Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Denise Krochta

When author Denise Krochta began her search for “answers” to help herself and the addicts in her life, she found the process daunting. There were plenty of opinions – and bits and pieces of information scattered everywhere. The search was as stressful as the addicts in her life. Hear all the important, and sometimes difficult, questions related to living with and around addicts and loving them. Denise and her expert guests offer information, possibilities, relief, and hope. Sometimes knowledge is scary, but always knowledge is power.

  • 46 minutes 59 seconds
    Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Heroin Addiction Vaccine. Fantasy or Reality?
    The number one topic at the New Hampshire Caucus is heroin addiction.  All candidates for President are talking about it.  The President of the United States is talking about it.  Heroin Addiction is considered an epidemic.  Deaths and overdose statistics are staggering.  Do you know someone whose family is touched by heroin addiction?  It can happen to anyone. So, what would you say if you knew there was a vaccine for heroin addiction in the “wings”? This week Denise interviews Dr. Kim Janda, a scientist at Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, CA about the vaccine he has created and what it can mean.  What will it take to get this on the market?  Who will be able to use it?  How will it work? How was it developed? Listen and learn.  If you have questions, ask them.  Feel free to contact  Dr. Janda .  Here is some more information regarding this vaccine and funding.


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    8 February 2016, 5:00 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Transforming Youth Recovery
    Happy New Year! This is the first new show for the New Year and it is a show of hope and transformation. Denise interviews Ivana Grahovac, the executive director of Transforming Youth Recovery, which is an organization that supports the national collegiate recovery movement and provides oversight for five different strategic areas of focus for youth recovery, which she discusses in the interview. You will hear Ivana’s personal story and transformation which offers hope to parents and young people everywhere. Go to the website for Transforming Youth Recovery to read more about their projects, get resources for yourselves and loved ones, and see what we all can do to help with Youth Recovery.


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    1 February 2016, 5:00 am
  • 53 minutes 53 seconds
    Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Where There’s a Will
    This week’s guest is Bill Williams, a director, theater teacher/acting coach, leader of creativity workshops, and freelance writer.  Bill is also devoted to fighting addiction in every way possible.  Listen to his interview to find out why. Check out Bill’s Blog


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    21 December 2015, 5:00 am
  • 25 minutes 9 seconds
    Addicted to Addicts – Are You Planning a Family Gathering?

    This show is all about planning a family gathering, gifting, celebrating the holidays all while trying to cope with loving an addict.

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    Please listen and learn.

    Check out these resources to help with your plans.

    “Sudar”, Denise’s book in Spanish

    Surviving Family Gatherings

    Denise’s book “Sweat: A Practical Plan for Keeping Your Heart Intact While Loving an Addict”

    Denise’s book “Sudar” (“Sweat” translated into Spanish)

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    8 December 2015, 4:18 pm
  • 55 minutes 43 seconds
    Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Death by prescription drug overdose. It can happen to anyone!

    This week is an interview with Natalie Costa, the executive producer of the documentary “Behind the Orange Curtain“. The documentary takes up the issue of just who is dying of prescription overdoses and why saying “My kid would never do that” just doesn’t ring true these days. Listen to her story and that of parents, educators, law enforcement and friends all taking place in the much talked about and filmed (The O.C., the Housewives of Orange County, etc on tv) quiet and privilege of Orange County California.

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    30 November 2015, 5:00 am
  • 45 minutes 4 seconds
    Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Opioid Overdoses and Advocacy

    In the last month Denise has traveled across the country to listen and be heard regarding the opiate epidemic in this country. From the Fed Up Rally at the White House and Washington Monument and the Unite to Face Addiction Rally (celebrating recovery), to the California Prescription Drug Overdose Summit in San Diego, it is important to know that there is beginning to be more talk and even some positive action. In this interview Denise discusses this problem with a Dad who, like Denise, has dealt with this problem in his own family. Brad DeHaven is Denise’s guest this week. He is a dad of an addict, the author of the book “Defining Moments: A Suburban Father’s Journey Into His Son’s Oxy Addiction”, and developer of a resource for loved ones, Listen to the discussion, it will sound familiar.

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    16 November 2015, 5:00 am
  • 49 minutes 2 seconds
    Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101- Growing Up Around Recovery

    On this show we’ve talked about all kinds of relationships of loved ones with addicts. We’ve talked about the love of parents for their addicted children. We’ve talked about the love a husband for an addicted wife or vice versa. We’ve talked about grandparents loving their addicted children but having to raise their grandchildren because their adult children are not capable.

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    This week Denise talks with Sarah, a young woman who grew up in a family who was just embracing early recovery when she was old enough to notice. Hear her “take” on sobriety, recovery, and the 12 steps as she grew up and became a woman.

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    26 October 2015, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – The Opiate Epidemic: Where Do We Stand?
    Are people aware of the Opioid Epidemic?  Have enough people been touched by this that everyone is aware of it?  The Fed Up Rally in Washington DC last weekend, October 3, 2015, was an effort to create more awareness for our law makers, government, and the general public.  The Rally and march to the White House was impressive.  There was lots of sadness and anger.  Did you see anything about this in your local papers?  Did you see it on the National News?  Check out Denise’s coverage on facebook. This issue is really a “tough nut to crack”.  People don’t want to know about it, talk about it, do anything about it.  All of this while many are losing their lives in epic numbers. On this week’s show Denise talks a bit about her experience at the rally in DC and the march to the White House. Her experience made her reflect on an interview she once had with Sherrie Rubin, of Hope2gether Foundation, regarding a very important issue related to this epidemic that almost no one speaks about.  What can happen when an opiate addict overdoses and doesn’t die? This is her experience.


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    12 October 2015, 4:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Recovery Research Institute: Harvard Psychiatry/Massachusetts General Hospital
    September is National Recovery Month.  On this week’s show Denise interviews Dr. John Kelly about the Recovery Research Institute and its goals.  The Institute was formed to conduct novel and rigorous addiction science , and summarizes, synthesizes, and disseminates existing research relating to treatment and recovery.  The ultimate goal of these efforts is to increase the value, reach, and impact of their scientific endeavors nationally and globally in order to inform and enhance the clinical and public health approaches to addressing addiction. This week’s show is all about recovery.  Possibilities, statistics, facts vs fiction, and hope.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we celebrated recovery every month!

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    28 September 2015, 4:00 am
  • 59 minutes 10 seconds
    Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Electronic Dance Music Festivals, Raves, and Drugs
    The topic of drug use at music festivals seems to be kept “under wraps” until there is a tragedy at a big festival and we have to talk about it.  Denise thinks its time to talk about it.  Listen to her interview with Emmanuel Sferious, Founder of Dance Safe, a public non profit trying to do something positive to change what happens at these events. What do we really know about these festivals?  Denise has many questions for Mr. Sferious.  It is a topic very unfamiliar to her and maybe to almost everyone.  Our children are very familiar with them.  Shouldn’t we know more? It is only a few weeks away from the Rally weekend in Washington DC.  The Fed Up Rally to promote awareness about prescription drug overdose and responsible prescribing and the Unite to Face Addiction Rally, celebrating recovery is the weekend of October 3-4.  Please help Denise get there to do some live streaming, videos, and audio interviews to bring back to you. It looks like it will be a historic event for sure! Please donate whatever you can.


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    14 September 2015, 4:00 am
  • 52 minutes 41 seconds
    Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Rally for Support
    Denise does three interviews this week.  All related to the opioid crisis/epidemic. You will hear from Judy Rummler, of the Steve Rummler Hope Foundation and Fed Up grass roots coalition about the Fed Up Rally in Washington DC on October 3, 2015.  (Two weeks ago we heard from Greg Williams, campaign director of the Unite to Face Addiction Rally also in Washington DC on the same weekend). We will hear from Gretchen Bergman, from A New Path, an organization that works to reduce the stigma associated with addictive illness through education and compassionate support and to advocate for therapeutic rather than punitive policies.  She will be talking to Denise about the unique event they have each year called Strut For Sobriety. The last interview will be with Dr. Scott Ricke, who is associated with medically Assisted Treatments for opioid addicts, who will help answer this question: After an addict has been detoxed and clean and sober for an extended period (maybe at a 30-60 day treatment center program orin the criminal justice system) and then relapses shortly after that period of sobriety, why are many of them overdosing and dying sometimes after only one time use?  They will be talking about the physical and mental considerations in this short interview. Don’t forget to check out Present Moments Recovery if you are a man in need or know one who can use some help with their addictions.


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    7 September 2015, 4:00 am
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