i listened to this and it is very funny. they talk a lot about sexual stuff but it is still very funny. i love episode 2 it is my favorite so far! the music in the background is good too! keep em coming guys!
53 minutes 44 seconds
Lancast 9: Family Shower
In which we remember the end of the world, lots of shit talk, even more shower talk, old people, racism, and of course our dicks. (Song Intro: The boys are back in town by Thin Lizzy)
28 February 2013, 5:26 am
6 minutes 15 seconds
Lancast 8 (the long lost episode): Talk Quieter Spencer!
Where we discuss summer vacations, museums, penny pinching relatives, digging up dead hookers, fleshlights, and shark attacks.
24 February 2013, 6:16 am
51 minutes 17 seconds
Lancast 7: Tuna fish perfume
Where Barack obama antichrist, farting, tuna fish perfume is invented, and midgets. (Song Intro: Fly like an eagle by Steve Miller Band) (Song Outro: I get off by Halestorm) (Note: We do not own any of the rights to any of the music played in the podcast)
26 June 2010, 4:31 am
1 hour 16 minutes
Lancast 6: He's Got His Feet on the Table!
Where someone finds something interesting on a bike ride, boring church camp, getting drunk for the first time, the existence of the triple kayak is discovered, and tales of NJ. (Song Intro: Intergalactic by The Beastie Boys) (Song Outro: I love babies by Papa Roach) (Note: We do not own any of the rights to any of the music played in the podcast)
14 July 2009, 2:41 am
55 minutes 2 seconds
Lancast 5: Death By Port-A-Potty
Where metal is discussed at a great length, death by port-a-potty, and defensive puking. (Song Intro: Last caress by Metallica) (Song Outro: Mutha'uckas by Flight of the Concords) (Note: We do not own any of the rights to any of the music played in the podcast)
8 July 2009, 11:11 pm
52 minutes 31 seconds
Lancast 4: President Fetish
Where somebody almost gets fired, we rate each other, talk of attraction, and PORN. (Song Intro: Snot by Snot) (Song Outro: Take me out by Franz Ferdinand)(Note: We do not own any of the rights to any of the music played in the podcast)
19 June 2009, 6:07 pm
59 minutes 41 seconds
Lancast 3: Is it a hobby?
where someone is very tired, talk of magic, random boners, a special hobby, OCD, bitches that cheat, and only going anal. (Song Intro: The phuncky feel one by Cypress Hill) (Song Outro: Against by Sepultura) (Note: We do not own any of the rights to any of the music played in the podcast)
15 June 2009, 5:42 pm
53 minutes 42 seconds
Lancast 2: Popsicles and Cotton Candy
Where there is talk of a lesbian, popsicles and cotton candy, saving our lives, Mark Henry, and the movie theater trick. (Song Intro: Flathead by The Fratellis) (Note: We do not own any of the rights to any of the music played in the podcast)
8 June 2009, 5:03 pm
38 minutes 45 seconds
Lancast 1: 313!
where smoking cigars, weed, and crack is mentioned, sexuality is questioned, a 20 year old virgin is revealed, tales of club 313, and an unexpected first kiss
(Song Intro: Jump by Van Halen) (Song Outro: We didn't start the fire by Billy Joel)
(Note: We do not own any of the rights to any of the music played in the podcast)
(Note: sound quality is a little scratchy due to poor microphone but stories are too good to let go. better microphone for next episodes used.)