Foolish Radio

Jordan Tucker

Welcome to SEASON 4 of foolish radio the hottest and most exciting podcast station on itunes as we give you all of the best in music,exclusive interviews from all of your favorite musicians,comedians,djays and more! hosted by djay j tuck!

  • 54 minutes 49 seconds
    Foolish Radio (season 4) Chris Barnett Interview
    Welcome to season 4 of foolish radio this episode features an exclusive interview with chris barnett and all of the hottest music
    21 May 2010, 1:06 pm
  • 58 minutes 12 seconds
    Foolish Radio (season 4) B Double E Interview
    Foolish Radio is back with season 4 with exclusive interviews,music,and more and of course djay J Tuck will keep it hot check us out at our new website and hit us up at our new hotline 785-371-0051 and give your shot outs! yessir! it's foolish radio!
    7 May 2010, 5:24 pm
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