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Horse Radio Network

  • 47 minutes 47 seconds
    AHC: Sustaining the Industry through Unique Marketing Programs - HORSES IN THE MORNING

    You may think this episode is about horse racing - well it is and it isn't. We have two fantastic programs that are striving to grow involvement and understanding of horse racing - We think their business models and Ideas are very transferrable to all breed and disciplines of the horse industry.

    Amplify Horse racing connects mentees with equine mentors to learn about pursuing unique careers in the Thoroughbred industry.  Dozens of graduates securing jobs and internships in various racing fields. Light Up Racing empowers participants with the knowledge and confidence to engage in meaningful conversations with the concerned public and external media, and provides the information needed to make informed decisions that prioritize equine welfare. By fostering industry unity, we will actively work towards driving positive change and pushing for best practice adoption.

    HORSES IN THE MORNING Episode 3639 –Show Notes and Links:

    4 March 2025, 11:30 am
  • 55 minutes 22 seconds
    Ground Control, Husband Lessons and EFWP for March 3, 2025 by WERM Flooring - HORSES IN THE MORNING

    Kristy McNelly, Founder & Creator of Ground Control Horseshoes, talks to us about the benefits of these unique horse shoes.  We take a look at things horse husbands should know and some Equestrian First World Problems.  Listen in…

    HORSES IN THE MORNING Episode 3638 – Show Notes and Links:


    05:20 - Daily Whinnies

    09:00 - Dealing with Mud

    13:40 - Horse Husband Requirements

    25:50 - Kristy McNelly

    44:14 - EFWP

    56:32 - Auditor Post Show

    3 March 2025, 5:05 pm
  • 25 minutes 49 seconds
    Stable Management Podcast 23: Understanding the Horse-Human Interaction With Tanja Bornmann

    In this episode, Tanja Bornmann, owner of Academic Equitation in Canada, explains what researchers know about how horses perceive humans and what humans can do to better understand their horses. She describes how horses react to specific human facial expressions and vocal tones, whether horses can demonstrate preferences in their life and work, and common misconceptions regarding the horse-human interaction.


    1 March 2025, 11:00 am
  • 18 minutes 4 seconds
    1573: Everything You Need to Know About Cribbing, by Horse & Rider On Demand - Horse Tip Daily

    In today's tip Horses In The Morning co-hosts Glenn & Jamie, are joined by Dr. Camargo, who answers all the questions you've always wanted to ask about cribbing.

    28 February 2025, 6:30 pm
  • 22 minutes 24 seconds
    A Closer Look at Front Porch Label - Wisdom by WESA

    Lisa Stubblefield talks about the history and future of her business and her brand.

    28 February 2025, 6:00 pm
  • 59 minutes 47 seconds
    274: Classic Re-Visit Stevie Anna, Gaucha & Jamie Jennings Celebrates, by HandsOnGloves - Horsemanship Radio

    A 1000 mile ride through Argentina, 2 horses, one dog and a love for the history of the Criollo horse and the resilient explorers, Stevie Anna shares her latest adventure on horseback. And Jamie Jennings, co-host of the Horses in the Morning Radio Show, tells us about the transformative effect of learning the language of horses, Equus and becoming a better trainer. Jamie passed the Advanced Exams of Monty Roberts Certification Program and looks forward to sharing the concepts as an Instructor. Listen in…

    28 February 2025, 5:45 pm
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Penny Chenery, Kelpie Horses and Realli bAd Adz for February 28, 2025 by Kentucky Performance Products - HORSES IN THE MORNING

    Join us today as we replay the Penny Chenery and John Tweedy interview from 2013.  Plus, a new Horses in History on the Scottish Kelpies and a new batch of prizes for Realli BaD Adz.  Listen in…

    HORSES IN THE MORNING Episode 3637 – Show Notes and Links:

    Time Stamps:

    08:00 - Daily Whinnies

    25:30 - Penny Chenery and John Tweedy

    41:35 - Horses in History

    44:44 - Realli Bad Adz

    28 February 2025, 4:03 pm
  • 13 minutes 36 seconds
    My Senior Horse 16: Aussie Parasite Regs With Dr. Jabbar

    In this podcast, Dr. Abdul Jabbar of the University of Melbourne in Australia talks about the research in that country that led to new equine internal parasite control guidelines.

    My Senior Horse - Episode 16 Guests and Links:

    Guest: Dr. Abdul Jabbar of the University of Melbourne in Australia

    Connect with Host: Kimberly S. Brown of Editorial Director of My Senior Horse | Email Kim ([email protected]) | Follow Kim on LinkedIn (@kimberlylsbrown)

    28 February 2025, 1:00 pm
  • 33 minutes 34 seconds
    Ali Nilforushan - Practical Horseman Podcast

    This week’s Practical Horseman Podcast, sponsored by EQUESTRIAN+, is with Olympian and horse show organizer Ali Nilforushan. He spoke with us in mid-February as he and his team prepare for the 2025 competition season at the Temecula Valley National Horse Shows in Temecula, California, and The Oaks series in San Juan Capistrano, California.

    To give you a little more background on Ali, he caught the horse bug at an early age. He rode his first horse at age 12 once he and his family immigrated to San Diego, California, from their home country of Iran. Ali was drawn to show jumping and worked his way up the ranks of the sport to achieve top international results. In 2000, he became the first Iranian equestrian to compete at the Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia, qualifying for the individual final with Campione M. In 2006, he competed at the FEI Jumping World Cup Final in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with Cellist 2.

    Ali retired from competition in 2017 after an illustrious riding career, shifting his focus full-time to producing world-class hunter/jumper horse shows on the West Coast. He created Nilforushan Equisport Events, a horse show management company, with his wife Francie Nilforushan. In December 2024, Equine Network acquired a controlling interest in the successful enterprise. As part of Equine Network’s Premier Equisport Group, Ali is at the helm of the Temecula Valley National Horse Shows and The Oaks, a revamped show series at the Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Park.

    In our discussion, Ali talks about how he found his passion in equestrian sport, what he enjoys about being a horse show organizer and what venue upgrades are being made for a top-notch show experience at The Oaks.

    About This Episode’s Sponsor, EQUESTRIAN+

    From short training tips to how-to videos and insider-access to private clinics and lessons, learn from top experts in the dressage, hunter, show jumping, equitation and eventing disciplines with EQUESTRIAN+. Watch exclusive interviews and lectures, slow-motion demonstrations and step-by-step tutorials taught by top-level pros and explore cross-discipline topics such as groundwork, rider fitness and stable management. Visit to sign up for a seven-day free trial with subscription. 

    You can also follow EQUESTRIAN+ on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube.

    28 February 2025, 11:00 am
  • 30 minutes 47 seconds
    Equine Diet for Healthy Hooves - The Humble Hoof

    We all know the phrase "No Hoof, No Horse," so how do we ensure that we are doing all we can to help our horses grow healthy feet? Dr. Priska Darani and Dr. Fran Rowe discuss nutrition and the hoof, dietary help for winter laminitis, and more.

    For more information, see ; use code “thehumblehoof” for 5% off your first order.

    Thank you to our amazing sponsors:

    Cavallo Hoof Boots is offering 15% off a pair of Trek hoof boots at with code HRN

    A special shout out to Grid as New, Mud Control Grids – they are a game changer for any mud issues, big or small! –

    Also be sure to check out Hay Boss Feeders – – for all your slow-feeding needs. I get my Hay Boss feeders from Mountain Lane Farm in NH!

    28 February 2025, 9:30 am
  • 49 minutes 10 seconds
    764: Next Steps Toward World Cup Finals, USEF Dressage Evaluation Sessions, Starting A New Equestrian Business - The Dressage Radio Show

    Genay Vaughn shares her world cup qualifying journey and what the next steps to the World Cup Finals are!  Emily Donaldson  talks about training in the USEF dressage training and evaluation sessions for development and emerging young horse program with Christine Traurig.  We also get a chance to check in with Ashley Rand on how starting her new business is going! Listen in…


    Time Stamps:

    05:34 – Genay Vaughn

    19:54 – Emily Donaldson

    41:21 – Ashley Rand

    27 February 2025, 6:52 pm
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