Hey! que tal? - Free spanish lessons

[email protected] (Unknown)

Learn spanish (in it's argentinian version) for free. Language, traditions and culture from Argentina, with no charge, in easy listening podcasts.

  • Hey que tal needs your help
    Logo+HQT+podcast.jpgHi! As you noticed, there was a big gap in our Free Spanish Lessons. I think it is fair for you to know why.
    The first reason was personal: I moved to another city and the transition was quite complicated, due to the distance. The second one is technical, and a consequence of the first: the lessons were recorded with loaned equipment, and when I moved I had no more access to it.
    Making the lessons involve a lot of work, preparing the subject, making the takes, choosing the best, editing them, transcribing the post and preparing the feed and graphics to it.
    I do it because I want to help as much people as I can with this, and as a way to extend my appreciation for you, the people who´s also making an effort to learn my mother tongue. That´s why I wanted and I want it to be free.
    A possible solution would be to make the site restricted, but that´s not the idea of it. I don´t intend to get rich with it.
    Since right now I cannot afford to invest in this site, I´m asking you for some help. I made a pledge on this website: http://pledgie.com/campaigns/14494 to gather enough money to buy the equipment that allow me to resume with the lessons. It´s a fixed amount, and it´s not much, so once the amount is reached, the pledge is over and the lessons will hopefully continue as usual. At least I´ll do everything in my hands to make it happen, as I did before.
    Thank you very much, and feel free to send me feedback and keep watching, rating and commenting on the website, heyquetal.blogspot.com, our twitter account, heyquetal, our facebook group Hey Que tal? or at the email: [email protected]
    My name is Pablo Apiolazza and this is Hey Que tal? Free spanish lessons.
    Have a nice week, stay tuned and goodbye!
    25 January 2011, 10:51 pm
  • Lesson 09: En mi cuarto. Parts of a house
    Lesson09+banner+ok.jpgHola, y bienvenidos a una nueva lección de Hey Que tal? Lecciones de español gratuitas. Mi nombre es Pablo Apiolazza y hoy estamos un poco vagos asi que nos vamos a quedar en casa.

    Hi, and welcome to a new lesson of Hey Que tal? Free spanish lessons. My name is Pablo Apiolazza and today we´re a little bit lazy so we´re going to stay home.

    On this episode we´re going to learn the parts of a house or an appartment. The term home is translated as hogar, but when we go home, in Argentina we always say vamos a casa, either we live on a house or a building.

    The first thing we do when we get home is to open the door. Door is puerta.
    We open the door is
    Abrimos la puerta.

    If we live on a building (edificio) then we have to take the stairs or the elevator.
    To go up the stairs is subir las escaleras.
    To go up with the elevator is subir con el ascensor.
    Once we get to our floor, in spanish piso, we walk thru a corridor, pasillo, to get to our appartment, departamento.

    Once inside, we might go to the kitchen, cocina. to make ourselves a coffe, café. Then maybe we go to the living room, which in spanish is also living, and we watch some tv. But first, a quick shower in the bathroom (baño).
    When dinner´s ready, we eat at the dining room, comedor. And when it´s time for bed, we go to our bedroom, cuarto. Maybe if we have a balcony (balcón) we can watch the stars for a while.

    Let´s say everything together in spanish, assuming that we live on an appartment.

    Cuando llego a casa abro la puerta.Adentro, tomo el ascensor hasta el quinto piso. Cuando bajo del ascensor, camino por el pasillo hasta mi departamento. Allí voy a la cocina y me hago un café. Después voy al living, y miro un rato la televisión, pero antes me doy una ducha en el baño.
    Cuando la cena esta lista, como en el comedor. Y cuando es hora de dormir, voy a mi cuarto, y desde el balcón miro las estrellas, antes de irme a dormir.

    When I get home I open the door, Once inside, I take the elevator to the 5th floor. When I get off the elevator, I walk thru the corridor until my appartment. There I go to the kitchen and I make myself a coffee. After that I go to the living, and I watch some tv, but before I take a shower at the bathroom. When the dinner´s ready, I eat at the dining room. And when it´s time to sleep, I go to my room, and from the balcony I watch the stars before I go to sleep.

    All the rooms in the house are called cuartos, besides the bedroom. Cuarto is the same as room. To say bedroom, we can also say dormitorio, as in dorm, but we don´t really use that word, but plain room, or my room.
    Well, this is pretty much all for today. Don´t forget to watch, rate and comment on the website, heyquetal.blogspot.com, our twitter account, heyquetal, our facebook group Hey Que tal? or at the email: [email protected]
    My name is Pablo Apiolazza and this is Hey Que tal? Free spanish lessons.
    Have a nice week, stay tuned and goodbye!
    8 May 2010, 5:06 pm
  • Lesson 08: Colores! The basic colors

    Lesson08+banner+ok.jpgHola, y bienvenidos a Hey Que tal? Lecciones de español gratuitas. Mi nombre es Pablo Apiolazza y el episodio de hoy va a ser colorido ya que vamos a aprender los colores!

    Hi and welcome to Hey Que tal? Free spanish lessons. My name is Pablo Apiolazza and today's episode will be colorful since we're going to learn the colors!

    On the last episode we were getting our bearings straight. So since we're going to watch a lot of trafic lights we can learn it's colors:

    Red is ROJO
    Yellow is AMARILLO
    Green is VERDE

    The sky is blue.

    El cielo es AZUL

    The wood is brown
    La madera es MARRÓN

    The old movies are black and white.
    Las películas viejas son BLANCO y NEGRO.

    The oranges are orange.
    Las naranjas son NARANJA.

    I can't think of anything that's violet, except violets
    No puedo pensar en nada que sea VIOLETA, excepto las violetas.

    Ok, this is a rather short episode, but with very important things to learn, so I'd like to keep it short because of that. Regarding Argentina, since we have the four weathers and the country is so big, we can find in our nature all the possible and most amazing colors. As a matter of fact, we hace some hills called "the seven color hill", or Cerro de Siete Colores, since they have all sorts of shades on its slopes. In Buenos Aires, the most colorful neighbourhoody is La Boca, and mostly Caminito, a strip full of colorful buildings.
    Ok, this is it for today, don't forget to rate, share and comment this and other lessons on the blog heyquetal.blogspot.com, or on the facebook site, or even on tweeter.
    If you want to know the name of any other color, leave a comment and I'll try to give the answer.

    Well, have a nice week, stay tuned and goodbye!
    20 April 2010, 3:12 am
  • Lesson 07: Orientándose, getting our bearings straight
    Hola y bienvenidos a un nuevo capitulo de Hey Que tal? Lecciones de español gratuitas, mi nombre es Pablo Apiolazza y como veniamos hablando de viajar hoy vamos a hablar de orientación.
    Hi and welcome to a new chapter of Hey Que tal? Free spanish lessons. My name is Pablo Apiolazza and since we´ve been talking about travelling today we´re going to talk about bearings.

    When we get to a new place one of the first things we do is grab a map. Spanish for map is very easy: Mapa.
    The map has cardinal points, puntos cardinales.
    North is Norte
    South is Sur
    East is Este
    and West is Oeste

    When we navigate on a map, the places are either north, south, east or west of other places. For instance, in Buenos Aires, the airport is out of town, south west from the city. The way to say this is the following

    En Buenos Aires, el aeropuerto está en las afueras, al sudeste de la ciudad.
    In other words, the city is placed at north of the airport.

    La ciudad esta al norte del aeropuerto.
    If we are on the city, you wouldn´t be lying if you say "I´m in the middle of the city" Estoy en el medio de la ciudad.

    Today with GPS and the internet maps getting some bearings is much easier, but nevertheless sometimes we need to ask people for directions. And when we do, they don´t express themselves in terms of north or south, but in terms of position.
    The four basic are
    Ahead or front, which is adelante
    Back or behind, which is atrás
    Left, that is Izquierda
    and Right, Derecha

    So let´s say we are at the obelisco in Buenos Aires, and we want to know how to go to the lakes in Palermo district. If we face north our nice helper would tell us to go straight ahead for 16 blocks, then turn left where the street ends, then straight and we´ll see the lakes on our right.
    Sounds hard, right? Let´s see how to say this in spanish.
    First the question.

    Excuse me, how do I get to the lakes in Palermo?
    Disculpá, cómo llego a los lagos de Palermo?
    The answer would be
    You have to go straight ahead for 16 blocks
    Tenés que ir derecho unas 16 cuadras
    then turn left where the street ends
    después doblar a la izquierda donde termina la calle
    then straight and you´ll see the lakes on your right.
    después derecho y vas a ver a los lagos a tu derecha.
    There are two more ways we can go besides those, and they are up, and down.
    Up is Arriba
    Down is Abajo

    To go up is subir
    and to go down is bajar

    Since Buenos Aires is a rather flat city, we cannot subir or bajar that much, but if you go to a place with mountains, like Mendoza, then it makes more sense.
    However, one way to give a direction is to say go up street. We use that too, saying "subí por esa calle" (go up street) or "baja por esa calle" (walk down that street).

    Well, this is pretty much it for today, on the upcoming episodes we´ll learn more about specific places of Argentina, to start to learn some other things too. Don´t forget to comment, rate and share the podcasts on the website heyquetal.blogspot.com, on our facebook fansite hey que tal, or thru our tweeter
    account, heyquetal. My name is Pablo Apiolazza and this is Hey que tal? Free spanish lessons.

    Stay tuned, and goodbye!
    10 April 2010, 7:43 pm
  • Lesson 06: Adonde vamos? Places
    Hola! Bienvenidos al sexto episodio de Hey Que tal? Lecciones de español gratuitas. Dado que es semana santa, y en Argentina muchos aprovechan para Tr  tomar unas pequeñas vacaciones, hoy vamos a aprender como planear un viaje.

    Hi! And welcome to the sixth episode of Hey Que tal? Free Spanish Lessons. Since this is Holy Week, and in Argentina many use this chance to take some little holidays, today we're going to learn how to plan a trip.

    On the last episode we learnt how to make plans to go out. Now let's push it further. Let's say we want to make a trip on Holy Week, so we would like to see where can we go. The way to ask this is the following:

    Adonde vamos en Semana Santa?

    Where do we go on holy week?

    There could be many answers to this question. Let's see some possible answers

    Vamos a la playa - Let's go to the beach.

    Vamos a la montaña - Let's go to the mountain.

    Vamos al río - Let's go to the river.

    Vamos a las cataratas - Let's go to the falls.

    As you can see, we always say "vamos a" and then the place where we want to go. The verb to go in spanish is "ir" and it is irregular. Let's see how to conjugate it.

    Yo voy
    Tú vas
    Él va
    Nosotros vamos
    Ustedes Van
    Ellos van

    I didn´t put the vosotros form because it´s totally unused in latin american spanish, we use Ustedes instead.

    If we want to travel, we have to take something to get to our destination. Let´s learn the names of the means of transport.
    Car is auto
    Subway is subte
    Plane is avión
    Train is tren
    Taxi can be either taxi or remis. Remises are a special kind of taxi that has preset fees and usually are used for longer distances.
    Regarding the word bus, depending on the trip that a bus makes, we have different words to define it. For the regular city bus, the name is colectivo, or in slang "bondi". The little bus that can be rented for a small group or that make a specific trip is called "combi". And the big bus that usually covers long distances are called "micro" or "ómnibus".
    As you can tell, buses are a big deal in Argentina, probably because an argentinian invented the first "colectivo".

    Back to planning, now that we know what to take, we need to get the tickets. So let´s say we are at the terminal, in spanish "Terminal" (or maybe on the phone) and we want to buy some tickets. This is the way to do it.

    Quisiera dos pasajes para Mar del Sur para el jueves por favor.

    I´d like two tickets to Mar del Sur for this thursday please.

    They probably have different options to do that trip on the same day, so a probable answer to our question would be.

    Tenemos cuatro que salen el jueves. Cual prefiere?

    We have four that leave on thursday. Which one do you prefer?

    And here is the key part. What we usually want to know is when a plane/bus/etc leaves, and when it arrives. This is the way to ask this.

    A qué hora sale el micro? Y a que hora llega allá?

    At what time does the bus leave? And when does it gets there?

    Once we get the right one, they´ll probably ask us where do we want to seat. That´s done like this.

    Ventanilla o pasillo?
    which is
    Window or aisle?

    And our answer, if it's window: Ventanilla, por favor.

    And that´s pretty much it to get a ticket. The rest is as buying a drink which we already learnt.
    Finally, I´ll do a small example about a trip plan, first in spanish, and then in english, so you can try to do your own with what we learnt today.

    Este año vamos a Mar del Sur para Semana Santa. El jueves a la mañana nos tomamos un taxi para ir a la terminal de ómnibus, y de ahi un micro hasta Mar del Sur. Salimos a las 8 de la mañana y llegamos a las 2 de la tarde. Nos quedamos allá cuatro días, hasta el domingo y de ahi volvemos en otro micro. Ese sale a las 5 de la tarde y llega a las 10 de la noche. 

    This year we´re going to Mar del Sur for Holy Week. We´ll take a cab on thursday morning to get to the bus station, and from there a bus to Mar del Sur. We leave at 8 am and we arrive at 2 pm. We stay there for four days, until sunday and from there we come back in another bus. That one leaves at 5pm and arrives at 10pm.

    On the next episode we´ll get more specific about how to go from one place to another, but for now this is enough.
    Remember to rate, comment, and share either on the website www.heyquetal.blogspot.com, the facebook fansite or our tweeter account heyquetal
    My name is Pablo Apiolazza and this is Hey Qué tal? Free spanish lessons.

    Felices Pascuas, Happy Easter, stay tuned and goodbye!
    3 April 2010, 2:41 am
  • New e-mail address!
    Now you can send your questions, greetings or suggestions to this new e-mail address:

    [email protected]

    Or as usual on the comments area underneath the episodes.
    31 March 2010, 6:04 pm
  • Lesson 05: Qué hacemos hoy? Days and months.

    MP3Hola, y bienvenidos a Hey Que tal? Lecciones de español gratuitas. Mi nombre es Pablo Apiolazza y dado que el podcast cumple un mes, hoy vamos a aprender los días y los meses.

    Hi, and welcome to Hey Que tal? Free spanish lessons. My name is Pablo Apiolazza and since the podcast has been online for a month already, today we're going to learn the days and the months.

    Before starting, I want to thank the many people that have been listening for the podcast in the last month. During this few emissions we've had visitors from more than 40 different countries, some of them really far away from Argentina, like Russia, Thailand or the Phillipines, which is awesome. Thank you very much to all the people who's been listening, and once again, I encourage you to leave comments or suggestions, this space is for you, so don't be shy, enjoy it and make use of it.

    Ok, on the last lesson we've been into a bar, but since we don't want to go alone there, we need to be able to make plans with people. That's what we're going to learn today.
    First of all, let's ask "what to we do today? do you have plans?" That's done like this

    Qué hacemos hoy? Tenés planes?

    If he or she doesn't have any plans, they will tell you

    No, no tengo planes, hoy estoy libre.

    Which means "No, I have no plans today, I'm free".
    If not, they will say something like

    Si, ya tengo planes, estoy ocupado/a.

    You can see that if a boy is answering, the word will be ocupado, and if a girl is answering, it will be ocupada. Both words mean busy. That's a sneak peak of the gender issue in spanish. The whole sentence means "Yeah, I have plans already, I'm busy".

    So now let's see how to make plans for the week! For that we will assume that the person's occupied today, and we will ask about tomorrow. So let's pick up from the start.

    A: Qué hacemos hoy? Tenés planes?
    B: Si, ya tengo planes, estoy ocupado.
    A: Ah que lastima, y mañana?
    That means, "what a pity, what about tomorrow?"

    B: Mañana estoy libre.

    That is tomorrow I´m free.
    A: Buenísimo, querés ir al cine?

    Great! Do you want to go to the movies?

    The positive answer could be

    B: Dale, me encantaría.

    Yeah, I´d love to!

    Now we should arrange a time of the day. A day can be splitted in three parts:
    Mañana, which is morning
    Tarde, which is afternoon
    and Noche, which is night

    So if we want to ask if he or she can go out at night, the cuestion would be:

    A: Podés a la noche?

    If the answer is (yes) then we can set an hour, since we already know the numbers. For that we must remember that instead of saying AM and PM argentinians say de la mañana for early hours, let´s say till noon, de la tarde for afternoon hours, usually until 7.00 PM. and de la noche for the remaining hours.
    So let´s build an example. "Then let´s meet at 8 PM" would be

    A: Entonces nos encontramos a las 8 de la noche

    If we want to set a place, it´s as easy as adding the word en and the name of the meeting point.

    Entonces nos encontramos a las 8 de la noche en Palermo

    So we now know how to make plans. Let´s move to the boring part, which is to remember the vocabulary. As said before, we were going to learn the days and the months, so let´s start with the days.
    The spanish for week is semana and starts at
    Monday, Lunes
    Tuesday is Martes
    Wednesday is Miércoles
    Thursday is Jueves
    Friday is Viernes
    and then we reached to the weekend, el fin de semana, which argies colloquially call finde.
    Saturday is Sábado
    and Sunday is Domingo

    So now that we know the days, we can learn the months.
    January is Enero
    February is Febrero
    March is Marzo
    April is Abril
    May is Mayo
    June is Junio
    July is Julio
    August is Agosto
    September is Septiembre
    October is Octubre
    November is Noviembre
    December is Diciembre

    Ok, last but not least we have to know how to call the days before and after today.
    The day before yesterday is called anteayer
    Yesterday is ayer
    Today is Hoy
    Tomorrow is mañana
    and the day after tomorrow is pasado mañana

    So we´re ready to make plans with people! Let´s put the whole dialogue together. 

    A: Qué hacemos hoy? Tenés planes?
    B: Si, ya tengo planes, estoy ocupado.
    A: Ah que lastima, y mañana?
    B: Mañana estoy libre.
    A: Buenísimo, querés ir al cine?
    B: Dale, me encantaría.
    A: Podés a la noche?
    B: Sí
    A: Entonces nos encontramos a las 8 de la noche en Palermo.
    B: Dale.

    Like we said on the previous podcast, Buenos Aires is a place where every single day there´s something to do, no matter the hour. On the upcoming episodes we´ll see more about making plans with further detail, but this should be enough now. Ok, we reached the end of this lesson, I hope you enjoyed it, my name is Pablo Apiolazza and this is Hey Que tal? Free spanish lessons. Remember to visit the website: heyquetal.blogspot.com, to suscribe to the rss feed or to itunes to get the weekly updates, or to our tweeter, heyquetal. 

    Have a nice week, stay tuned and goodbye!

    25 March 2010, 1:25 am
  • Lesson 04: San Patricio - drinks, and numbers
    Lesson04+banner+ok.jpgHi! And welcome to the fourth lesson of Hey que tal? Free spanish lessons. My name is Pablo Apiolazza and today we´ll push the edge a little bit.

    Hola y bienvenidos a la cuarta lección de Hey que tal? Lecciones de español gratuitas. Mi nombre es Pablo Apiolazza y hoy vamos a ir un poco más al límite.

    Since Saint Patrick´s Day is this wednesday we´ll take this chance to learn in this lesson how to order a drink, and pay for it. So we´ll learn the numbers as well.

    Dado que el día de San Patricio es este miércoles vamos a aprovechar esta oportunidad para aprender en esta lección cómo pedir un trago, y pagar por él. Así que también vamos a aprender los números.

    The first thing you want to ask when you get to a bar is a table, if the place is crowded. So to ask for a table we say de following:

    Una mesa para dos, por favor?


    Tendrás una mesa para dos, por favor?

    Which means Would you have a table for two, please?

    If the place is not crowded, we just sit and wait. In terms of service, Buenos Aires and Argentina in general is very uneven regarding of the quality of the attention. Some places have perfect attention and manners, and some others don´t pay attention to customers at all. Sadly, sometimes that lack of attention is equalized with excelent food or drinks, so good that you bare the bad service. Many of us are used to that, so if you can take it, and you see that the waiter isn´t coming, you can call him raising your hand and saying like this:


    Once the waiter´s here, we can ask for the menu or just for a beer. Let´s see how to ask for the menu.

    Me traerías una carta, por favor?

    And that is: Would you bring me a menu, please?

    Once we get the menu we can say "Gracias", and take our pick. Now let´s see how to ask for a beer. There are many different ways but we´ll see three today:

    Puede ser una cerveza, por favor?
    Which lit. means "Can it be a beer please?"

    The second is
    Me traerías una cerveza, por favor?
    Would you bring me a beer please?

    And the third, most used and easiest:

    Una cerveza, por favor
    A beer please.

    Of course, on seldom occasions we drink alone in bars, so let´s learn the numbers from zero to twenty. We will assume that if we have more than twenty people on the table one of them will know how to speak spanish if you need to ask for more, hehe.

    So zero is CERO
    One is UNO
    Two is DOS
    Three is TRES
    Four is CUATRO
    Five is CINCO
    Six is SEIS
    Seven is SIETE
    Eight is OCHO
    Nine is NUEVE
    Ten is DIEZ

    Eleven is ONCE
    Twelve is DOCE
    Thirteen is TRECE
    Fourteen is CATORCE
    Fifteen is QUINCE
    Sixteen is DIECISÉIS
    Seventeen is DIECISIETE
    Eighteen is DIECIOCHO
    Nineteen is DIECINUEVE
    and Twenty is VEINTE.

    As you might noticed, from sixteen on we have a little resemblance on the first half, every word starts with ten, and then the other number, sort of like ten and six.
    If you´re really anxious to know the rest of the numbers, you should know that this same formula will be the one to make the rest of the numbers until a hundred. But we´ll see that on the next episode.

    Let´s go back to the bar and our beer.

    Let´s say some friends came later and we ordered our beer, if we want two more we can say it like this.

    Dos cervezas más, por favor?

    Two more beers, please?

    Once we had enough, we can order for the check like this.

    La cuenta, por favor.
    Me traés la cuenta, por favor?

    Now they will tell us the number, and probably they will ask cash or credit, so the waiter answer will be something like this:

    Son 18 pesos. Efectivo o tarjeta?
    Which means
    It´s 18 pesos, cash or credit card?

    If you´re in Argentina, you shouldn´t be so confident that they will have credit card payment in every single bar, so just in case always bring some cash with you.
    So once you have the money or the card, you can say this

    Aca tenés, gracias.
    There you go, thank you.

    Once we get our change, we can leave the tip, that is called propina, and usually is around 10% of what we had. Most of waiters will be more than happy with 10 % or more than 10 %. Some bars and restaurants already take the tip out of the bill, but most of them don´t.

    Well, this was our bar night at Saint Patrick´s Day, culturally speaking celebrating Saint Patrick´s Day is something brand new for us, we´ve been doing it for the last ten years, it´s not as big as in Scotland or Boston maybe, but in some neighbourhoods like downtown some streets close so people can gather up on the street and drink outside, so it´s pretty fun. Argentinians are known for being pretty outgoing, and Buenos Aires is a city where every single day there´s something to do or somewhere to go.

    So this is the end of the lesson, I hope you liked it, if you have any doubt or comment you can leave it on the website, www.heyquetal.blogspot.com
    There´s also a twitter account if you want to follow the podcast, look for heyquetal on twitter and follow it for updates.
    My name is Pablo Apiolazza and this is Hey que tal? Free spanish lessons.

    Stay tuned and goodbye!
    16 March 2010, 8:17 pm
  • Lesson 03: Tú vs Vos - the big difference.
    Hi, welcome to the third episode of Hey que tal? Free spanish lessons. My name is Pablo Apiolazza and today we´re going to overview one of the main differences between the regular spanish and the argentinian spanish.
    In order to do this, we´ll have to make a quick stop on grammar, but don´t panic, we´ll try to stay out of it for now.

    As you know, when we conjugate a verb we use person to determine who or what are we speaking to or about, in other words, to determine the subject of a sentence. There are three persons for the singular form and three for the plural.
    In the original form of spanish, the persons are the following:
    I is YO
    You is
    He is EL
    We is NOSOTROS
    You is VOSOTROS
    They is ELLOS

    It is ESO, and she is ELLA, but aside from that, let´s concentrate on the second person in both plural and singular ways.
    An easy way to remember , is to think about the ancient english "thou". And that is because amazingly it´s a shared root.
    But in latin america, since the language bent and mixed with other languages including the indigenous dialects, a new version of the second person was born: VOS.
    Vos is a version that changes the conjugation of the verb. That means that it is not enough to put vos in front of a verb conjugated with to do it properly.

    Let´s see this on examples, and in the meantime, learn the main irregular verbs.

    First one is to be:
    Yo soy
    Tu eres
    El es
    Nosotros somos
    Vosotros sois
    Ellos son

    In argentina, instead of eres we say VOS SOS.
    Vos is an informal form of the second person. Another important thing is that VOS doesn´t have a plural version, but we neither use the VOSOTROS form. Instead of that, we use the formal version for both formal and informal, and is USTEDES.

    USTEDES is conjugated in the same way as ELLOS, the third person of the plural.

    For instance: USTEDES SON grandes. (You are big)

    In other words, we made it complicated for the singular, but easier for the plural.

    In terms of culture, "vos" is pretty much a trademark of the argentinian language, together with our pronunciation and the famous "lunfardo" slang, which is the old tango days´ slang. Argentinians are always using the informal form to speak. Generally it is not disrespectful to use it with coworkers, members of the family, or strangers, but it is a good rule to start talking in the formal form, and then we´ll probably get a very common phrase that allows us to use the vos and it sounds like this:

    Por favor, podés tutearme.
    Si querés, tuteame.

    The main thing we must hear is the verb "tutear" that yeah, funny enough, literally means "to use the form", but in Argentina means to use the vos form. We do have a verb that means "to use the vos form", which is "vosear", but nobody ever uses it. Don´t ask me why, hehe.

    So once we have the permit granted, we can use the "vos" as much as we want.

    Since we´re in subject, we´ll give a little grammar spoiler, so the advaced students can have fun with the vos form. Since the origin of vos comes from vosotros, a good rule to build the vos conjugation for the regular verbs is to remove the letter "i" from the vosotros conjugation. I.e.: Vosotros tenéis - Vos tenés.
    As any other language, there´s no rule for the irregular verbs, so it´s up to you to learn them. During the upcoming episodes we will see most of them anyways, so be patient.

    As for the formal version, as I mentioned before we use the form "usted". Even if usted means you, it is conjugated as the third person. In the case of to be, it is "Usted es".

    So this is pretty much our little trip thru the "vos" land.

    Don´t forget to rate, share and review the podcast either on itunes, your favourite feed reader, or the website, heyquetal.blogspot.com
    My name is Pablo Apiolazza and this is Hey Que tal? Free spanish lessons.

    Stay tuned and goodbye!
    12 March 2010, 9:12 am
  • El secreto de sus ojos - special podcast.

    Hi! Welcome to Hey que tal? Free spanish lessons. My name is Pablo Apiolazza and today we´re having a special podcast because I want to celebrate something.
    In case you don´t know, I´m a filmmaker, I worked in awarded films as La León, and Matar a Todos, and as you may know last sunday was the Academy Awards ceremony, and an argentinian movie won the best foreign language film, which of course fills me with pride.
    The movie is called "El secreto de sus ojos", which literally means "the secret of his/her eyes". It is starred by Ricardo Darín, Soledad Villamil, Guillermo Francella and Pablo Rago, and it is directed by Juan Jose Campanella, a great filmmaker.
    During my career I had the pleasure to meet personally Ricardo Darin to discuss about a project, and he´s a charming, simple, humble and most of all, incredibly talented actor, so I´m very happy that his movie got the biggest possible award.
    For all you spanish students it´s also a great exercise to watch the film to practice, and mostly to check what we´ve been learning about how to say hi, and mostly how argentinians use the "vos" pronoun.
    On the other hand, it is a great chance to learn more about the history of Argentina, and the terrible events that happened right before and during the last dictatorship.
    The movie also has a couple of very funny and tipical argentinian moments and ways of speak that picture the argentinian humor very well.
    As always, if you watch the film and you have any language doubt or curiosity, you can leave a comment on the website and I´ll try to answer it.
    Well, that´s all for now, go watch the movie, and don´t forget to suscribe, or visit the website, www.heyquetal.blogspot.com
    My name is Pablo Apiolazza and this is Hey! que tal? Free spanish lessons.

    Stay tuned and goodbye!
    9 March 2010, 4:05 am
  • Lesson 02: Chatting some more (Conversando un poco más)

    Hi, welcome to the second episode of Hey que tal? Free spanish lessons. My name is Pablo Apiolazza and first of all I´d like to thank all the good reviews I´ve got from the first episode. This is new for me too so all comments and critics are welcome.

    Today we´re going to go deeper into our first conversation, and go further into the local ways of speaking. On the last episode we learnt how to say hi, how are you, and what responses we could get from that question. Today we´re going to learn the main questions that we need to know to meet someone. So let´s begin.

    The first thing we want to know is the name. So to ask "what´s your name?" we´re going to say the following:

    Como te llamás?

    This is a good moment to clearify something important. Since we are learning argentinian spanish, the way told  before is the informal way to ask. I don´t want to get too complicated with grammar in this episode, but you have to know that argentinians use a very unique way of second-person familiar subjective pronoun, called VOS, instead of the spanish TU. This form has a different conjugation in verbs, so the previous "llamás" is that version of the verb "llamar". The next episode will be entirely about the difference between VOS and TU.
    Let´s see now the formal version of this question, which is

    Cómo se llama?

    Another way to say this is

    Cual es su nombre? (lit: what is your name?)

    Another very unique thing about argentinian spanish that we can find in this questions is the pronunciation of the double l. Instead of the spanish sound of it (something like the english "Yikes") we use the sh sound, like in "shame". This is the best way to spot an argie.

    Back into the talking, there are three ways to answer this:

    First one is the plain name, which doesn´t need much explination. For instance: Pablo
    The second one is a long version. "Me llamo Pablo", which litteraly would mean something like "I´m called Pablo".
    The third version is the other long one, and it is "Mi nombre es Pablo". My name is Pablo.

    If we say Pablo, or me llamo Pablo, and we want to ask back, then we say again "y vos?". On the other hand, if we say Mi nombre es Pablo, then we should use the reply "Y el tuyo?" which means "And yours?"
    You might have noticed that instead of starting with the formal version I start with the informal one. This is because most of argentinians use the informal way almost always, except in certain jobs, or with the elder. We will discuss this in more detail on the next episode. I´m going to give both ways, so here comes the formal one.

    Full answers for What´s your name? are:
    Pablo, y usted?
    Mi nombre es Pablo, y el suyo?

    Last, but not least, let's ask Where are you from? This is done this way:
    De dónde sos?
    De dónde es (Usted)?

    And to answer the formula is
    Soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina. which means I´m from...
    Vengo de Buenos Aires, Argentina, which is I come from...

    Of course, if you´re an english speaker, you´re not from Argentina, so let´s learn some names of the main english speaking countries, in alphabetic order.
    Australia is exactly the same, but with argie accent: Australia.
    Canada, as before, the same, Canadá.
    England is Inglaterra
    Ireland, Irlanda
    United States is Estados Unidos.
    Scotland is Escocia.
    South Africa, Sudáfrica.

    If you are from somewhere else and you want to know the name of your country, leave a comment on the blog and I´ll try to answer you.

    As you can figure out by now, to ask back a question there are two ways: "y vos?" and "y usted?" for the informal and formal way.

    So let´s see all together, now in context.

    A: Hola, qué tal?
    B: Bien, y vos?
    A: Bárbaro, como te llamás?
    B: Pablo, y vos?
    A: Carlos. De dónde sos?
    B: Soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina, y vos?
    A: Yo soy de Miami, Estados Unidos.

    Well, as you can see, we can already have a little chat begun. On the next episode, we´ll see the difference between tu, vos and usted, and on upcoming episodes we´ll get more conversation skills. . This is pretty much for today, I hope you enjoyed the episode, my name is Pablo Apiolazza and this is Hey que tal? Free spanish lessons.

    Don´t forget to rate, share and review the podcast either on itunes, your favourite feed reader, or the website, heyquetal.blogspot.com

    Stay tuned and goodbye!

    3 March 2010, 8:58 am
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