In this conversation we not only learn of Andy’s amazing adventure into becoming one of the greatest living artists in the world, we also learn lessons that we as entrepreneurs and human beings can take into our everyday life.
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AndroidRSSAndy tells us the secrets to truly living from your passion whether or not you are a painter, poet, plumber, or secretary. At the end, I provide a summary of some of the concepts I got from our conversation and I introduce you to a wonderful tool to move you forward in your own discovery of passion, life, and business – The Enlightened Mastermind.
Come and not only be entertained in the wonderful story that Andy tells, use it to create the momentum you need to take your business and your life to the next level.
As always, you can go to my site and download a gift from me called THE SAMURAI PAPERS that help you discover ways to live your best life.
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As people embark on their entrepreneurial journey they often consider the product or service as the main point of their business. I believe, along with my guest, Clay Baskin, that your foundation in communication and your desire to connect with people is the true focal point of business. It has been my experience that the vast majority of people (99%+) talk but so very few actually communicate. Talking is one thing while communicating is something very different.
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AndroidRSSClay brings a background that is rooted in business, communication, and a style of psychology that comes from a lifetime of living with the intention of connecting and helping others. His degree in rhetoric and public address is perfect for helping people to understand that your ability to communicate and connect needs to be a cornerstone of your business philosophy.
Come and listen as Clay and I discuss concepts and organizations that will help you virtually for no cost better learn to develop your speaking, communication skills, as well as cultivate your desire to connect and serve the greater good.
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Linda Faulkenberry is a blossoming entrepreneur in her own right as a talented artist and sewer. Her desire to create art using her artistic talent and her ability to sew is amazing to behold. In addition to being her own entrepreneur, Linda has been with me for over 30 years and has been an incredible partner. However, with me being what one would call an “aggressive entrepreneur” and Linda essentially being very conservative in nature, we encountered a lot of challenges in balancing our relationship.
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AndroidRSSOne of the biggest problems MOST entrepreneurs experience but so rarely discuss is their primary relationship.
Come and enjoy the discussion as Linda and I discuss the problems and some solutions that entrepreneurs can encounter when trying to find support for their project from their spouses or partners.
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Cyrus Webb has interviewed over 1,000 people on his show and has found a way to create success that few people reach. His drive to help become VISIBLE by sharing their story, product, or process is an incredible model of being an ENLIGHTENED ENTREPRENEUR. His success, while significant, is rooted in his willingness to put himself out there in a way that not only serves himself, but more importantly, others as well. Come and listen as Cyrus talks about how and why people truly become successful, what it was like to put himself out there even though the odds were against him, and why it is important serve.
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AndroidRSSCome and discover why the Chicago Tribune wrote that “Oprah Winfrey might want to watch her back.”
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Christa Jan Ryan has found a way to take the passion and drama that has been her life and put it to use. Christa is a survivor of a painfully abusive relationship but has found a way to not only survive but thrive as she moves forward with a message of empowerment for all.
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AndroidRSSChrista discusses her award winning, best-selling book SILENT SCREAM FROM THE HAMPTON’S and the lessons that we can take from this real life story that includes tragedy and redemption. Additional lessons like the need to understand and set boundaries, creating the right intent, being a peace maker versus peace keeper, and having healthy relationships are discussed. These are lessons every entrepreneur can benefit from as we all have had our setbacks but we struggle to stay on our path.
Come and listen be inspired by a woman who took the self proclaimed “soap-opera” that was her life and turned it into a path of personal and professional success.
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