NLCast Network

The audio journal of husband, father, podcaster and artist, James Kennison

  • 59 minutes 24 seconds
    229: Leveling Up

    I'm trying to level up in every area of my life. Trying to up my pay. Up my job performance. Up my purpose. Even my son leveled up with his 17th birthday. Lots to share and get caught up on this episode.

    The video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4vE6rvrUDw

    Consider subscribing: https://www.youtube.com/@Golawson

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    4 March 2025, 2:00 am
  • 47 minutes 40 seconds
    228: A Little Plaque

    After 13 years I get a message that means so much.

    Brought to you by our supporting listeners on Patron with special thanks to Carrie Wright & Carrie Bernhardt

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    For everything else visit gokcast.com.

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    2 February 2025, 8:35 pm
  • 48 minutes 42 seconds
    227: Jenn Weighs In

    I've lost a lot of weight this year. It's time to get my wife's side of the story.

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    13 January 2025, 1:45 am
  • 52 minutes 44 seconds
    226: Balancing Act

    In this episode, I share my journey of finding balance in my life, the challenges of managing expectations on weekends, and exciting developments at my job, where I've taken on new responsibilities in social media and content creation. I also touch on my personal health journey, including changes in my routine and medication, and how I'm adapting to a new lifestyle. We also talk about my sternum and ribs.

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    6 January 2025, 12:20 am
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    225: I'm Brave Around Old Ladies

    I defend Jenn against the wrath of an elderly woman. I go Mountain Biking. I survive Thanksgiving food. Finished a book. Made some videos. Lost some weight. Just basically killing it right now.

    Let me know what you thought about this episode: [email protected]

    For everything else visit gokcast.com.

    Consider supporting the show. Visithttps://patreon.com/gok to become a Supporting Listener today.

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    8 December 2024, 9:20 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    224: Do They Like Me or What I Do

    Sharing stories about generational differences in communication, a mall visit where I found Buzz Lightyear collectibles, and plans for Thanksgiving with family. At work, I'm creating videos, overcoming challenges with old equipment, and reflecting on whether people value me for who I am or just my skills.

    Mental health is always a focus, balancing personal struggles with professional duties while finding joy in podcasting and video editing. I hit a weight goal, and talk about how I'm managing medication challenges.

    I close with some thoughts on communication and avoiding gossip.

    Let me know what you thought: [email protected]

    Consider supporting the show. Visit https://patreon.com/gok to become a Supporting Listener today.

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    24 November 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    223: One Bad Day Away

    Life is going pretty well right now but after Monday, November 4th I know it's just one bad day from going back to the way things were.

    Consider supporting the show. Visit https://patreon.com/gok to become a Supporting Listener today.

    Let me know what you thought.

    The Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUWptC2ySP4

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    17 November 2024, 3:55 am
  • 1 hour 35 minutes
    222: So Much Stuff

    There is so much stuff to catch up on after nearly a month of not podcasting. My new favorite hobby on Facebook Marketplace. I fell into a ditch. I might be a great sports dad after all. Updates on the new job, transportation, a heartfelt letter to my daughter and an upcoming trip to see the greatest band in the world, Five Iron Frenzy. Health updates since my gastric sleeve surgery & cataract surgery. The perks of being a Costco member. Podcast updates, depression updates, family updates and what I'm reading, watching and playing. Closing out with a thought about fighting a spiritual fight for the Kingdom of God rather than using the World's tools to win in the World's Kingdom.

    Email me! [email protected]

    Support me! https://patreon.com/gok

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    3 November 2024, 6:45 pm
  • 33 minutes 56 seconds
    221: Living for the Weekend

    James gets glasses at Costco. Reflects on his family's spiritual journeys. The mixed blessing of helping out with Family Fun Nights. The upcoming birthday of a lost friend. Going to Six-Flags cause he's skinny enough to ride the roller coasters. His plans to attend a Five Iron Frenzy show in Chicago with is brother-in-law. Growing a beard to make his neck look good.

    Did you know you can listen to this episode ad-free? Visit https://patreon.com/gok to become a Supporting Listener today.

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    15 October 2024, 11:35 pm
  • 57 minutes 23 seconds
    220: 20% Depressed

    This week, I'm feeling only 20% depressed and navigating life in a new reality—one where most of my time is spent working. After over a decade of freedom (read: depression) to pursue personal projects, adjusting to the 9-to-5 grind has been challenging. In this episode, I break down my typical week, share insights about my new job, and discuss how I strive to let my light shine for Jesus in the workplace.

    Join the community and become a supporting listener today at patreon.com/gok

    Email me your feedback, thoughts and questions: [email protected]

    For everything else visit outlivingdepression.com

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    28 September 2024, 4:05 pm
  • 51 minutes 8 seconds
    219: Work-Life Balance

    It's tough for me to hold down a job when I'm not used to working. Now that depression has loosened its grip on me for the moment, I'm going to make the most of it while I can. I'll do what I can, when I can, so that when I can't, it won't be such a big deal.

    Please support me as I raise funds for The Podcast Machine II: https://gofund.me/18f352fc

    Join the community and become a supporting listener today at patreon.com/gok

    Email me your feedback, thoughts and questions: [email protected]

    For everything else visit outlivingdepression.com

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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    8 September 2024, 11:15 pm
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