We spin the best/worst of obscure records that corporate stations will not touch. Dig vinyl that hit LOW on the charts, or never hit the charts at all! Thrill to our vault of Garage, Rockabilly, Surf, Blues, Girl Groups, Psychedelic...
Featured vinyl from
Love Society, Gabe Kaplan, Mach V
Future, Sparks, The Sandabs,
Benny Hill, The Glass Family,
Phillipa Fallon, The Stranglers,
Roberta Sherwood, Diane Hildebrand
as broadcast via 6160kc sw
Obscure vinyl from
Ernie Andrews, The Mods,
Hookfoot, West Coast Branch,
The Parrots, Jericho Brown,
Butchie Saunders, The Deckers,
Marble Phrogg, Octobre,
Damnation of Adam Blessing
as broadcast live via 6160kc
Crackly vinyl from: Duane Eddy,
Fever Tree, The Boston Crabs,
Terry Reid, Lynne Hughes,
The Fabulous Flippers,
Carla Thomas, Lowell Folsom,
Sam Gopal, Pousette-Dart Band
and more!
As broadcast via 6160kc sw
Dennis Budimir, Savoy Brown,
Sylvanus, Lou Gossett,
Shiva’s Headband, Geffery Chang,
The Flower Pot, Sally Kellerman,
Funkadelic, Mother’s Finest,
Michel Polnareff
Irish Coffee, Rodriguez,
Juicy Lucy, Bunky & Jake,
Matthew and The Mandarins,
Jimmy Buffett, Wayne Carson,
The Thyme, The Monkeymen,
Sparks, John Kongos,
et al as broadcast live via 6160kc
Melanie, The Kitchen Cinq,
Goose Creek Symphony,
Esther Phillips, Marbles,
Patty Saturday, The Diamonds,
Thomas and Richard Frost,
The Four Shillings, White Duck,
Colours, The Dickies,
and more!
Recorded live via 6160kc sw
…and get yourself free…
Crusty vinyl from: Tina Turner,
Benny Gordon, Wet Willie,
The Choir, The Band,
Abaco Dream, The Left Banke,
Lost Gonzo Band,
The Morticians, PH Phactor,
and more! As broadcast live
via 6160kc shortwave
Crunchy vinyl from:
Linda Gayle and
The Duke of Coventry,
Pacific Drift, Tom and The Cats,
The Lords of London,
The Pretty Things,
Matthew and Peter, Spirit,
Wool, John Kay and Sparrow, Little Walter
and more!
As broadcast live via 6160kc sw
Audible Vinyl from: Harry Belafonte,
Thee Midnighters, Eddie Quinteros,
Bill McElhiney, Gord Lightfoot, The Invictas,
The Moonshiners, The Double Six,
Bulletproof, Bob and Marcia, and more!
as broadcast live 5-6-23 via 6160kc sw
Vinyl curios of: Frank Gorshin,
Lexington Avenue Local, The Delmonas,
The Recurring Love Habit,
Palace Guard, Eddie Bo,
Charlie Gracie
Tender Joe Richardson,
Bell and Arc, Free,
The Crimson Bridge, and more!
As broadcast via 6160kc sw 4-1-23