You ever just clean your room by getting all of your stuff and throwing it in a neat pile? Well Flex & Froomes do that with the best bits of their show in this daily podcast.
This is the second and final instalment of our live podcast recording from Always Live!
Turns out AI can read our minds now?
Forbes has reported that AI mind reading is coming sooner than we think, but Ms Flex & Ms Froomes are not sold this is a real thing... just yet.
Plus, we play a very concerningly easy game of "Are You Smarter Than A 12th Grader?"
Flex and Froomes is produced by Mikayla Floriano
And hosted by Flex Mami & Froomes
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You can listen to Flex & Froomes live weekdays from 3pm - 5pm on CADA!
We didn't want to leave you hanging so we popped together a bonus episode from our Melbourne live show at Always Live!
Keep your eyes pealed for part two next week xxx
We love chit chatting, so whatever we can't say on air, we put here, In our catchup podcast! Every weekday we bring you a replay of our show and an extended segment just for the podcast (like this one!).
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Your fave girls are officially OVER AND OUT 🚀
Thank you for two wonderful years 💗 We will be popping in with some bonus content in December so you don't miss us too MUCH.
It's not goodbye it's ummm (what do they say?) SEE YOU LATER xxx
Listen to Flex & Froomes live weekdays from 3pm - 5pm on CADA!
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Today, on our 2nd last show ever we introduce to you... The Flex & Froomes Theme Song.
Plus, we play homage to Omegle & look back on some of our best bits.
Listen to Flex & Froomes live weekdays from 3pm - 5pm on CADA!
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You can listen to Flex & Froomes live weekdays from 3pm - 5pm on CADA!
A listener has written in with a prophecy, they believe "North West will eventually become a figure head for the anti-capitalism revolution"
Flexi and Froomindi discuss...
We love chit chatting, so whatever we can't say on air, we put here, In our catchup podcast! Every weekday we bring you a replay of our show and an extended segment just for the podcast (like this one!).
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"Dear Flex & Froomes,
My cat ate my housemate's food. BUT she was the one who left it on the kitchen bench all night... it's not my fault it happened"
We answer an Am I The Asshole from a listener who refuses to pay her housemate for her cat's behaviour.
Plus, we unpack why Teen Vogue changed for the better back in 2016 & Miki has a surprise for us during out final week on air.
Listen to Flex & Froomes live weekdays from 3pm - 5pm on CADA!
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You can listen to Flex & Froomes live weekdays from 3pm - 5pm on CADA!
Popularised mowing service, Jim's Mowing has launched a beauty service, Jim's Beauty.
Jim, a Boy Boss of many enterprises has got us thinking... What if we started a company for men?
Flex & Froomes put together their business plan on today's episode...
We love chit chatting, so whatever we can't say on air, we put here, In our catchup podcast! Every weekday we bring you a replay of our show and an extended segment just for the podcast (like this one!).
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Froomy loves ICE CREAM!
But this week she found out something quite concerning about it's history she wanted to share with us...
Plus, Miki has a suprise for the girlies last week of shows & what movie do you wish you could be in?
Listen to Flex & Froomes live weekdays from 3pm - 5pm on CADA!
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You can listen to Flex & Froomes live weekdays from 3pm - 5pm on CADA!
On the fence about your lover/ partner/ soulmate/ significant other?
This week we came across a TikTok that highlighted the 5 questions to ask yourself if you're unsure about someone.
And honestly, we politely disagree to all but one...
We love chit chatting, so whatever we can't say on air, we put here, In our catchup podcast! Every weekday we bring you a replay of our show and an extended segment just for the podcast (like this one!).
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After almost 2 years of nonsense, critical thinking and chaos your fave gremlins are moving on to new pastures...
Thankfully, CADA will be bringing you a new show in 2024. Keep an eye out for updates.
If you want to keep up with us, you can find us on insta, tiktok and reddit (KIDDING! ... unless?)
Our last radio show is this Friday the 1st of December. We will be bringing you regular content (as per) all week long as a final hurrah with you, our dedicated and gracious listeners 😘
It's been wonderful, big brother voiceover but it's time to go xxx
Listen to Flex & Froomes live weekdays from 3pm - 5pm on CADA!
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You can listen to Flex & Froomes live weekdays from 3pm - 5pm on CADA!
This just in.
Once you're in the depth of burnout, it takes 3 YEARS TO RECOVER.
Flex explains why it's different to stress and the secret signs you're probably missing.
We love chit chatting, so whatever we can't say on air, we put here, In our catchup podcast! Every weekday we bring you a replay of our show and an extended segment just for the podcast (like this one!).
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