Monkey Hate Gomes

Chad and Ryan

Recorded in Oakland, CA. Please visit for reviews, links, and photos.

  • Today's To-Do List, courtesy of @actransit ...Rules to live by, you guys.
    — Monkey Hate Gomes (@MonkeyHateGomes) January 29, 2013
    29 January 2013, 5:37 pm
  • #6: Summer Preview

    Show #6 : Summer Preview

    This show:
    Hosts : Chad and Ryan
    Update: Gomes Graduates
    Review: Costco Bourbon
    Events:  Lime Colony @ Solar Hills
                Best of the Bay Area 2011
                4th of July Camping Trip
                Cache Creek Rafting
                TCG Casino Night
    Get the blogcast
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    [MP3] Download the show

    0:19:27, 8.9 MB, (MP3)

    Link dump (some of the things mentioned in this episode):
    Bodies and Minds at Work
    MHG Reccomends: Rafting Supplies
    18 June 2011, 8:11 pm
  • Blast From The Past: The Story of The Oregon Trail
    A list of things MHG loved about The Oregon Trail:
    • Choosing to be a "Banker" to get extra money at the start of the game.
    • Deciding to leave Kansas in March only to be surprised when it snowed.
    • Naming party members after your school friends and/or classroom crush.
    • Setting a "grueling" pace and "bare bones" rations to conserve resources.
    • Spending most of your money on ammunition and most of your days hunting.
    • Passing a tombstone that contained swear words.
    • Killing 1800 pounds worth of buffalo only to carry 100 pounds back to the wagon.
    • Learning that one of your party members had died of Dysentery.
    • Deciding to "ford" or "caulk the wagon and float it across" at every single river crossing. Why pay the Indian guide a few dollars when chancing it is so much fun?
    • Realizing it's October and you're not even to Independence Rock.
    • Reaching the Columbia River and floating the wagon on a raft, steering it down the river while avoiding rocks.
    Please add to the list in the comments section. We'll post some good ones on the main page.

    City Pages Minneapolis has a great story on the development history of this amazing game here. Thanks to Jessica Lussenhop for bringing back some good memories. For some good nostalgia, take The Oregon Trail quiz here.
    21 January 2011, 6:00 pm
  • Memories of the Old Transbay Terminal
    The website of the new Transbay Transit Center is calling for submission of memories of the old Transbay Terminal. MHG, over the last four years, has accumulated many and agreed to submit a memory for old times sake. Here is what we said:

    Good morning,

    Every day, when I entered the old Transbay building through its South entrance, I had to step over a puddle of urine (yes, urine!). Some days there was a "wet floor" sign that a worker had lazily placed next to the puddle (not mopped up). Most days, it was just there. Every day, I thought to myself - "Taxpaying citizens of the developed world deserve better". Here's a formal request - take pride in the new building and make sure that employees, tenants, visitors, and the general public do the same. Please let this memory die with the disgrace that was the old Transbay building.

    Thank you,


    Submit your own memory to [email protected]. Learn about the new terminal here:
    16 August 2010, 4:12 pm
  • Blast From The Past: An Email To Gomes
    Lesson in dealing with Gomes: BE FIRM

    Dear Gomes,

    I have tried many times to hint nicely. I am tired of being nice so here it is...If you don't do exactly what I say, I will not want to be your roommate any more. When this happens, I will start to routinely drop upper-deckers in your bathroom. I will shave Tim's head and hide all of the hair in small bundles around your room, in your pillow, in your shower loofah, in your printer mechanism, inside your down comforter (for extra insulation), in your monster cable lines, in the CD drive of your Mac mini, and in your gym bag. I will install a doggie door to your room so LOL can come and go as she pleases. I will scratch your face off of all of the pictures in our apartment. I will delete all of your Cops on DVR. I will delete all of your Family Guy's on DVR. I will no longer patronize your shipping center. I will siphon and subsequently steal gas from your car when you bring it home. I will eat all of your fake meat product. I will consume all of your Vapor, NOS, Protein, and other supplements in one giant shake and kill you in a testosterone-anabolic-fueled rage. After I kill you, I will cut you up into small pieces. Then I will convert the kegerator into a freezer and store those small pieces in the new freezer-kegerator. I will then serve LOL a piece of you every time she comes over to play. With that in mind, I suggest you listen up.
    8 June 2010, 12:07 am
  • #5: It's Britney B*tch - And I'm Back In The Form Of Podcast 5

    Show #5 : It's Britney B*tch -

    And I'm Back In The Form Of Podcast 5

    This show:
    Hosts : Chad and Ryan
    Update: Gomes
    Review: Apple iPad
    Events: Lime Colony Album Release Show

    Get the blogcast
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    [M4A] Download the show

    0:09:59, 9.28 MB, (M4A)

    Link dump (some of the things mentioned in this episode):
    Apple iPad
    Lime Colony Album
    Lime Colony Album Release Show
    20 April 2010, 7:53 am
  • Important announcement regarding Gomes
    Hello Fans,

    As many of you know, last August, Gomes was whisked away to a small town near St. Helena, CA for undisclosed reasons. He has spent the past seven months in a private institute with others who share his condition. Not much has been said publically about his time there.

    While initial news of Gomes' departure was frightening for those who know Gomes well, most accounts indicate he was in good hands. A recent institute publication promised a culture of discovery and support that would eventually lead to the management of a better life. Many rate the staff as top notch - an initial review of the institute's records show no reports of harassment or abuse. The facilities are said to have a cafeteria, gymnasium, and even a pool for Gomes' enjoyment. In addition, social interaction likely helped Gomes through such a tough time. Sadly, these may be the only details available - we may never understand the extent of Gomes' condition or learn more details of his experiences over the last few months.

    I visited with Gomes this past weekend and he was in good spirits. One day, he could be far enough along to fully integrate with society. It is with that that I am pleased to announce that Gomes will be rejoining the MHG podcast, effective immediately. Gomes is currently finishing his final week away before given an extended leave. Several reports indicate that Gomes will be available, on a limited basis, for activities during the next four months.

    To celebrate Gomes' progress to date, MHG will be releasing a full-length podcast within the next day. Stay tuned for several more releases, including Gomes himself, chronicling the spring and summer seasons.


    19 April 2010, 8:02 pm
  • Events: Gomes' Goodbye Party - August 15th
    In what is clearly a desperate plea for attention, Gomes has decided to destroy the very bedrock of this Podcast/Blog, The Ultimate Guide to Life After College, by going back to College. He is holding a party to start the newest chapter of his pathetic life. Ironically, he is requesting that his much needed emotional support come from regular listeners of the Podcast titled "Monkey Hate Gomes". Needless to say, his return to the education system appears ever necessary.

    Though you may not feel like congratulating Gomes' on his acceptance into more College, Gomes' departure is an opportunity for celebration. Or at the very least, an opportunity to tell Gomes' how you really feel before he leaves. With that, MHG proudly invites you to Gomes' Going Away Party. Details are as follows:

    Date: Saturday 8/15/09 - 3pm
    Place: MHG Central
    On Tap: Lagunitas Pale Ale, Strongbow Cider, Olympia in cans
    Food Provided: Delicious BBQ, Cake and Ice Cream Sundaes
    RSVP via Facebook here

    View Larger Map
    4 August 2009, 6:48 pm
  • Food: Finally, Oatmeal Made Easy (Not Instant)

    We all love oatmeal. Some of us, more than others. Then there are people that like it enough to eat it twice a day. No matter how often you enjoy this wonderful, well-rounded meal, saving time cooking it would be nice. No, we are not suggesting using Microwaveable or Instant/Rolled Oats. Those smell like fake maple syrup, have little fiber, and are full of sugar and "bad carbs". For those of you in the know, the most flavorful and healthiest class of oatmeal is Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal. The only problem is that this variety takes 30+ minutes to make. Yes, quality takes time but time is something we don't all have. Thanks to food blog, The Bitten World, there is a better way to cook these. Here it is:

    The previous night you boil six cups of water, stir in the oatmeal, let boil for 1-minute, turn off the heat and cover. The next morning, you turn the heat back on and let it boil for 10 minutes. In our experience, it doesn't even take that long: after 7 minutes the oatmeal is ready to eat.

    The blog goes on to recommend sliced bananas, chopped walnuts and maple syrup. Another favorite simple topping is butter/margarine and a good fruit jam.

    MHG Recommends: McCann's Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal, Price = $23 for four 28oz tins.
    4 August 2009, 4:59 pm
  • 4th of July 2009
    31 July 2009, 5:15 pm
  • #4: Back From Holiday

    Show #4 : Back From Holiday

    This show:
    Hosts : Chad and Ryan
    Breaking News: Michael Jackson Hospitalized
    Outdoors: Rafting
    Drinks: Energy Drink Outlet
    Camping: Nevada Beach
    Events: Gomes' Goodbye Party

    Get the blogcast
    [iTunes] Subscribe to the show directly in iTunes (MP3) Listen in iTunes? Submit a review
    [RSS] Add the Monkey Hate Gomes Blogcast feed to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically (MP3).
    [M4A] Download the show

    0:11:42, 9.6 MB, (M4A)

    Link dump (some of the things mentioned in this episode):
    Michael Jackson Hospitalized
    MHG Recommends - Rafting Supplies
    Cache Creek Rafting Information
    Truckee River Rafting Information
    Energy Drink Outlet

    Nevada Beach Campground
    24 July 2009, 5:40 am
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