Osmanli Naksibendi Sohbets



  • “The Somali Children Are Looking, Their White Eyes Are Open”

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim


    Not remembering death makes you to have high, long, very endless dreams about this dunya. How can you understand the suffering of another Muslim? How can you care?

    12 September 2011, 10:23 pm
  • “When Will You Wake Up?”



    Look how angry the skies are, Look.

    Watch what is happening. Look.

    Look how angry the water is, look how angry the air is. Look how angry the earth is. They all saying, ” Ya Rabbi, give us permission. Earth is saying, give me permission ya Rabbi, that I have never carried this kind of creatures above me. Give me permission, let me throw them away. That they are stepping on me, I’ll send them in that emptiness, in that black hole that you are talking, swallowing the area, pulling them in.”

    Still Allah SWT, patience, with this little creature that He has created.

    When will you wake up?

    12 September 2011, 10:18 pm
  • Every Day You Are Walking Towards Your Grave


    Allah swt is saying to you and to me, “ If your prayers are not there, if you don’t have any prayer, if you are not asking from me, what then is your value?”

    You give value to yourself according to what? According to you looking at that mirror?

    And you say, “ I look like this today. Tomorrow like that.” And every day you are looking to check that every day you are getting wrinkle. Every day you are getting older.

    The older you get, today’s people, the more arrogant and stubborn they become.

    Resistant and fighting against to who?


    To nobody else except to Allah. Because every single day, you have been forced to walk one more step towards to your grave. But every single day, you have forgotten that you are walking towards to your grave.

    Every single day, instead of preparing yourself to your grave, instead of sending things to your grave. Instead of sending good deeds to your grave. You made good deeds, you turn around, you destroy them, and you send so many bad things to your grave.

    12 September 2011, 10:06 pm
  • Friday Evening Sohbet: Even if You Live Inside Ka’ba it’s Still Not Going to Work, You Have to Fix Yourself

    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

    Friday, 15 Shaban, 1432 (July 15, 2011)

    Even if you live inside Ka’ba it’s still not going to work, if you don’t fix yourself.

    Download (37:32 mins) | Listen to the sohbet:

    19 July 2011, 4:29 pm
  • Friday Evening Sohbet: The Most Important Thing Is How You Will Go Out From This World


    Friday, RabiulAhir 6, 1432 (March 11, 2011)

    In this sohbet, Seyh Efendi is speaking about the honor Allah (SWT) has given to the Children of Adam (AS). Especially he is talking about the honor that is being given to the Nation of Holy Prophet (AS). Seyh Efendi is saying that Muslims have fallen into western ideas and have forgotten about death and Akhirat, saying that we must be giving value to the Akhirat life. He is saying that by not knowing the History of Islam, Muslims are not following the way of the Sahaba-i-Kiram and are instead following the western lifestyle. Seyh Efendi is speaking about the importance of leaving this world as a Servant of Allah (SWT).

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    Full Sohbet Text below:


    Welcome to you all.


    One more day. Thank God it’s Friday. Who? What’s that? Wake up from Gaflet. O Muslims! Muslims they have fallen into a very big problem. Huge problem, Muslims they have. Their problem is they have fallen into Gaflet. Heedlesness station.
    “Oh, how it will be? We are praying.”
    Heh, don’t worry, Sheytan is not going to come to you from that side to stop you from praying. Sheytan is trying to put hook people up to be heedless ones.

    Close your phones. Shut down your phones. Turn your phones out. Keep your business out. This is not a business place. If you are so important now and waiting for phone call, outside. That means your body is here but your heart is not here. You’re not going to hear anything. You’re not going to understand anything. Bring your body and your spirit here and leave your Sheytan outside.

    Say Euzubillahi Min al-Sheytan al-Rejim. BismillahirRahmanirRahim. And our Prophet saying (AS), Oh my nation, renew your faith. Renewing our faith saying, say, Ashadu an la ilaha il-Allah, wa Ashadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasuluhu.

    You must keep Shahadat very special:
    Now you becoming Muslim. First order. To give Shahadat. Soon as you give Shahadat, the first step you walk into Islam, what is the second order? Keep your daily prayers, five time prayers. Hm…Muslims majority of Muslims have falling from that part. Not five times, they not even doing one time a day. Muslims! Name is Muslim. But the action is not. So what is that? That’s a heedless station. Saying the Shahadat but not understanding the value of the Shahadat. If you are understanding the value of Shahadat, you must keep that Shahadat very special. Very high. I’m watching Muslims today, they are attacking to each other. Any simple things they coming around saying, “Brother you committing a shirk. Brother you committing a shirk.” Shirk, Bidat, what else they say? Kufr, Haram.

    The order to pray is order from our Lord:
    The Harams and the Halals is already put there for you by the Holy Prophet (AS). If something is Haram, you cannot make it Halal. If something is Halal, you cannot make it Haram. It’s already set. That’s the foundation. And now you come with the obligations of Islam now. Soon as you say, as we say the Shahadat, the first principle of Islam starts working. Saying now, you are entering through the door of Islam, now pray five times a day. It is order from our Lord. Original order is 50 times a day. When Holy Prophet went to the Miraj, first order to him was 50 times. And, Musa (AS) saying, “Ya Rasulallah, go back because I know from my nation your nation is not going to carry it. And ask for Allah (SWT) to reduce it.” And he did, back and forth, up till 5 times. And he saying to Holy Prophet again (AS), go again, and the Holy Prophet saying no, I feel shy. I feel shame to go back again. Because my Lord is saying those who’s keeping their 5 daily prayer I will reward them as they are keeping 50 times a day. So I feel shame to go back.

    What are Allah (SWT)’s rights on you?:
    And what happened to our nation today? Muslims they are in trouble. Everyone is complaining. Everyone wants rights. Everyone wants freedom. And saying, I want rights, I want my rights. Are you asking the rights of your Lord on you? First, as a believer. Are you saying, what is Allah’s rights on me. Does He have any rights on me? Ask that question to yourself you will understand. If you don’t know, hm. 24 hours a day, every breath of life that you taking in and you giving out has right on you. Anywhere you looking, anything that you thinking, anything that you doing, Allah has rights on you. Are you watching those rights correctly?

    The duty of servant is to hear and obey:
    And Allah (SWT) is giving us order, through His Prophet, He’s blessing us another way, saying to the nation of Muhammad, that is for only nation of Muhammad, to keep 5 daily prayers. It is a blessing, that before Prophet (AS), that was order to Prophets! Not to their nations! But the wise people among the nations of those Prophets, they were following their Prophets and they were doing as their Prophet was doing. To the Nation of Muhammad Allah (SWT) is making obligation saying, this is obligation to you. And if you are keeping the orders that I’ll give to you, if you’re keeping the obligations that I give to you, you will become beloved to Me. Allah Allah. His Order, He’s giving order. You are a servant, and the duty of servant is to hear and obey. Understanding what is the meaning of the servant? Some going one more step, no brother, slave! Ah-ha. Mashallah, and how much you keeping it? Some squarehead Wahhabi idea people, when they going to talk about the Prophet (AS), the Muhammad (AS), saying, he is a Prophet and he is the slave, haha Astagfirullah. Hmm….Allah (SWT) doesn’t want a slave. What kind of slavery you going to do to Allah? He is forbidding, He is banning the slavery through His Prophet. And slowly step by step teaching those nations that the slavery is no good. Because you are a free man and you are a servant. Allah (SWT) has created the man in Ahsan-i-Taqwim.

    Allah (SWT) sent man to the Earth to be Khalifatullah:
    And He sent the man to the Earth to be his Khalifa. To be representing Him. When He is saying to angels, I’m going to create something and I’m going to give this title, the angels they were thinking that this title maybe is for us. They are not even thinking what kind creature this is going to be. And Allah saying to them, “No, it’s not among you. I’m going to create another creature. And I’m going to give this title to them. Khalifatullah. To be representing Me.”
    And they said, “Ya Rabbi, you going to create a man and they going to be on the Earth and they going to put bloodshed? We worship You the way that You deserve to be worshipping.
    Saying, you only know the things that I let you to know. You open door to them to see the arrogant side of the man, what they were going to do. And He is saying there will be ones, and they will represent Me.

    Ummat of Holy Prophet (AS) is the Ummat of Shefaat:
    And the Holy Prophet (AS) sent last, to teach mankind, to teach the Children of Adam, to be reaching to the Highest Station. Because this is the Ummat of Shefaat. This Ummat, this Nation, is going to give Shafaat to other nations too. The squareheads they are not even accepting the Shafaat of the Prophet (AS). You not accepting the Prophet’s Shafaat, hm, you can find so many hells to go that time, don’t worry. You think that you going to be finding safety with your arrogance? If you didn’t understand the level, if you didn’t understand the value of the Holy Prophet (AS) that shows how arrogant and how stubborn you are.

    What is Faith?:
    What is Kufr? And what is faith? The reality is that you can enter to the faith saying Ashadu an la ilaha il-Allah wa Ashadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasuluhu. Shahadat is giving value to you. Why it’s giving value to you? Because you are accepting the Most Valuable one in Divine Presence. That Allah (SWT) mentioning his name alongside His name. Ashadu an la ilaha il-Allah wa Ashadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasuluhu
    So if you are keeping what Allah (SWT) kept valuable, high, that is faith. That is faith. What Allah put high, you must put high. You must accept it! You must put it above your head! You must bow down front of that one. Yes. That time you have a faith. Your faith is valuable. Because you are putting high what Allah (SWT) put high. And what is Kufr? What Allah is putting down, if you are putting it up, that is Kufr. The faith, faith is what Allah is keeping high, you must keep it high too. That is faith.

    Muslims have divided into 73 different ways:
    Is that what happened to us? To our nation? To the nation of Muhammad? One Ummat, one Ummat! What happened to our Nation? What happened to Ummat-i-Muhammad? Ummat-i-Muhammad they have divided, they have deviated for so many different parts. First, they have divide themself from each other. They turn themselves into nationalities. Nationalism. They selected and elected their own flags. And they start eating each other. That’s what happened to the Nation of Muhammad. And those that they are not separating themself as of nations, they start separating themself in 73. My Nation, Holy Prophet saying is going to divide 73 different ways. They all going to claim that they are in Siratal Mustaqim, they are in the right way. It’s only one of them, one group is going to be in Siratal Mustaqim. And 72 of them, they are in the wrong side. They are bounding to Fire. And when Sahaba-i-Kiram asked Ya Rasulallah who are those, if they all going to claim those ones, they are the right way, how we going to know which ones are those. Those that are keeping my Sunnat and the Sunnat of my Sahabi. Not only the Sunnat of the Rasulallah (Salatu wa Sallim), but the Sunnat of my Sahabi. Now we must check ourselves. Yes. Turn back little bit. As we say earlier, Muslims they are growling to each other. Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw. That way. Or, Jamats, or nations. And you don’t need enemy that time. Your enemy is sitting and watching saying, these ones they finishing themselves anyway. It’s easy to bring them down. But those ones and also the heedless Muslims they are not knowing, they are not believing. There is handful of those ones that they are holding tightly to the teachings and to the Sunnat of the Rasulallah (Salatu wa Sallim). They will not deviate from that main road. And with those ones, yes, this world is going to find peace again through the hands of those ones. And your aim and your intention and your heart at least has to be with those ones. To say, Ya Rabbi I am a weak servant, I cannot do anything, but if You give me the power, I will change all this world to turn it to put Your laws on them. And everywhere Your name to be mentioned. If you are not saying this, you have not reached to complete faith.

    Sheytan is making believers fall into heedless station:
    So we were talking about heedlessness, yes. The Sheytan is making believers to fall into the heedless station, to Gaflet. Especially in these days. Because Sheytan and the buddies of the Sheytans they also know that the time has been giving to them on the face of earth, the first time when the Sheytan became disobedient to Allah (SWT), and Allah (SWT) kicked him out from Paradise, and saying to him, now go. And wait until Judgment Day. Because he make oath to Allah (SWT) saying that I’m going to fool every one of them, those ones that You created to be Your Khalifa, I’m going to fool them. And he’s kicked out from the paradise because of the man. Because of Adam (AS). He didn’t want to put his ego down to bow down front of Adam (AS). Saying, I only make Sajda to you. So many ignorant ones today they saying the same thing. But Allah saying to him, you are worshiping to Me, yes. I am accepting your worshipness. You have to accept also My Order and you have to make Sajda to Adam. You are making worshipping to Me, yes. You are My servant. And that is also My servant. And, I am ordering to you, that you must make Sajda to that one. That one became arrogant again, saying no, I only worship You. I only make Sajda to You. And Allah saying to him again, (SWT), you are making Sajda to Me, that means you are accepting My order. You must accept and obey My order, make Sajda to Adam too. With all that knowledge, he became so ignorant and arrogant. Just like 21st century people, that Holy Prophet saying (AS), they going to read a lot, they going to know a lot, but they going to be very ignorant with the knowledge that they know. They going to be very arrogant with the knowledge that they know. Just like what Sheytan did. What he did? He had so much knowledge, not only the knowledge of Quran, he knows 104 books.

    How much investment are you making to your Paradise?:
    You hear about Paradise! You only know the name of Paradise. You read about Paradise. You hear about Paradise. You didn’t witness it yet. I don’t know if there is anybody here have witnessed it. I can see it from the face but I’m not seeing any light in those face yet that they just lay their eyes into the Paradise one time and that light reflected to them. You hear. You read. You believe. Sheytan has entered into it. He enter into the Paradise. He didn’t left any place in the Paradise that he didn’t walked around. He have seen everything in the Paradise. Not everything of course. Paradise is expanding. It’s growing. Everyday, it’s growing differently. Your paradise is growing differently every day, depending what kind of investment you are making. Today 21st century people they all became so smart. Saying I got to make investment! I have one house, I must make another house. And, I must have a summer house. And winter house. And I have to make my house to grow bigger! They all become real estate guys, Mashallah. Never satisfied with what they have. Eh, we say okay, it’s okay. You get fooled by these Americans, it’s okay. Continue with that way too. But let me ask you, how much investment you are making to your Paradise? To your house, to your home, that you going to be there forever? The eternal life is there. You not liking to live in the small house in this world. You always looking to the ones that who has better house. Who has better car. But maybe tomorrow they fall down and they die and they cannot take that with them. And you know it and I know it. And not only them but you and I too. Whatever investment you doing, you going to leave it here. If it’s worldly investment, you going to leave it here and you going to go. But still, you not sitting comfortable. You running to do. Say okay, you have nothing else to do, you keeping yourself busy with that okay. How much investment you making to your paradise. Are you checking? You paying the money every day for angels to build for you. Are you able to go to check it to say, I don’t like it this way I want it that way. Oh, Sheykh, can such a thing will happen like that? You doing it in Dunya, why not in Akhirat? They have models there too. Saying to you , your highness, this is going to be your palace. Would you like this stone or this color? Which one? Males and females, I’m asking. Females they want to have their house nice always. Kitchen to bedroom to this to that, watching the tiles, watching. Are you watching that one? Hm, say. Are you making investment for that? Are you really believing that that is your house that you going? If you really believing, your heart must be kicking all the time saying I’m wondering what kind of treasures coming today in paradise. Is my house is built and designed by those treasures? Hm.

    Muslims are worrying for their Dunya but Azrail is coming:
    So you are not really believing. You are just saying but you not believing. That’s what happened to Muslims. Because Muslims they have worried, they are worrying for their Dunya 24 hours a day. They are worrying for their Dunya and their pleasure in this Dunya. The pleasure that is so temporary. Azrail coming, everything is finishing. The man that is walking and jumping and jumping high, running, before you know, soon as Azrail is coming he’s falling down not moving. Like a log. He needs somebody else to carry it. Not one person, there are 200-300 pound person I can just grab it like this and pick it up. I used to wrestle and I used to grab the man like that, pick him up. The man dies, should be more easier. No, 100 pound man, you picking up from there, is falling on the other side. You cannot pick it up. Two, three, four people is carrying so hardly. Hm. What happened to that man? The spirit, the spirit makes you light. The spirit is making you light. If the spirit is not there its falling down. Becoming very heavy. Yes. So, what happened to us?

    The Bedr War:
    As Holy Prophet addressed it, he said in Hadith-i-Sharif, he says, in Akhir Zaman, in the end of the times, my nation is going to fall so low that their enemy is going to look at them and they not going to count them for nothing. And their enemy is going to enter into them and they going to take their valuable stuff. They going to sit on their table and they going to eat their food. And my nation is not going to be able to do nothing that time. And they said, Ya Rasulallah, because Sahaba-e-Kiram they are knowing that they were only handful. Handful of people. The first war, the Bedr War, it was only 313 people went to war. And front of them is over 3,000. 3,000 well trained soldiers. That they have the best weapons in their hand for that time. And the Sahabi they did not have anything in their hand. They didn’t even have sword in their hand, so many of them. They just grabbed one stone, one stick, something, they went there saying, their heart was speaking. And, they went to a war with them. How you think that that war is end? What happened with that war, do you know what happened?

    Muslims are not knowing their history:
    Muslims sleeping because Muslims they are not knowing their history. This is the history part of Islam. You must know. If you are not knowing that part, how you going to keep your faith growing strong? But every one of them they know the history of their nation. If you are asking Pakistanis, saying we are different nation. We separated from India. And, we have an atomic bomb. We can bring them to the end. Mashallah. What a heedlessness is that too. Hm? The Arabs they are growling with each other. The Turks? Don’t even talk about it. They became more heedless than anybody else. Because in Turkish they are saying, the fish, it smells from the head. If the head is smelling is bad, the whole body is no good. So the Turks they were holding the flag of Islam and they were holding the sword of Islam. And they dropped it. They put it down. For what? They wanted to become Westerners. They loved the Western ideas. They wanted to become free ones. And look at them. Yes, look at them, how they are today. They are falling to the lowest level. The Zimbabwe is better than them. Because I’m saying this they are putting me in jail in Turkey. I’m going to continue saying, yes. Heh, think you going to stop me? Yes, you cannot.

    Muslims put down the flag of the Holy Prophet (AS):
    The Hakk, you must speak the Hakk, doesn’t matter. Is it bothering? Of course it’s bothering me. It should be bothering you too. Because Allah (SWT) has honored us, has giving the honor for Islam, Muslims to carry the flag of the Prophet (AS). To bring it everywhere. And, we put it down. We put it down because of our egoistic reasonings. We fall to the tricks and the traps of Sheytan. And we follow our ego. And that’s what happened to us today. And we are asking help from those ones that they are preparing to finish us completely. Yes. America, freedom, hm? Look what they are debating today. Where? Washington. Should we put Muslims into concentration camps? This is what they are debating. Should we put them in one corner and to put soldiers around them? Hm to you. You going to put Islam to that corner? Hm. You think the Islam it is in the hands of creatures? You not watching the history? How many Abrahas, how many Nimruds, how many Firauns, how many tyrants came before you? Trying to finish Islam? What happened to them, watch, the history. Your end will be same. If you are not coming around and accepting the Most Beloved One in Divine Presence, Muhammad (AS). (Stands)

    Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad (Salatu wa Sallim).

    Two sicknesses entered the hearts of the Muslims:
    Yes, we are standing up for his honor, yes. And, the heedless ones from the Muslims again. Going and begging to those ones, saying , no we are not like this. We are not terrorists. Say to them, yes we are not terrorists; but you are. If you going to see them talk, say to them, we are not terrorists, but you are. You are doing terrorism everywhere. From the single houses to the nations. You are the one who’s terrorists. Say. No, the Muslims leaders they are falling. They are falling into what? As Holy Prophet saying (AS) time will come to my Nation they are falling and they becoming so heedless and their enemies entering they taking every valuable thing that they have and they cannot do nothing about it. So the Sahabi asking saying Ya Rasulallah their number is going to be less than us during that time? Because Sahaba-i-Kiram looking, 300 Sahabi, they win over 3,000 strong ones. And they are saying Ya Rasulallah, Muslims are going to be less than us that time. Their enemies are going to be so much multiplied like that. And the Holy Prophet saying no, other way around it’s going to be. Their number is going to be so many. But two kinds of sickness is going to enter to their heart. One sickness is the love of Dunya, love of this world. It’s going to enter into their heart. And the second, the fear of death is going to enter to their heart. When these two sicknesses is entering to their heart, Allah (SWT) will lift the majestic appearances of Islam away from them. When their enemy is looking at them, they are saying whole bunch of passive people that they no good for nothing. And they will not have any fear from them. And they will do their worst to them. And they will still running after them. Is this what is happening to us?

    Are you following the Sunnat of the Sahaba-i-Kiram?
    Ey Muslims, I am talking now to Muslims. I am not talking to non-Muslims. If I am talking to non-Muslims, I have something else to say to them. I am talking to Muslims. And I am talking to those whose saying they are in love with the Holy Prophet (AS). I am not talking to the Wahhabi corrupted brains. I am not talking to those ones too. If I’m going to speak to those ones there is something else to speak to those ones too. Talking to Muslims that calling themselves Ahl-i-Sunnat. People that they are following the Sunnat, the traditions of the Holy Prophet (AS). So where is this Sunnat? Are you following the Sunnat of the Sahaba-i-Kiram? How they were following the step by step the orders of the Holy Prophet (AS). Did they falling into the troubles like this? Did they start eating each other like this? When the people of Mecca they left Mecca and they immigrate, they came to Medina. They make Hijret with the order of Allah (SWT). They left everything there. They left their belongings, they left their house, they left their wealth. And they came to Medina. And sometimes later Holy Prophet saying now is the time to be brothers with each other. From people of Mecca, Ansar and Muhajireen, to become brother to each other. And you should choose one to each other and to share your wealth with each other. Share everything that you have people of Medina share everything that you have with one of your brothers. Because these ones they left everything for Allah’s sake with the order of their Prophet and they came to you. And the blessing of Allah (SWT) has reached to you. Holy Prophet is not saying to them, I am your blessing. He is being very humble. But where the Prophet was, that’s where the blessing and the Rahmet is raining. And they move from Mecca and they make Hijret to Medina. And the Rahmet start raining there. And the people of Medina their life change right away. Everything start changing right away and the Holy Prophet saying to them, aren’t you making these ones your brothers. And they all taking one saying this is my brother Dunya and Akhirat and I am sharing everything. And if something happens to me and I die, my wealth goes to this one completely.

    We replaced Islam with western ideas:
    Whatever happened to us? Is this what we following? Or we are just fighting for this Dunya? For something that has no value. That’s the only thing we are fighting. That’s the only thing that we are eating each other, Muslims. Because we left the real understanding of Islam. We left the real faith of Islam. We left the understanding of, in Islam, how to share and how to love. And we start, we left that to a side. And we replace it with something else. We replace it with something else, what? The Western ideas. The westerners they go to a store sitting in the restaurant, father and the son, and they are giving order 2 coffee, they are paying different bill. The son is not thinking to pay for his father’s coffee. And the father is not thinking to pay his son’s coffee. That’s how it is. They say you don’t have money, so don’t drink. Is that what happened to Muslims? Ask yourself, don’t ask anybody else. Say to yourself, is this really what happened to me? You going to find the answer by yourself. That you not sharing anymore. And, when it comes to love, the love just like western style too. Love only for me. The one that you love you have to sacrifice things. You have to give things up. The sign of the love you love somebody, through tongue is not enough. The sign of the love, the one that you love, if you cannot do nothing, at least you have to offer a glass of water. Sign of the love. Showing proper respect. Not only through words. So this is what again? Western way. Not Islam.

    So we have fallen. We have fallen to the lowest level. But we are here to bring them up to the highest level. We are here to be a good role model to them. 200, 300 million of Americans. They are waiting to be safe. Who knows. Maybe with your good behavior with the good actions that you are doing who knows they are falling in love with Islam maybe because of you. Is this what we doing? No we not doing that. We are hiding ourself. Time to time I go to some places that I know the owner of the store is a Muslim guy. When I say Selam Aleykum brother, when there is he is busy, he’s just completely ignoring. He doesn’t want to give Selam because he doesn’t want his customers to know he is Muslim. Because there’s no sign in the store anyway about Islam at all. So many like that. Hm, you feeling shy and shame from Islam. So you have no faith. Your faith you’re putting it all the way down. With that faith you cannot cross the Sirat. It will be very hard to cross the Sirat with that faith. So what we got to do? First, we have to wake up from the heedless station. We have to force ourself to wake up from that heedless station that we are in. When we wake up from that heedless station, the help will reach to us. The help is there. But because we are so heedless we are not seeing anything.

    We only seeing our own ideas. Our own ideas is right. Because, eh, who is your teacher. From where you learning? Eh we go to schools. We learning. We learning in secular schools. They teaching us that Darwin is a monkey and you are monkey too. Oh, that’s what they teaching? No. They teaching Darwin theory. Darwin theory is evolution theory and the evolution theory they are saying that squarehead monkey donkey Darwin saying, our grandfathers they are monkeys. And he’s accepting and there are so many billions of people accepting. And they are accepting to be from monkey generation. If you are accepting don’t worry, you will be raising to the judgment day from the monkey generation but even the monkeys they not going to accept you that time. They going to say no these ones they not among us. These ones are different creature, they are not human and they are not monkeys. So you are not liking that Allah (SWT) created you man? That saying I have created you Ahsan-i-Taqwim, the most perfect creature? That the Angels they were admiring, the angels they were waiting that that title to be given to them? And when Allah saying to them (SWT), I am creating different creature and I am giving that title.

    How will you meet the Angel of Death?:
    Are you understanding? Are we understanding where we are? We must. We must force ourselves to understand. And if we do, soon as we understand, that time it’s going to become shock to us to understand how heedless situation I was in five minutes ago? If Azrail were to come to me and I was thinking that I had a faith but with this faith, I will falling into the trouble into the grave. The trouble of the grave is waiting. So many saying I am fed up with this Dunya I want to die. What did you do? Do you think that you clean everything and the grave trouble is not waiting for you now? Prepare yourself for that. The grave trouble will not wait for you that time. When? When you are pleased with your Lord. Saying Ya Rabbi I am pleased with You. Please be pleased with me. And that time you run around to do whatever is necessary to please Allah with you. And, you never stop! You never say, this is enough for me. Because you still not sure 100%. You going to run nonstop. That is going to give you energy. That’s what is going o make you to run non-stop for Allah’s sake. Until the Angel of Death comes to you. And when the Angel of Death is coming to you that time, you become so strong that you may say to the Angel of Death that time, “Who are you? Are you the one who’s giving this life and you going to take? I am not giving you permission.”

    What you going to do? What you think Azrail is going to do that time? Azrail will be shaking from that one, yes. And going back to Divine Presence saying Ya Rabbi it’s known to you. This Servant of You supposed to be coming out but he’s not coming out. And Allah (SWT) ordering Angel, go back to him. Open your right hand. He will see the signature. And he will give up easily. And that comes, and Azrail is showing the secret that is coming with that and that time that servant easily saying, Ashadu an la ilaha il-Allah wa Ashadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasuluhu.

    Bestamli Beyazid (KS)’s saying about Day of Judgment:
    Goes out from this world. Because he cannot wait the believer should be in that station that cannot should not be waiting has to be in that station that, I cannot wait to meet my Lord. Just like Bestamli Beyazid (KS), saying, everyone is afraid from that day. The Day of Judgment Day, everyone is afraid from that day. He says, me, Beyazid, I cannot wait for that day! They say what happened? He says, me, the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth who has created everything He is going to say to me, “Ya Beyazid, come to My Presence, you going to be questioned.” He says, what kind of dog I am that my Lord who has created me is going to take me, is going to show value to me to question me? He says I know from questionings I will fail definitely. But with my Lord’s addressing me, with that addressing, that is a love enters to my heart, and it starts overtaking whole my body, and whole my cells becomes fire, if He puts me into the fire, I will burn down the whole Hellfire with that love. Yes. Eh, squareheads, Wahhabi squareheads they are calling this one man with Shirk and Bidet. Pthooo to you!

    How a King met the Azrail:
    So, wake up to yourself. Either you will go out from this world just like that man like that servant saying, who are you to take my life? I want to go back to my Lord but I have to know for sure. Or, there was a King once upon a time he was also a believer. But he was not taking care of his Shahadat. And, he was going to be show in his kingdom. And he has to go to the place where everyone is prepared. And the people they are holding the sides, thousands of people waiting, our King is going to pass from here. And we should look to see. They were not running in the streets to bring it down that time even the bad ones. Heh, we have to say our King, long life to you! This is what they were doing. Even that one that he was tyrant to himself. And, he’s getting up morning opening his hands, his maids taking clothes, putting new clothes on it, looking at mirror, I don’t like this one, take another one! Another one, another one. Finally he’s satisfied with one clothes, bringing nice horses to him. Saying I don’t like this, pull another one, pull another one. And finally his ego satisfied with one of them, he’s sitting on the horse with his proudness passing through from there, everyone is cheering. And, from the crowd, one old man just appeared. Coming passing his guards holding the reins of the horse. And the King is looking saying, who are you to stop my horse? Get away from here before I order the Jallat, the executioner, to cut your neck off! That one saying to him, O Your Highness, I cannot go anywhere unless I have to tell you something. I have a word to say to you. Now the King is looking down saying who’s this man? Has no fear from me. And he is being little bit scared saying to him, quickly say what you want. He’s saying, “No I cannot say to you like that, bow down, I have to say to your ear.”

    King is getting upset but at the same time looking at the firmness of that individual he’s getting scared his heart is shaking. Saying, say quickly, what you want? Saying I am here. He says you are here? Who are you, what is it that you want, say quickly before I get upset to order to the executioner! Saying, you didn’t understand yet? I am here. He says I am Azrail. You are Azrail? Azrail coming in so many different shapes. He starts shaking. Eh…..saying, please, give me a permission, go back to palace and make new wudu, ablution and to complete, and then you take my life.

    Saying, it’s too late. Your time is up. Come out from there. Soon as he said come out, spirit leaves the body, the king falls down from the horse, the old man walks back into the crowd. Everyone looking, nobody’s really understanding anything, the king is gone, the old man is gone. That was a king. So many thinking that I’m going to have power and going to be in better situation. That was the King. That’s what happened to him when he has seen the Azrail.

    That’s exactly what happened to Abu Jahil, to Nimruds, the Abrahas, the Firauns. So many Firauns of this century that they are declaring lordship, soon as Azrail is coming to them they are shaking like this. Now they know. Are you going to be going out from the world like that? Or you going to go out from the world like the servant of Allah (SWT).

    How Azrail meets the Servant of Allah:
    That Azrail coming to him, and he is sitting and remembering Allah (SWT). And saying to him, O the Servant of Allah! I am here. He said to him, I know. He says you know? How you know? Hm, says, before you moved from the Presence I knew that you coming to me. He says in that case you also know that your Lord is addressing to you. If you want, I can extend your life more. If you want, whatever you want. He said, no. This is the day that I was waiting, I couldn’t wait for this day, now it’s here! He says but because my Lord is giving me permission, he says, let me just go make a wudu, new wudu, and to make 2 rekat and on the second rekat when I am in the Sajda, just take my life that time.

    A good way of going. And he said, yes, you know that it’s grant to you. And he did it and on the second rekat, just like the Ayat saying, O the Nafs, the Ego, the Ego Ammara that turned into Ego of Mutmain. That he is pleased with his Lord and the Lord is pleased with him, come. And easily that leaves the body. And that servant of Allah stays in Sajda. They took him like that they put him in the grave. Right now that we are talking he is in that grave in that Sajda. When he’s going to say “Allahu Akbar” and he’s going to sit, he’s going to find himself in the Judgment place. Just like when you making 2 Rakat prayer and the second Rakat you go, and you sit, and you just sit just like that split second is for that servant of Allah that passed thousands of years. To him in the grave. But to that King, he is still shivering, non-stop. Thousands of year he’s going to pass.

    Keep your promise to your Lord!:
    So the Azrail is going to come to you and to me. Prepare for that! The most important thing, how you going to go out from this world. So what Holy Prophet saying to us? The way you believe that’s how you will live. The way you live, that’s how you will die. The way you die, that’s how you will rise to the Judgment Day. Judgment Place. So look at yourself and understand and look what is the priority in your life. And if you don’t know, the priority in your life has to be pleasing Allah and loving His Prophet. That has to be the priority of your life. Keeping your promise to your Lord. That has never changed. From the beginning of Adam (AS) until now, until Judgment Day, it’s not going to do. No other Prophets coming, but if there will be billions of Prophets coming from now until Judgment Day, they still going to come with this same order saying to you, keep your promise to your Lord. You have promised to Allah (SWT) that you will be His Servant. Keep your promise! That’s what 124,000 Prophets came to teach people, to keep their promise to their Lord and to show them what is Halal and what is Haram. To stay in the borderlines. If we keep those two, if we stay in the borderlines of Halal and Haram, if we keep the orders of our Lord, if this world turns completely into a Hell, you still going to be happy. You still going to be satisfied. If they put you into the Hell, just like Bestamli Beyazid, you still going to say, where is the Hell? I’ll burn the whole Hell for your sake, Ya Rabbi.

    Wa Minallah Tawfiq.

    This much should be enough for you and for me, to make us to wake up Inshallah-ur-Rahman. For the honor of our Prophet (AS). For the honor of all those ones who came and who passed and who’s living right now that they are keeping the orders of their Lord. We are asking Ya Rabbi to count us from those ones that we know that we cannot be one of those, but at least count us from those ones that we love them. And, make us to be obedient servants to You, obedient servants to Your Prophet, and obedient ones to the leaders, the rightly guided ones that You are putting for us. Amin, Amin, Amin, wa Salamun alal Mursaleen, wal hamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin.

    Also we are asking long life and health for our Sheykh until the appearance of Mahdi (AS). He wants to be with him and we have to ask that, Inshallah, he will be with him. And Inshallah we are asking that if we going to serve rightly with him to keep us with him too. If we going to lose our faith to take us with complete faith minutes that we have out from this world clean and to bring us to His Presence clean. Amin Amin wasalamun alal Mursaleen wal hamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, al-Fatiha.

    1 April 2011, 8:33 pm
  • Friday Evening Sohbet: Protect Your Shahadat


    Friday, RabiulAwal 29, 1432 (March 4, 2011)

    Seyh Abdul Kerim Efendi is saying that although the Muslims of today have faith in their hearts, they have lost their religion and that they are running after all wrong kinds of knowledge, especially from the internet and facebook. Muslims today are running after western knowledge but western knowledge is only planting seeds of distrust of Prophet (SAWS) in their hearts. The most important thing and the foundation for a Muslim is the Shahadat. sheytan is running to fool Muslims and take their Shahadat away. Seyh Efendi is mentioning the remembrance of death and saying that in these days Muslims must protect their Shahadat.

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    Protect Your Shahadat

    Destur, Medet. Euzubuillahi min al-Sheytan el-Rejim.


    Muslims’ troubles are coming because they have forgotten BismillahirRahmanirRahim:
    What happened to us, to Muslims? They forgot BismillahirRahmanirRahim. Everywhere anything you do you have to start with that. If you are not starting saying Euzubuillahi min al-Sheytan el-Rejim, BismillahirRahmanirRahim, you are not asking shelter from Allah (SWT) running away from Sheytan to Allah. And BismillahirRahmanirRahim, not saying, that is a sword against to Sheytan, then your job is going to be connected with Sheytan. That’s why 21st century, 20th, 21st century Muslims, we are seeing that, anywhere that they are aiming, it’s not working. And everyone coming with questions, saying, “Your religion maybe is wrong because it’s not working.”
    We are seeing that Muslims, they are suffering. It is good, because Allah (SWT) is reminding His servants, because He’s saying to us that those ones that I don’t care, I don’t give care, I don’t even give them a tooth pain in this world, this way they will not remember Me at all.

    Incidents happening to Muslims but they not waking up, they not remembering, they not trying to understand why things are not happening, why it’s not working for us. So Euzubuillahi min al-Sheytan el-Rejim, BismillahirRahmanirRahim.

    Medet Ya Seyyidi Sultan el-Evliya Medet.

    The authority of the world is in the hands of the Holy Ones:
    We are asking help and support from the Holy Ones that they are holding the authority and the ruling of this world in reality in their hand. Don’t look at outside this ones that elected selected ones. They just electing yesterday tomorrow they are going. But there is Holy Ones that they are holding. If they are not turning it right, it’s not going to turn. It’s not turning it left, it’s not going to turn.

    Heedlessness is causing Muslims to lose their religion:
    So Muslims as we say, they became heedless because they have forgot their religion. Saying yes we are Muslims. Mashallah. Faith? Faith is there. Faith is inside but the faith is like a seed. And you put the seed there and if you are not pouring water in it, it’s never going to grow. If it’s staying out there, if that seed staying out there, keep it there 1000 years, put water in it, it’s not going to work again. So the seed has to be in the ground and you have to put water in it for that to grow to come out to see what kind tree it is, what kind fruit it’s going to give to you. And we are looking to Muslims today, we are looking to Islamic world, today no fruits anymore. The trees they dried out. Used to be a trees, yes, trunks and big branches reaching everywhere, meaning Islam is reaching everywhere. But the tree is gone, no more fruits, and Muslims became very heedless, in Gaflet.

    Shahadat is the foundation:
    They are saying Shahadat, yes, lets renew our Shahadat because Holy Prophet saying (AS), every time remembering you must renew your Shahadat. Renew your Shahadat make your faith growing more and you must and you should be living for this Shahadat if you are a believer. You should be holding the Shahadat strong and high. You should not change anything for that Shahadat.
    So let’s renew our faith saying “Ashadu an-la-ilaha il-Allah, wa Ashadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasuluhu.”

    Now this is foundation. Now we can build something on it. Without foundation you cannot build nothing, whatever you built its going to crash down. So the Shahadat is our foundation. Then we can start building. As strong as the foundation is, you can put the strongest building on top of it. So continuously, you cannot escape from this now. You cannot say, well the prayer, I need to make wudu, I need to make this, no! At least keep the Shahadat alive in your heart. Anytime you remembering say, “Ashadu an-la-ilaha il-Allah, wa Ashadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasuluhu.”

    This is why you have been created. This is the reason of mankind that they have been created to know Allah and to worship Allah (SWT). And knowing Allah (SWT) it is knowing, you must start knowing yourself. And knowing yourself you have to continuously saying this Shahadat and its going to start growing.

    Today mankind is learning wrong knowledge from western education:
    In reality the man with a wisdom, when he is looking at the seed he knows what kind of tree is going to come out from that seed. He knows what kind of fruit is going to be from it. Because whole secret of that tree it is hidden in that seed. The western knowledge is teaching you, which Muslims they lose their, as we say, they lose their religion. Why they lose their religion? Because they are running for western knowledge. They are running to materialistic knowledge. They are running to learn. But learning what? And it’s in everybody’s tongue they knew couple of ayats, from males to females, saying, “Sheykh, isn’t it Allah saying, first order and first ayat. Iqra, read?” Yes, definitely, but what to read? Read what? Do you think Allah (SWT) saying to you, go to secular schools, go to Sheytanic schools, go to schools that they are teaching you that you came from Darwin. Oh not Darwin. From monkey. They are teaching you the Darwin theory, evolution. Is that what Allah is telling us, to learn this, Iqra, read that? Or He’s telling you to read magazine? Or newspaper? Or He’s telling you to sit front of your computer, which today from 7 years old to 70 years old, they all busy with computers. And I’m saying what are you learning? Yes, they made it so good that you can carry the whole library in your hand. But how many people they have the knowledge, how many people looking. No, just, say, what are you doing? I’m chatting, messaging, watching my Facebook. Heh, watch your Facebook. Make more fitna. That’s exactly what’s happening. Writing back and forth, now today’s people, whatever happening in their bedroom, or in their toilet, in their house, the whole world is watching through internet saying, “Facebook, I’m just, I’m going to toilet right now. I’m going to sleep right now. I’m getting up right now. I’m going down now.”

    Why you are spreading this knowledge? What is that going to give to you? Nothing. But the Sheytan is there to take the people to extreme, all the way to the end, to the wrong direction. That time they not going to be busy to understand that, yes I lost my religion. You have a faith definitely, but you have no religion, you lost the religion, you not knowing the religion. And anyone who’s trying to know the religion now they have to go to western books to learn religion, and now because of that, we’ll be like this, because we lost our religion.

    Western knowledge is teaching Muslims to have suspicion about the Holy Prophet (AS):
    Why? Because Holy Prophet have been sent, (AS), to teach us to bring us to the highest level, to complete the good manner. And completing good manner it’s coming, knowing yourself, knowing your religion, knowing your Lord. Otherwise you cannot. Knowing religion it is not that you just learn from your mother, your father, your parents, from your country that you came and going and making salat. It’s not that. When Holy Prophet came, (AS), he was Muhammad El-Amin. Everyone was calling him Muhammad El-Amin. Even Abu Jahil was calling him Muhammad El-Amin. Everyone was calling him. What is the meaning? The Most Trustworthy One. Whatever he is saying, and we can depend on his word. And Muhammad El-Amin, one night, overnight, became liar, Hasha Astagfirullah. When he said to them, now say La ilaha il-Allah Muhammad Rasulallah, they saying, “No we not believing in you, we not following you. You are wrong.” This is what they say that time. Up till now this is what they are saying.

    Especially these westerns that you running after to learn something from them. Yes, what you going to learn? I’ll tell you what you’re going to learn. You going to learn to have suspicion about your Prophet, that’s what you’re going to learn. That’s what they are teaching you. If it’s not, you are believing in Akhirat, you are believing that Angel of Death is going to come to you, you are believing that it may visit you right now. If you are not believing, I am telling you. Think little bit. Do you think that Angel of Death may come to you right now, do you think that Angel of Death may come to me right now, while I am speaking, fffft, it falls down and you go ? Yes, definitely; have you reached to that level to say to Angel of Death, Azrail, who are you? Everyone talking too much in these days, yes.

    If you do not have permission to speak, keep silent:
    And we say, you have the knowledge to talk? If you have knowledge to talk, talk . If you are giving permission to talk, talk. If you are not giving permission, because it’s giving mouth, don’t talk. Everyone is giving mouth. First you have to learn. And what did you learn you have to digest it. You have to live in yourself then you have to give something to others. Otherwise, no permission. You’ll be responsible in the Judgment Day every word you are saying. I’ll be responsible from every word that I am saying. I am not caring from that camera, or from you, from anyone, but I am caring from the angels that they are watching and they are recording. And they going to bring that in the Judgment Day front of me, front of my Lord saying, you said this. Where is your proof, how did you speak these things? From where you have the permission to speak? Is not that easy.

    (So keep the children quiet little bit. Keep those children not to make noise. 10-15 minutes.)

    People are living for their egos:
    So the important is now not how much you know. It’s not how much you read. It’s how much you are applying from that knowledge to your life and how much you are living with it. That’s important. And Inshallahur-Rahman, if we are learning our religion, then definitely we going to learn, we going to understand the value of this world that time. We not going spend our valuable time with nonsense because Allah (SWT) has giving you one life, not two. And majority of people spending the breath of life for nothing, just coming and going. Just living by mistakenly. Not knowing why they are living. Ask, say, why you are living? People say, what kind question is this. Why am I living? Yeah, why you are living? What is your purpose in this life. What are you going to do. Who are you living for? Oh! Who else, me, myself, and my ego.

    That’s what 21st century people doing. Living for themself. Living for their ego. Directed, ego is directed by Sheytan. Sheytan is the master of the ego, Sheytan is the teacher of the ego, whispering, “Pst pst, this way, that way.”

    Your conscience, your spirit, your reality saying to you, “No you cannot do this, this is wrong.”
    Your ego saying “No, I want it, you gotta do it this way. That’s the way I want it.”

    The characteristic of ego is to be rebellious. What it did first time when Allah (SWT) created ego, He put ego in front of Him saying, “Who are you and who am I?”

    Ego says, “You are You and I am me.”

    Isn’t that what everyone is saying in these days. “Who you talking to me? You talking to me? It’s me.”

    Muslims are stuck but the life is ticking:
    Haha, yes. How long you going to be here. Do you know? If you know how long you going to be here, speak. As I say earlier, when Angel of Death is coming to you, say to him, say to that one, don’t you dare making mistakes, because that one has no mercy when he’s coming. Don’t make no mistakes. Even Prophets they were shivering from that one. But can you say to that one, “Who are you to take my life? Are you the one who give this life and you going to take?”

    That takes full power faith. Meaning your faith has to be full level, 100%. That means you are filling your tank all the time, your tank is up, filled. Never going down. I’m watching you have telephones, every minute, people putting on the plug, saying, I gotta go on the Facebook now, so it takes lots of energy. Or I gotta go to, what is that…music, or video, or whatever. You have to have full power. Are you checking the level of your faith? You get up this morning. Did you check what is the level? Did you check how much fuel you have in it? You are sitting in the car and holding the steering wheel, you think you going? You are not going anywhere. There is nothing in it. That’s why what we say in the beginning, Muslims they not going anywhere. They are stuck. They not going forward. Only time that they moving, they going backward. They not going forward. But the Azrail is taking. Your life is clicking. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.

    Today’s people are occupied with wrong thinkings and cannot remember:
    The breath of life that is giving to you, you finish another day today. When Magrib is happened, your book is closed. Your page has been taken, whatever you did today, it’s taking, up there, someplace. I’m not going to talk to you about that place now because you have no clue. Up there, someplace. It is under security. No one can change it up till Judgment Day. Judgment Day it’s going to come front of you. O my servants, what did you do in these days. You going to remember everything. Today’s people they don’t remember what they did yesterday never mind what they eat lunch time they don’t remember. What did you eat lunch? Huh, yeah, you don’t remember because you are occupied with so many wrong thinkings. Just like your computer, computer has gigabytes, megabytes, bigabytes, terabytes. This up there also has feelings. This is a movie camera that works 24 hours nonstop, it’s filling. Anywhere you look its recording and you filling your memory chips. And you are not knowing how to delete it. You are not knowing how to get rid of the wrong ones. And once you fill it up you not remember anything what you did yesterday.

    What is the reason that we are living?:
    So why are we living? What is the purpose of this life? Just to eat and drink and to have families, sex, children? Build house, car, and die? This flower is so good. Beautiful. You are not taking the flower and throwing it front of sheep or a goat to eat. Although that there is some people that I am watching they are eating rose now too. They have worse than goat. But, say, this flower we cannot give it to the goat because it’s green. It’s beautiful. Hm. Do you think that Allah (SWT) who created you with such a beauty, everyone is saying watching the mirror they only seeing themself. But Allah (SWT) gave beauty to everyone. If you are seeing wrong somewhere something is wrong with you. Allah created everyone in their perfection. The most perfect. Hm? Isn’t that what He is saying to us?

    And He created the man the most perfect one. And He have sent the man all the way down to asfal as-safilin, to lowest place. Lowest place is this Dunya. Yes. For what? To know his Lord. To do good things. Not running for your ego. So we have to learn now why we are living and who are we living for. And if you are not accepting that, then I say don’t die. Don’t leave this world. But you know you going to. So first you have to know why you are living. This way, it generates it gives you energy to understand, who created me? What should I do with it now? You cannot understand your ego just sitting over there and thinking and meditating. Today, also, Muslims, as I say, they falling in so much heedless situation, that they are sitting in the Masjids and when I’m watching and they are sitting like yogis. Saying what are you doing? Saying, I’m making meditation, yoga style. Reyyy, empty head, yogism, if that was going to give something, don’t you think that all yogis they were going to be complete by now. The whole India part is going to be reaching to the Sirdatul Muntaha. But they not going anywhere. Why you running to follow that? Doesn’t Allah (SWT) is giving you ways to complete yourself? Didn’t your Prophet came to teach you that? Yes, he did.

    You are a prisoner between two breaths:
    But as we say again let me remind you again, you don’t know the religion. Because of that you have to run here, you have to run there, you have to fulfill the emptiness that it looks empty there, you have to fulfill it something else. Because we are not knowing our religion. They shut down everything not to teach you your religion. So we have to know we have to turn back to our own self. We have to understand. It’s not uprising here and there. Muslims today they are uprising, saying we want more freedom. Freedom! Freedom! America has freedom. We are free. And? We want freedom too. What America did with their freedom? Where they reach and you looking for? You are living in it, how free you are? (Deep breath) I tell you how free you are. You are a prisoner between two breaths. That how free you are. If Allah (SWT) doesn’t permit, breath in, you cannot take the air in, and you die. And the air that you just took in, say it is mine. Don’t give it out. Everyone is claiming everything is mine. Take the air. Say “it’s mine.” If doesn’t permit, the air doesn’t come out, and you die. Are you still going to claim that you are free? Are you still going claim to say I do as I like. How you going to do as you like that you are a prisoner between two breath. But we not seeing that because it’s so much heedlessness, it’s so much Gaflet. Yes. When you have the right to say? You may earn the right to say that I am free when you completely submit yourself to your Lord. And as Allah (SWT) saying, die before you die. And you taste that, and that spirit, your time is not up yet, it’s putting back to you. You be able to take it out and circle around and come back in too that time. That time you are free. Otherwise no freedom.

    Heart must be busy with Allah (SWT) and His Prophet (AS):
    And to reach to that, it’s not that easy. It’s not just to say I am doing this and I am doing that and I’m going to reach there. Because there is so many other enemies watching you, surrounding you for that spirit to leave the body to attack. Even the time when you are dying, they are circling around, waiting that they may capture that spirit. Depending what you were busy with. If you were busy with the good ones, and you will find protection surrounding you. If you are busy with the bad ones, with ugly ones, you going to find those ones. And they going to take that spirit so your Akhirat is going to be worse than this Dunya. So all this, we are falling into this situation as of believers, as of Muslims, because as we say in the beginning, we are believers. You are a believer. Definitely you are a believer because if you didn’t have no faith, what is your business here? Why you came here? You have a faith, your faith just brought you here. But we have to check the level of our faith. Where is it? At least to know how much juice I have in my phone. You know that. It’s showing it to you. Has a track, has a battery, saying, heh, this much you have, this percentage you have. This is so simple thing. You gotta check the level of the faith. To see where is the level of your faith. And checking that you have to charge it all the time. And the only way charging it, you have to remember your Lord. Continuously. Saying Allah. Heart must say Allah. Everywhere you turn, any job that you going to do, BismillahirRahmanirRahim, BismillahirRahmanirRahim, Bismillah. From inside doesn’t have to be outside. Your heart must be busy with your Lord, has to be busy with your Lord. You have to be busy with your Prophet. You have to be busy with the love of the Prophet and the love of the Prophet comes saying, Allahumma Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammad. Remembering that Prophet. Sending selawat to that Prophet. We going to be sorry for these days that we are spending in this world with heedlessness.

    Everyone is complaining today:
    Even those ones watching through the cemeteries, everyone complaining. Believers they are complaining. The people who was believers and they were complaining day and night, they are complaining. And unbelievers they are complaining. Unbelievers, watch the cemeteries, go, they will speak to you but you are not hearing anything. Unbelievers they are saying, “how much Gaflet I was in. Such a great Gaflet that I was in that Lord of the Heavens and the Earth, my Creator, my Master, my Owner, gave me life, gave me all this thing, and I didn’t remember only one time, I didn’t say one time La ilaha il-Allah. How foolish I am?”

    That one cursing itself. You don’t have to put that one in the fire. The fire of regret, it’s burning more than the fire. Because it’s too late now. So the people who believes but they not living according to their belief and continuously complaining, “I don’t like this, I don’t want this, this is no good, that is no good, this is…,” they are in trouble. They are saying to themself, how foolish I was. Everything was giving to me and I was complaining day and night. I was complaining day time, at least I shouldn’t complain night time. This way all this snakes coming into this grave, it will be little bit less. Hm…you have visitors waiting on the other side too, believe it or not. You can call that self, fear, whatever you want to call, that’s the reality. Whatever you filling that up with. So that one is regretting. The believers that they are running and doing so many good things, they are also regretting, saying, “how foolish I was, I say this many Allah, I should have say more. My mouth and my heart should be busy with that 24 hours. This way not this station in paradise but I will reach to that station.” And that one is regretting.

    The Earth grinds the ones that do not complete themselves in Dunya:
    That’s what is going to happen in our end. We didn’t reach to that yet. But that’s what it will happen. What will happen is, when you enter to the grave, don’t think that grave is just an empty place and people they just putting some dirt on you and they walking away and everything finish. And sometimes later go and open the grave, you going to find nothing from that one, that’s true. That one didn’t complete his mission that’s why the earth has to finish that one. Earth has to grind. Ground, ground, you know what is ground? Coming from what? Grinding, it’s going to grind that one. It’s going to bring end to that one completely. If you are not completing yourself in this Dunya, you going to complete yourself in the grave. Don’t leave it to the grave; the process of grave is very difficult. If it’s not in the grave, you going to have long day in the Judgment Day. One Judgment Day, one day, it is 50,000 years.

    Your eyes are fooling you:
    So wake up to yourself. Everything is not as you see. This eyes are also fooling you. So many things that you not seeing with this eyes but you cannot deny them. And so many things that you seeing with these eyes but they are saying to you wrong, they are showing you wrong. You are seeing it wrong. But it looks real! But it’s not. For instance, when you look at the sun, or the moon, you are just looking, ah, it’s round, say, disc, no bigger than that. It’s not disc, disc is not that big.

    Murid: (Tray.)

    Tray! One big tray. Round tray, hm? That’s what it looks like. Ask to yourself. That’s what your eyes is seeing. Smarty smarty Boston University tube babies, that they are knowing so much, so much knowledge, and ask yourself, eh Eyes, you are fooling me now, huh? The sun is not that big. But it’s that big! That’s what is there. As big as this tray. Is it reality big as that tray? You ask that to yourself you know it. So the reality the eyes that is looking is fooling you. You fooling your own self. And, say, where is East? There. Sun is rising from there. And? Sun is setting there, in the West. No! It’s not rising! Sun is not rising and sun is not setting, in reality. But you are just sitting, if you sit from morning up till night time, you going to see. Allah Allah, sun is rising there, it’s really, and noon-time it’s up there. And night time it’s setting on that side. Next day coming there again. Allah Allah. So it’s rising. And it’s setting. That’s what the eyes is showing to you. But the Ilm-e-Ledun, the other knowledge, is teaching you the reality is not that. Sun is not rising. And sun is not setting.

    So what I am trying to say to you, that everything that you see with your eyes that doesn’t mean it’s real. Everything that you not seeing with your eyes, that doesn’t mean that it’s not there. If you open these eyes (Sheykh Efendi points to heart), definitely you going to see something else that time. That time, that knowledge, intelligence and the heart knowledge, is going to complete it, to each other. So you going to do miracles that time. Miracles is going to come out from your hand that time. But we are in Gaflet. Who can do? That door is open to everybody. To the servants of Allah (SWT). Allah saying (SWT), it is for you. I granted that to you. To the Children of Adam. There, there is no separation that time male and female. Female going there too. But the females now running in these days to say we are equal with the mens. We want to build feminism. And what’s going to happen? Don’t you see what they did? What a mess they make? And you became the part of that mess. If you are equal, we not going to call female, only we have to call all males equal. Or all females.

    Either following Allah (SWT)’s and His Prophet (AS)’s orders, or orders of Sheytan:
    But the Sheytan is coming from every side, from every direction. To fool who? To fool Children of Adam. He is very angry with the Children of Adam. Because Children of Adam became reason for that Sheytan to come out from the Paradise. That’s why he’s making oath, saying, I’m going to take them with me to Jehennem. And our Lord saying, “Well those ones that they going to leave My orders and following you, they will go with you.”

    So which one you going to be? Are you going to following your Lord, your Prophet’s order? Or, still going to follow order, don’t say you are free. Anyone who is saying I am free, they are under the authority of somebody else always. So are you going to follow Allah and His Prophet’s orders, or you going to follow your ego and the Sheytan’s orders? Whichever the one you want to do, there, you have a free will. Free will is giving to you not to say, I have a free will and I do as I like. Free will is giving to you to teach your ego to say, no! My Lord doesn’t like this so you not going to do this. The free will it is a whip to you in your hand against to your ego. It is your horse. It is your transportation. The strong as your transportation is, the more powerful you become. But if you don’t have the control of that, it’s going to bring disaster to you. So you have to hold the reins and you have to have the whip. If the ego wants to turn to the wrong side with that free will you going to say no you cannot turn this side. This is forbidden. This is banned to you. From who? From Allah and His Prophet.

    What is one job of the Prophets, what they did? They came to teach us what is Halal and what is Haram. Not according to your understanding. Not according to our understanding. According the way that Lord of the Heavens has put His law on us, saying to us, “I ban and I forbid this actions. This actions you cannot do. And this ones, you must do.”

    If we follow, if we live according to that, definitely if it’s the, if you are in the worst situation in this world, you still going to be happy. You not going to be sad. Because you are obeying your Lord. And you know that things is going to come easy to you. All the difficulties is still going to be easy for you. Because Allah is watching you. Huh, if you are not following that, you can call yourself much as free you want. 24 hours a day, you are worrying. You are thinking. You running away, that’s why Sheytan make this fast life style, people to run back and forth, back and forth nonstop, not to remember anything until the Angel of Death comes and they remember but it’s too late. Saying, you just got fooled. Another one got fooled. You couldn’t take that, you couldn’t give that Shahadat, you couldn’t live according to that Shahadat, and if you didn’t live according to the Shahadat, you cannot take that Shahadat with you. So the most valuable thing in your life has to be Shahadat. Saying Ashadu an-la-ilaha il-Allah, wa Ashadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa Rasuluhu.

    Faith leaves the heart when committing wrongdoings:
    If a believer, if you say to that one, I’ll give you this whole room full with gold. Would you give me that Shahadat? What do you think? Eh, we don’t understand from the gold so much, what about American dollar. It’s whole 100 dollar bills inside. Would you give that? If you give that, you must be lost your mind. And Sheytan may come to fool you to say to you, well it’s okay, it’s a good offer! Why not? Just say this and, which so many people they doing that 24 hours in their life, they delaying, and, take all that money and later say Shahadat again.

    Eh, what you will do soon as you say, okay give my faith up and taking this, and soon as you take that, Allah sends His Angel saying, go take that one’s life. What are you going to do? Dunya is gone. Akhirat is gone. The law that comes in the Kuran-i-Kerim applies to you. So many people making that mistake; doesn’t apply to Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) He is not under the law of the Kuran-i-Kerim. We are! So He can change anything any time any second He wants it. You have to keep that alive in yourself. While you are doing mistakes, wrong things, while you are running to commit sins, while you are running to do the things that the Holy Prophet has banned, you have to think to say, if I am doing this right now, what will happen if, if nobody’s saying yes, but Allah is. So what will happen if I receive the Anger of Allah and He’s sending the Angel to take my life? That time you have no faith. Because Holy Prophet saying, if you are a believer, while you are believer, you cannot commit the wrongdoings. And they said, then how we will be, Ya Rasulallah. He says, the faith comes out from your heart, circles on top of your head, and during that time, you go and you commit the sin. Sin means the forbidden action that Allah forbid you. What is Halal and what is Haram. So you go and you do that. And, he says that time while you are doing that, you are not a believer because faith it is not in your heart. And later you do and you realize and you regret, faith comes back into the heart. But what will happen between this time? Are you keeping that death alive in yourself? Keeping remembrance of death? If you do, that time you not going to run to that.

    After hardship comes ease:
    And because you not running to that, after every hardship, ease must come to you! Allah saying (SWT), He is putting hardship on us, ease must come to us. So if we go through that hardship and we go fight back to our ego, then unexpected place, unexpected time, unexpected hand is going to reach to you to make things easy for you that time. You cannot do things, you cannot change things. But, if we submit ourself, it will change for us.

    Wa minallah Tawfiq. Inshallah this much should be enough for you and for me. If we want to take lesson from it, we take and we apply to our life. And believe me, what we have spoken right now, if we live according to this, it is enough until Judgment Day for us. If not, I can speak now until Judgment Day, you not going to take anything again maybe. If you are a wise man, you may take knowledge from an ant. If you think that you know too much, if all Prophets they stand front of you and they give it to you, you still going to turn to the other side. So everything starts with you, everything ends with you. You going, you come to this world alone, by yourself. You have parents, you have this, you have that, you have certain authorities on you, but that is only temporary. So everything you start with yourself, you going to go out with yourself. You are responsible from every action that you are doing. As our Lord saying Allah (SWT), if you did the mustard seed of good, you will be rewarded. If you did mustard seed of bad, you will be questioned. And it’s up to our Lord, He will punish it or He will reward.

    So Inshallahur-Rahman, we are asking help and safety and protection in these very very very bad days, 21st century, we have reached to very difficult times, the world has never been in this situation before. It’s the worst time ever on the face of earth, we are asking safety and help for our own self, for our own family, and for those ones that who passed away from this world. Those ones that they have lost their direction, Ya Rabbi, we are asking You to keep us in Sirat al-Mustaqim, to put us to be guiding them and ourself to the road of your Prophet (AS). Wa minallah Tawfiq, and Fatiha.

    17 March 2011, 8:46 pm
  • Saturday Post-Fajr Sohbet: Story of Hazrat Aziz Mahmud Hudai (KS)


    Saturday RabiulAwal 2, 1432 (February 5, 2011)

    After Fajr prayer, a murid asked Sheykh Abdul Kerim Efendi about the story of Hazrat Aziz Mahmud Hudai (KS). Sheykh Abdul Kerim talked about how this Saint went from being a prominent judge in the Ottoman Empire to becoming a humble murid of Sheykh Uftade Hazretleri. Sheykh Abdul Kerim spoke about the severe tests that Hz. Aziz Mahmud Hudai went through and how he ultimately became the Sheykh of the Ottoman Sultans.

    Download (28:50 mins) | Listen to the sohbet:

    12 March 2011, 4:18 pm
  • Friday Evening Sohbet: Live for Ahirat


    Friday Evening, RabiAwal 15, 1432 (February 18, 2011)

    Seyh Abdul Kerim is saying that so many people do not know why they are living and they are suffering for being disconnected from ahirat. When you know that Azrail (Angel of Death) may strike at any second, and you don’t know if you will go out as a believer, how can you enjoy dunya? Come to the love of ALLAH swt through love of His Holy Prophet (saws), because everything in creation was created for his sake. Mehdi (as) is one man from Ahl ul-Beyt who is coming to change the direction from dunya toward ahirat.

    Download (1:04:42 mins) | Listen to the sohbet:

    2 March 2011, 6:40 pm
  • Mevlid for Haji Fuat Rabbani (qas): Secrets of Zikir


    Saturday, Dhul Qada 5, 1430 (October 24, 2009)

    This was the second sohbet on the evening of Mevlid for Seyh Abdul Kerim Efendi’s father – Haji Fuat Rabbani (kas). Seyh Efendi is saying to always have wudu. Then, put everything aside to attain the stations that zikir brings..

    Download (02:57 mins) | Listen to the sohbet:

    28 December 2010, 1:13 am
  • Mevlid for Haji Fuat Rabbani (qas): Prophet of End Times


    Saturday, Dhul Qada 5, 1430 (October 24, 2009)

    Third in the series of sohbets on the night of Mevlid for Haji Fuat Rabbani (qas). Sayiddina Muhammad (saws) is the Prophet of the end times. There are many forces working against Islam in ahir zaman, even though there are many Muslims, and new beautiful masjids. The lifestyle is lost. But everything is in the hands of Awliya (friends of ALLAH swt). The kingdom of Prophet Isa (as) is building, and Sayiddna Mehdi (as) is coming to bring down tyranny.

    Download (23:32 mins) | Listen to the sohbet:

    28 December 2010, 12:59 am
  • Mevlid for Haji Fuat Rabbani (qas): Stories of Sayiddina Musa (as)


    Saturday, Dhul Qada 5, 1430 (October 24, 2009)

    Fourth in the series of sohbets on the night of Mevlid for Haji Fuat Rabbani (qas). Stories of Hazreti Musa (as).

    Download (33:02 mins) | Listen to the sohbet:

    28 December 2010, 12:46 am
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