Dr. Ross Greene

Dr Ross Greene

Dr. Ross Greene, originator of the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions model and author of The Explosive Child, Lost at School, Lost & Found, and Raising Human

  • 45 minutes 20 seconds
    The Realities of Restraint and Seclusion
    Two mothers share their stories about their children's experience with restraint and seclusion in schools to raise awareness and offer hope - there is a different way...
    21 February 2025, 5:49 pm
  • 32 minutes 35 seconds
    Skills That Foster The Better Side of Human Nature
    Perhaps especially now, we think it's important to get back to skills -- empathy, appreciating how one's actions are affecting others, taking another person's perspective, resolving disagreements without conflict, and honesty -- that bring out the better side of human nature, and to be helping kids develop those skills as early as possible. Dr. Greene especially homed in on the honesty dimension...for the unfamiliar, here are two links to bring you up to speed on what he was talking about:
    16 January 2025, 8:15 pm
  • 29 minutes 55 seconds
    Passion, perseverance…and problem solving
    Dr. Ross Greene and Kim Hopkins explore the definition of grit and the fact that a lot of literature explaining how to teach grit leaves out the important role of problem solving first...
    19 December 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 45 minutes 48 seconds
    US Dept of Ed's Words of Wisdom: Do More of the Same
    The US Department of Education recently released guidance suggesting that FBAs should be completed on all students.  Dr. Ross Greene and our Director of Legal & Policy Initiatives, Ben Jones, J.D., discuss where this idea falls short, what can be done instead, and how the USDOE became so wedded to PBIS.  We also have time to address one parent's email regarding a 4-year-old who is having difficulty with the word "stop."
    26 November 2024, 1:30 am
  • 33 minutes 47 seconds
    The CPS Podcast: School Safety
    Don't be late...ask the kid...developmental variability...safety - all key themes of this month's episode tackling the topic of school safety.  Listen now! 
    17 October 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 33 minutes 58 seconds
    Setting the CPS Record Straight
    We are back for the 2024-25 school year!  ...and using new technology to hopefully resolve previous audio issues.  In this edition of The CPS Podcast, Dr. Greene responds to a TikTok-er who is spreading misinformation about the CPS Model.  A good listen whether you are a parent, educator, provider or other caring adult! 
    9 September 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 42 minutes 25 seconds
    What We're Up Against
    There's legislation pending in Massachusetts that would ban suspension for students in grades K-3. An admirable effort, but it drew some very ineresting responses from readers of The Boston Glove, which reported on this effort. Those responses tell us we still have a lot more work to do to ensure that caregivers understand the true factors that cause kids' concerning behaviors...and why a suspension would do far more harm than good. 
    21 May 2024, 3:00 pm
  • 44 minutes 18 seconds
    What's the Problem with Plan C?
    In the March edition of the CPS Podcast, we take a deep dive into Plan C (in the CPS model, Plan C refers to putting an expectation on hold, at least for now). While those familiar with CPS recognize that Plan C is a very important part of prioritizing expectations -- and stabilizing some kids -- putting expectations on hold is frequently misinterpreted as "giving in" and "giving up," and some caregivers have pressures being placed on them that make it very difficult to put ANY expectations on hold. 
    19 March 2024, 3:00 pm
  • 50 minutes 34 seconds
    The CPS Podcast: Is the New ABA Really New?
    On this month's program, we took a deep dive into "new" Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and whether its emphasis on assent and compassion really changes anything. Featuring guests Cindy Andree-Bowen and Shani Mandel.
    6 February 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 50 minutes 55 seconds
    Coping Strategies: Are We Teaching Kids to be Early or Late?
    The special topic on today's program was Coping Strategies: Are We Teaching Kids to Be Early or Late? Unfortunately, many of the coping strategies we're teaching kids these days teach them to cope once they're already frustrated. That's late. What should we be empahasizing instead? Teaching kids how to identify, anticipate, and solve the problems that are causing them to become frustrated in the first place. That's early. And we were also able to respond to an email and help out a mom who called in with a difficult situation with her son.
    5 December 2023, 4:00 pm
  • 44 minutes 10 seconds
    Voices of the Neurodivergent Community
    Today's program -- Voices of the Neurodivergent Community: What We Need You to Know -- features an interview with Jenny Hunt, a published multidisciplinary researcher that focuses on medicine, medical law, and ethics. Recently, they shifted their interest to Neurodiversity and go by the online name Autistic Sighentist.  
    14 November 2023, 9:00 pm
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