Did you know the very-rich have doubled their assets, in one generation? What does this mean to your life, career and equal opportunity? What demographic is being misled the most? You might be surprised to hear that it is educated, professional women! Whether you are a liberal, centrist or conservative, America is about opportunity. Americans believe in the free market, a family home and the value of education. This is the land of great opportunity… except when the wealthiest few use fear and confusion to steal opportunity. In our last generation the richest one percent of our society has doubled their wealth at the expense of jobs, homes and schools. Join Economist Larry Roberts each week for an expose of what is happening to you AND your dollars on Following the Money.
As America recovers from the Recession, Detroit remains in an economic Depression. With stats worse than the Great Depression, Detroit suffers from one third of the homes being abandoned, one third of the city is unemployed and only about one third of the students graduate from high school. The community leader, William Mosley, JD, CPA reviews the depth of the problem and discusses how the West Side Unity Church became the first Unity Church in the State of Michigan to train and utilize black licensed teachers. From this background, the Unity Urban Ministerial School was borne.
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If the largest Recession in our lifetime is over then why is our unemployment remaining high and the mortgage markets remain in a crisis? This in-depth discussion of the historical traits and unique issues of our economic recovery. Joshua Mosshart brings a wealth of experience navigating clients through the last decade.
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AndroidRSSWe learn what are the patterns and problems with this lingering problem.
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The Federal Reserve provides the cash for the hundreds of billions of dollars distributed during the current economic stimulus. The meeting of November, 2010 proved to be one of the most significant in recent history. One of the nations top Registered Investment Advisors, Sasan Faiz discusses the impact of this crucial meeting on our economy and every American’s plans.
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Your State elections and State representatives are receiving money from sources outside your State. The increase from outside sources is increasing and it is hidden from the electorate. Ms Barber is a Research Director whose national organization has been tracking political contributions to State politicians and offers. Roberts’ site provides a myriad of organizations fighting for election transparency.
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A small business is not represented by the Fortune 500. In a startling expose of what the century old Chamber has become since taken over by lobbyist paying themselves millions of dollars each year. Madea Benjamin working for Chamber Watch reveals the highly bias political activities of the new leadership. Roberts Web Site on economic inequality documents these scathing insights.
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AndroidRSSThe post Following the Money – U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & CORPORATIONS with Madea Benjamin appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.
You owe hundreds of thousands of dollars of the National Debt. In an intriguing discussion with Ryan Ellis of the Americans for Tax Reform, Roberts delves into the areas of national borrowing that threatens our credit, debt and health of our economy. Every American must make a choice, learn about your money or lose it. Prepare to be fascinated by an in depth discussion of the most important issue about America.
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You can work hard, own a family business and pay three times the tax rate the very rich pay. Why and what can we do about it? Chuck Collins from Boston’s Institute for Policy answers the effect taxes have and how unequal taxation hurts us all. For links into the myriad of organizations working to this end, please visit the Resource.
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What are the costs of a war and who makes the profits? Julie Levine discusses her experiences leading the Topanga Peace Alliance by informing students of their right not to have their personal information automatically turned over to the military. Veteran Roberts adds his experiences and insights into war. His Web site on economic inequality documents the 20-25% net profits taken by military contractors. In a lively discussion Levine and Roberts compare the facts, figures and costs of war.
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