READ MY LIPS with host akaRadioRed

aka RadioRed

READ MY LIPS is not your usual blah-blah-yada-yada, Q&A interview talk show where the host and guests use a canned script. akaRadioRed engages indie authors, musicians and filmmakers in lively, spontaneous, unpredictable conversations that uncover who they really are, what drives their creativity, and what's next in their journey. Featured topics: Fiction. Non-fiction. Music. Film. Relationships. Careers. Family. Entrepreneurs. Food. Health. Love. Producer/host Bonnie D. Graham akaRadioRed, a former WGBB-AM1240 NY talk radio producer/host, thanks the thousands of BTR listeners! @RadioRed777 on TWitter.

  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Your Memories & Speaker Skills on READ MY LIPS with RadioRed
    READ MY LIPS' akaRadioRed goes beyond the typical blah-blah-yada-yada canned interview, engaging multiple guests in spontaneous conversations.   Carol Colman creates personalized keepsakecollages that capture the joyful memories and emotions of your life's most special events. By showcasing an invitation [for example] by itself or with other memorabilia such as photographs, she provides a tangible connection to your memories. Tune in to hear how she can do this for you.   Hear how Reesa Woolf, PhD, author: Executive Speaking in a Weekend, can help you become a signficantly better speaker; receive compliments after every speaking engagement; completely control your anxiety; be interesting to your audience, no matter how dry your material; and confidently handle interruptions and Q&A sessions. More at
    24 June 2013, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Women On Fire, 1/4 Life Crisis -READ MY LIPS Bonnie D Graham
    READ MY LIPS' akaRadioRed goes beyond the typical blah-blah-yada-yada canned interview, engaging multiple guests in spontaneous conversations.   Meet Debbie Phillips, the author of Women on Fire: 20 Inspiring Women Share Their Life Secrets (and Save You Years of Struggle!) and co-producer of the DVD Inspire Me! In 1995, when she created a service for leaders and women in transition, executive and life coaching in professional circles were rare. Debbie was among the first trained coaches in the world. In 2003, she founded Women on Fire™ membership organization featuring tea parties, retreats and coaching groups to extend inspiration, strategies and support for women’s successes.   Are you having a Quarter Life Crisis? Feeling frustrated or panicked because your life isn’t exciting anymore? Do you get depressed hearing about friends’ awesome jobs, vacations, apartments / homes, and relationships? Help is here from Lennay Chapman, author of Secrets to a Rockin' Life: How to Find Passion, Direction & Fulfillment After College. Read the book - but if you're in a hurry, sign up for her FREE Quarter Life Crisis Repair Kit.
    10 June 2013, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Achievers & Meet2Marry: READ MY LIPS with Bonnie D. Graham
    READ MY LIPS' akaRadioRed goes beyond the typical blah-blah-yada-yada canned interview, engaging multiple guests in spontaneous conversations.   DAVID CARTWRIGHT:  David G. Cartwright is a true Renaissance Man. He understands why people do what they do and how they can do better. After delivering newspapers and working in a grocery store as a kid, at age 35 he was managing the $194 million annual budget for the Washington D.C. area home of the President of the United States’ super jet, “Air Force One”. David has had successes in business and real estate, a distinguished military career and financial independence - all by choosing to succeed.   BARI LYMAN: Smart, successful singles flock to Bari Lyman as the Dating to Marry expert when they want to Be The One to Find The One this year.  Her book, Meet to Marry: A Dating Revelation for the Marriage Minded, earned Stephen Covey’s praise as “smart, principled and engaging.”  Click for your FREE copy of The 7 Mistakes When Dating to Marry (and How to Avoid Them).  And tune in to hear Bari … this could be YOUR year!
    20 May 2013, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    7 "F" Words on READ MY LIPS with Bonnie D. Graham
      READ MY LIPS' akaRadioRed goes beyond the typical blah-blah-yada-yada canned interview, engaging multiple guests in spontaneous conversations.   Charles D. Epstein, author of Paychecks for Life, is the principal of Epstein Financial Group, LLC and Epstein Financial Services, a registered investment advisory firm providing corporate retirement plan consulting, wealth management and financial planning services to business owners, professionals and individuals. Charlie ranked #53 on 401kWire’s 2012 list of the Top 100 Most Influential People in the Retirement Industry.   Do you know 7 F Words? Barbara Agerton, CPA, and Deborah Bacarella, Real Estate Broker, say these are the keys to achieving life balance. "We all get the same 24 hours in a day, however the way we spend our time is critical to a balance that promotes health and happiness … Every day write down what you do that will promote the 7F Words™ for living a balanced life." Get your mind out of the gutter! F stands for Faith. Focus. Freedom. Family. Finances. Fitness. Fun.
    18 March 2013, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Hollywood Tell-All & Jobs: READ MY LIPS with Bonnie D Graham
    READ MY LIPS' akaRadioRed goes beyond the typical blah-blah-yada-yada canned interview, engaging multiple guests in spontaneous conversations.   Meet actor/playrwright RICK LENZ, author of the gut-wrenchingly honest Hollywood tell-all memoir: North of Hollywood. One of the workingest actors of the late-20th century, Lenz starred in films with Peter Sellers, Walter Matthau, Lauren Bacall and Elizabeth Taylor. He was Goldie Hawn's boyfriend in Cactus Flower, Melvin's lawyer in Melvin And Howard, and the obsequious journalist in John Wayne’s The Shootist. On TV, he had recurring roles on Murder, She Wrote, The Practice, and  Dynasty. The book offers fascinating insights into an actor's mind.   Meet ABBY KOHUT, author: Absolutely Abby's 101 Job Search Secrets: A Corporate Recruiter Hands You the Keys to your Job Search Success." Abby is President of Staffing Symphony, LLC. Previously, she was Senior Director of Recruiting for Kaplan, Interim Director of Recruiting for Continuum Health Partners, Manager of Global Recruiting for Alpharma. Abby has provided job search tips on Fox 5 Business News, LinkedIn, Forbes, USA Today, ABC's Good Morning Connecticut, and Bloomberg Radio. She was one of "The Monster 11 for 2011: Career Experts Who Can Help Your Job Search" and one of the “Top 100 Influential People Online” according to Fast Company Magazine.
    11 March 2013, 11:00 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Your Exit & CrowdFunding: READ MY LIPS with Bonnie D. Graham
      READ MY LIPS' akaRadioRed goes beyond the typical blah-blah-yada-yada canned interview, engaging multiple guests in spontaneous conversations.   Judy Chmielarz, grief educator and author: Because I Love You: Make Your Own Arrangements and Spare Your Loved Ones. You have only one guarantee in life: your body will die. Judy offers a gentle, spiritual approach to help you prepare for the inevitable. Knowing that your soul is infinite - rather than thinking of death as the end of everything - opens the door to a newconsciousness. Hear her tips on how to pre-plan your own arrangements, so your desires and wishes can be fulfilled.   Mike Hayes, host, StartUp America News and Crowdfunding Success Stories, says, "l learned that the best new optional form of direct response is crowdfunding - even using mass media promotions for crowdfunders who don't already have a crowd." Visit to learn about StartUpAmerica, the JOBS Act (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) and the Crowdfunding Act. Mike was a writer, producer, director for NBC TV and Radio in NY; a CNN TV News correspondent in Los Angeles; producer / interviewer for The Key to Success show; and producer of an early Tony Robbins TV ad. 
    19 February 2013, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Spouse Spats & Mafia Wife on READ MY LIPS w/Bonnie D. Graham
    HAPPY NEW YEAR! READ MY LIPS' akaRadioRed ditches the typical blah-blah-yada-yada canned interview to engage multiple guests in spontaneous conversations. Join us!   Joy Kerley Burchett: “Spouse Spats” - a collection of pet peeves of husbands and wives, written as a relationship guide to help people deal with everyday problems and triumphs, struggles, and victories. Joy is a speaker/teacher, recording artist, author, and founder of Teen Round-Up, Inc.  She is an authority on family, marriage relationships, and young people.   Susan Weeks: "The Underestimated" is the true story of Susan's life as the wife of a mafia gangster, in a world of deception, corruption, betrayal, kidnapping, murder. She helped the FBI take down some of the most wanted criminals in the Deep South. Today she is a speaker, philanthropist, humanitarian, women's rights activist, anti-bullying expert and women entrepreneur coach., 
    8 January 2013, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Numerology & Princess Diet: READ MY LIPS w/ Bonnie D. Graham
    READ MY LIPS' akaRadioRed goes beyond the typical blah-blah-yada-yada canned interview, engaging multiple guests in spontaneous conversations.   Dr. Jennifer Hanes, MD, a board certified emergency and integrative medicine physician in Austin, TX, was "only a few pounds shy of the unthinkable diagnosis of morbid obesity." In her upcoming book, "The Princess Plan: Shrink  Your Waist - Expand Your Beauty", Jennifer shares the secrets of her 70-pound weight loss.  What is a Princess? "A beautiful woman who is confident in her body and her life. She enjoys food and makes healthy choices so when the time is right, she can also routinely enjoy decadence without any guilt."   What's YOUR number? Wish you had a grasp of what your purpose in life might be? Meet life strategist Felicia Bender, Ph.D., author, "Redesign Your Life: Using Numerology to Create the Wildly Optimal You". She shares 3 key tools from the ancient art and science of numerology to help get you on the fast track to making focused and meaningful changes. Felicia holds a master’s degree and Ph.D. in Theatre, is a certified Pranic Healing® practitioner, facilitates energetic healing with individuals, and has sold multimillion-dollar real estate investment property. She is now an investor and developer of a new frozen food product, Snack Adventures.
    18 December 2012, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    The Love Doctor & Togetherness READ MY LIPS Bonnie D. Graham
      READ MY LIPS' akaRadioRed goes beyond the typical blah-blah-yada-yada canned interview, engaging multiple guests in spontaneous conversations.   Terri Orbuch, Ph.D. "The Love Doctor (TM)": Finding Love Again: 6 Simple Steps to a New and Happy Relationship".  Terri is director of the longest-running study of married and divorced couples, ongoing since 1986 and funded by the NIH. A practicing marriage and relationship therapist for 20+ years, she is heard on radio, TV,, NBC's Today, and blogs for Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and Next Avenue. Her book features the breakthrough findings of her 25-year study. Also by Terri: 5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great .   Psychotherapist Andrew Wald LCSW-C, co-author with energy healer Cyndi Dale: Togetherness: Creating & Deepening Sustainable Love.  They coined the term "TQ - Togetherness Quotient" for the mix of behaviors and attitudes that determine how easily we form healthy, intimate relationships. TQ, unlike IQ, is not something we're stuck with. Our ability to love deeply and intimately is based on what we've learned from a lifetime of relationships and experiences, starting at birth. As adults we have the opportunity to remove barriers to self-love and love of others, to boost our TQ.
    22 October 2012, 11:00 pm
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