Abfahrt' Podcast


  • 1 hour 42 minutes
    October 09 mix
    Wan poku moro - 2000 & one Me and you - Paolo Faz Judas - Rocha & Lewinger TBA - Syn & Roc remix - Maria Edesse Oaxaca - RPO Kraft - Marc Miroir Choke chain - Riva Starr remix - David Keno Shake them gears - Wasted Chicago Youth Two flip - Cascandy Laided up - Dorian Seis There's no place like yours - Gabriel Boni remix - Magazino Sonar wave - Arthur Keen London - Rocha & Lewinger remix - The Junkies Mancub - Luca Marano mix - Horatio Salinas - Masque remix - Gabriel Montufar The opera - Anton Pieete & Paul Ritch Alma - Tiger Stripes Wake up call - Click box Kompressor - Killer Fader Virgil - Di Scala & Whelan Carrrrramba - Paul Ritch You are - Ellen Allien Moonraker - Phonique remix - Roberto Rodrigueza
    19 October 2009, 5:25 pm
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    Party House mix
    Potions & Lotions - Jon Gurd Remix - Lunacy Sound Division Secret Spot - Rio Padice Kein Schnick Und Kein Schnack - Lowcut Arrow Remix - Christian Gimbel Buenos Aires Baila - Milton Channels Remix - Andrea Saenz, Robots Memory Grand Final - Livio & Roby, George G. Larabanga - Patrizio Mattei Spare - Nikitin & Semikashev Remix - Northberg Artefakt - Robin Hirte, Nico Dacido Granita - Harnessnoise Remix - Da Lukas Two Plus Two Equals Five - John F. Fantasm - Kostas Spiral, Steve Self Trrremasonika - Davide Giugliano Relic - Mark Mendes, Mike Jacinto La Cuenta - Enzo Caprioli, Umberto Sestino Funkyzz - Mladen Tomic Like this - Attik
    13 July 2009, 4:42 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Deep Frequrency
    Eclipse - Onur Ozer Korgi Morgi - Phage , Daniewl Dreier Little red riding hood - Anja Scheider Poor people must work(Carl Craig remix) - Rhythm & Sound Enervende(Damian Schwarz remix) - Federico Molinary Zone(Ivan Smagghe & Tim Paris mix) - The Hacker , Eric Borgo I'll lick your spine(Ivan Smagghe's it's a fine vocal remix) - Let's Go Outside Can't find you(Kiki remix) - Mia Nightgod - Elbee , Tom Clark Fluffer - Oskar Offermann You're mine(Kabale und Liebe remix) - Pressure Drop The Phantom Image - Vincenzo Just so you know(2000 and one remix) - D'Julz Vexed - Elektochemie
    11 May 2009, 6:33 pm
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