Zion talks about just what's on his mind..
It’s been about 5 days since this update, and I’m still pretty aggravated.
Well, I just got all my weapons TODAY after getting all my Soldier milestones.
But I’m not complaining, somewhat.
Since I’m a bit more advanced with soldiers, I was going to get all those achievements.
I got to milestone 3 in about 2 days. And all I got was the “Equalizer” apparently, the weekend that the update went live, the Steam servers were down.
The larger problem with this was that the random drop system were giving people the new weapons. Meaning, that soldiers and demoman were running around with their Charge-n’-Targes and Direct Hits while some unlucky people were getting shot out of the air and/or decapitated. This left me at a loss of what to do, so I just went to go get some achievements the fun way.
I’ll give a rundown of the Solder weapons that I’ve acquired (I’ll get through with the Demoman weapons as soon as I get them all.)
Ah, my sweet love. This weapon is perfect for airshots, due to the added speed. This is also really good for CQC (Close quarter combat), that is, if you’re still accustomed with the regular rocket launcher and try to aim for the enemy’s feet. With the Direct Hit, aiming for the feet is still a working strategy, but you will lose your rockets from that lack of splash damage. I suggest that people use this until they get a slightly better aim with this. The only small complaint is the mini-crits. “Mini-crits while the target is airborne.” is a very vague idea. What’s “airborne”? Apparently, airborne is anytime when the target is off the ground. This includes JUMPING. Now, in a situation like Scout Vs. Solder w/Direct Hit, the Scout would lose (just because one hit with a rocket is instant death.) But, for some classes, they would die instantly from mini-crits. Most classes avoid direct damage from a rocket is by jumping. With The Direct Hit, they would still jump, and the rocket would hit them dealing a mini-crit.
Now this is a total team helper. It’s a useful for getting out of sticky situations or pushing further ahead of offense. A useful tactic is to uber the person with the banner so that they will be protected and also dealing those mini-crits. Only complaint is that I wish I knew the range of the banner’s effect like how when building a sentry, it displays the range as a blue or red circle. I would love to see this being used in comp. play.
Now this weapon, was thought of by the people at the Valve forums, which I would never think that something good would come out of. This weapon replaces the shovel, and I think it could be a permanent replacement. In replacement of dammage
Oh, I had this.
Sorry for forgetting about the blog/podcasts. I forgot my password for my uploading accound, and thus, all the podcasts are GONE. D:
So I’ll try and post more often, maybe get a review of DJ Hero and Windows 7 up soon.
I’ve just had it with these flamings by fanboys, so I’m just going to spread the facts.
To be completely honest, I barely have any experience with a Mac, though I can give a good opinion on it.
What I like about it is that all the built-in programs and features that are in a Mac? Built in bluetooth? Camera, high quality microphone, and speakers in some models? Hell yes.
The next thing I also like is the portability. Most desktop Macs (with the exception of the Pro) are all in the monitor. Good styling of the case and such make it also a style statement as also a computer. Macs to me are ultimate pre-packaged computer system. All you would need to use is already in the Mac.
Now you Mac fanboys are saying to me: “LOLZ YOU PH4ILZORZ. WHAT ABUT TEH FAST THAT IT CANY’T GET VIRUSSZ?”
Well, you are generally wrong. You can’t get viruses -in general- on a Mac…if you never plugged it into the internet. Macs DO get malicious software.
In general the term “virus” is very loosely said around as a fix-all in the computer industry for a piece of software that messes up the computer. And also, if Macs couldn’t get viruses, then why do they sell anti-virus software for the Mac? Most likely to buy something that they most-likely won’t need.
Moving on.
PCs and Microsoft
Now, when most of everyone thinks of a computer, they think of a computer running a copy of windows. In general, that is correct.
The PC is a very customizable platform, compared to the Macs. One exception is Apple’s Pro. The Pro is somewhat customizable with the PCI slots it has. With PCs, you can customize anything about it, even build one of scratch.
Now here’s what gets everyone on this debate: Crashes and software errors.
Literally, computers are perfect. They do everything perfectly. When a computer makes an error, it is because the computer’s CPU is following ALL the commands it is being asked of. Leading to show that ALL program errors in a computer are because of human error. Simple as that. If you’re the person who get’s their computer filled with blue screens faster than the speed of light, you’re obviously doing something wrong. I am a very smart computer user and know what to do in cases of complete computer failure.
Now the next thing everyone thinks of when the debate of Mac vs PC is :Windows
My response is “WHO CARES?” Windows is ONE of the many operating systems out there for the platform. If you have been living under a rock for the past millennium, there’s this nice open-source software called Linux. It is completely customizable. If you mac users don’t like how your PC OS isn’t working, learn some coding and make your own OS.
and as for price….ah.
There is obviously a extremely large difference between them.
Let me compare the most two expensive PCs and Macs I can get, prebuilt on the market.
First up is the PCs HP Firebird.
Here are the most important statistics.
HP Firebird with VoodooDNA 802 Desktop PC
* • Intel Core 2 Quad 9400 Processor (2.66GHz)
* • Genuine Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit Edition with SP1
* • 4GB PC2-6400 DDR2 memory
* • Dual SLI NVIDIA GeForce 9800S with 512MB GDDR3
* • 500GB 5400 rpm hard drive (2 x 250GB)
* • Factory-sealed liquid cooling system (CPU, chipset, GPUs)
Price: $1.7k (It’s not selling for $1.3k on sale)
Now, the most expencive Mac: The Mac Pro.
Two 2.26GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon “Nehalem” processors
6GB (six 1GB) memory
640GB hard drive 1 640GB hard drive1
18x double-layer SuperDrive
NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 with 512MB
And all for the price of $3,299.00.
Processors first.
Pretty much the same for both of them. 2 Quad-core 2.66 GhZ.
OSs next.
The Pro runs on OSX and the Firebird runs Vista SP1.
But soon, Vista will be replaced to Windows 7, which is more efficient.
Now here is a problem that is near and dear to my mana-loving heart: Graphics.
The Firebird has 2 SLI 1500 MHz graphics cards.
The Pro has a single 1400 MHz.
It looks like the Firebird has won this. You can buy TWO Firebirds and still have enough money to buy a fancy, top of the line graphics card.
Hey guys, it’s I Drink Your Milkshake here. Zion has made me an official writer for his blog, Zion’s Interwebz! This is just a little post to tell you that Zion in experiencing writer’s block, so he can’t think of anything to write about.. That’s where Milkshake comes in. Yep.. That’s pretty much it. Enjoy your stay here at Zion’s Interwebz, the number one spot on the web! (In our own minds)
No lines at ’09
Lets do it again in twenty-10!
-Anime Boston closing ceremonies
Today is the day after the con, so I just wanted to type about it instead of greifing and sitting in a corner. (Team Sit In the Corner And Sulk FTW)
Yes, we all know this, 2008 was LineCon08. Not this year.
I didn’t actually go on Friday, I had to do stuff at school.
Time: About 8 or 10-ish
I had to wait with some of my friends (read:friend who didn’t pre-register) to get her badge. I stood in a 2:30~ line.
(Click on the pictures to full-size image. Warning! They are huge!)
So after, we took some pictures of the cosplayers for some hours (the only thing we were going to see was the Masq.) and walked around. I was cosplaying Kyoya from Ouran High School Host Club and my friend was cosplaying as Shion from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.
We also met some others
(Order from Left to right of characters: My friend/Shion, Me/Kyoya, Haruhi, Hikaru, Tamaki, and Hikaru’s little brother who just happened to get in the picture <_<)
Shion also some of her friends and she told me to get a group picture of them.
And yes, that Rena wanted to take us both home. I wanted to too. “Unyuuuu~ >w<"
—————–At the Masq. Line————-
At about 3-4 ish, we met up with my Tama-chan, Haruhi, Haruhi (X2) and a Renge. We were about where the photobooth was at. We started singing random songs like the Pokemon theme…etc.
Us slightly going out of line for a group picture
(I’m going to skip the Masq. Find videos on Youtube and get your own opinion.)
…and if you were at the masq., Here something special.
Yes. Team Rocket from the skit.
Here’s a sample of a skit from the masq.
I am going to post the stuff I got at the dealer’s room for another day! (probably tomorrow)
Here’s my entire photoalbum. Go ahead and look!