Edge Talk Radio

Edge Talk Radio

The Edge, which has supported holistic living in the Upper Midwest USA since 1992, inspires you to expand beyond your beliefs, reminds you to listen to the voice of your soul, and offers information and guidance on how to be in balance. Please visit edgemagazine.net for archives of every Edge program here on Blogtalkradio.com. Thank you for listening!

  • 1 hour 33 minutes
    Manifesting Big Dreams/international jungle retreat/ Connie Delgado/Theresa Rose
    What manifesting skills did they use to create their jungle dream? How can others manifest their dreams? Healing in the jungle, what’s special about it? How did you start empowering others? What connection do you have with nature? How can others connect deeper with nature? Why is it important for you to be sustainable and off grid? What got you into retreat hosting? Why was the jungle of Mexico picked? How did the name come about, Casa DelaRosa and the Four Elements?  Check out their website https://delarosatravels.com/ https://www.facebook.com/CasaDelaRosaandtheFourElements Ancestral Day of the Dead Retreat in November, Water Casita in the Jungle It’s been Connie's lifelong dream to live in Mexico and Theresa’s dream to build an Intentional Community. We met 20 years ago while working at a Hermitage Retreat in Northern Minnesota. I was a private chef and caterer for 50 yrs and she was a general contractor. I also led self-care retreats for women to Mexico for 15 years.  We started  sharing our dreams and decided to look at opportunities in Mexico. Sign up for Angela Zabel's newsletter, membership and more at https://www.angelazabel.com/ Edge Talk Radio and Edge Magazine https://www.edgemagazine.net/edge-talk-radio/ https://www.edgemagazine.net/    
    7 February 2024, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 38 minutes
    Universal Energies to Transform Your Life using Energetic NLP with Art Giser, CA
    What is NLP or Neuro- linguistic programming? What are easy ways for you to reach your full potential, achieve personal transformation for your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual self, to move forward? Do you have to dig up the past, or is there another way? What does NLP help with? Can NLP help adjust your chakras? What energy techniques can you use to guide you to your own inner wisdom? Handling the changing and sometimes chaotic world we live in? What was it like to meet the Dalai Lama? How did Art discover Energetic NLP and how has it changed his life? A teacher, mentor and beacon of inspiration and empowerment. Dedicated to helping others unleash their true potential and embrace their inner brilliance, he continues to be a guiding light for countless individuals seeking to rewrite their life's narrative. FREE Energetic NLP BlockBuster Video Mini Course Energetically Eliminate Unconscious Blocks and Programming and Replace Them with Your Inner Wisdom and Spiritual Information Click Here for the free BlockBuster Mini Program    
    17 January 2024, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Setting Your Energetic Template for 2024, Quantum Sphere Creator, Carla Fox Utah
    What is an energetic template and why would you want to use one for 2024? Looking for personal transformation creating an energetic path for your inner being to follow, creating a steady clear path of growth? Have you ever felt stuck or confused, let’s find clarity together. Set the course to success for your 2024. What realms does Carla tap into and how does she create this path for us? Hear how Carla created the new Quantum Sphere Healing Technique. Change your world today. A “mini workshop” entitled “Setting Your Energetic Template for 2024”. This will be a guided journey that will enable you to clarify and release what did not work for you in 2023, and create a template of positive outcomes for 2024. Carla's website at www.quantumstargate.com. Carla’s blog is www.thecarlafoxblog.blogspot.com.  Offering Mp3 Tools for transition downloadable audio workshops, classes, Quantum Sphere Healing, death rites Traversing the Infinite Now Book, grounding, and more.  Carla has spent the last 25 years as an energy healer, in the Peruvian Shamanic traditions, and her Quantum Sphere Healing technique she created in 2012. Her goal has been to empower people in their awakening and spiritual evolution. Her expertise with clients involves getting them unstuck so that they can move forward, in addition to getting them back into their bodies, clearing away any dark energies that they may be carrying. In addition to her healing practice, teaching numerous workshops, and trained healers in Shamanic traditions and Quantum Sphere Healing. Her workshop “Journeys Beyond the Physical” teaching Shamanic Death Rites to assist deceased loved ones to move on if they are stuck after they pass. 
    3 January 2024, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    Power retrieval, transform your life with Mary Armendarez, California
    How can we release lack, anxiety and fear? You say, true empowerment comes from within, how can we tap into that? What if we feel we lost our power? How can we meet our guardian angels and spirit guides? Why would we want to? Can we access them daily? What techniques can we use to feel safe and secure? How can we bring in the energies of success to make our dreams come true?  Mary Armendarez, raised in Carmel, CA, is an intuitive healer, motivational speaker and power retrieval guide. Helping others raise their vibration and stepping into their own individual power. Ten years ago, during a period of self-introspection and reflection, Concluding that she no longer needed to live with fear and anxiety. During this period, she was introduced to the 12 Archangels from the central sun and discovered Power-retrieval healing techniques. This was transformative, now leading a life of freedom, self-love and self mastery. Teaching others to discover and utilize their power within, realizing their true potential for freedom, self-love and abundance. Speaker at Conscious Life Expo, New Living Expo and more, in magazines around the country.. Her self-healing products have been featured in Nordstrom.  An avid hiker spending her free time exploring nature with her dogs and family. Mary's dedicated to helping others better themselves, teaching, utilizing Power-retrieval techniques and her personal guided meditations. Learn more on her website at https://maryarmendarez.com/  and https://powerretrieval.net/ Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest  website  https://www.youtube.com/@powerretrieval    
    20 December 2023, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 26 minutes
    Addiction into Spiritual Awakening with Psychic, Author JD Radewan, Wisconsin
    Can you have a not so perfect childhood and be on a Spiritual path? How did he move through childhood trauma, anger and frustration? Ways to release judgment of yourself and others? How can a winding path of knowledge help on your journey? How did the awakening start? How did the communication with the Angels begin, why did you create Angel classes? What brought you to Shamanism? What is an Energy Scan? What information can be gleaned? Sparks along the way of awakening, growing up is this a path you could have ever imagined for you?  Check out JD’s website at Https://aligned-alchemy.square.site   Email list https://kelle-sparta-enterprises.ck.page/772d9f4bea  Energy Scan https://kellesparta.com/energy-scan-spiritual-diagnostic/  Facebook Profile https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087353506850  Aligned Alchemy www.facebook.com/alignedalchemy8 JD Radewan was born and raised in rural Wisconsin. In 2017 he experienced a spiritual awakening that changed the trajectory of his life. Since going through this transformation his mission became clear and he began to spread his life's experience. He now coaches people through the awakening process. JD Radewan is a Psychic, Energy Worker, Spiritual Coach and Author who has touched the lives of many.   
    6 December 2023, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Video Games/Neurofeedback for ADHD, Author/psychologist/Dr. Connie McReynolds/CA
    Can you bring relief to your stress, anxiety, depression, pain, trauma, PTSD, or ADHD and bring mental clarity to yourself? What are ways to work with those who have ADHD, their parents, and teachers? What is Neurofeedback and how can it help people? What success have you, your clients and family experienced with the new methods of treatment? What put a psychologist and rehabilitation counselor on a path of exploring the real cause and lasting solutions to learning and experiencing ADHD? Connie McReynolds, PhD, is a licensed psychologist, professor, certified rehabilitation counselor and podcast host of Roadmap to the Brain. Visionary founder of prominent neurofeedback clinics in southern California. She has a proven track record of improved symptoms related to ADHD, anxiety, anger, panic disorder, conduct disorder, depression, chronic pain, cognitive decline, trauma and PTSD using Neurofeedback. These corrective programs can be performed in a clinic or remotely. She also consults with parents and schools on government or district-sponsored or mandated programs. Dr. Connie’s whole-hearted mission is to bring hope and resolution to those who are struggling with the symptoms of ADHD, their parents, and teachers.  Learn more at https://www.conniemcreynolds.com/    Free brief assessment Neurofeedback Also find Dr. Connie on Linkedin, Facebook and Instagram Find her book on Amazon. Solving the ADHD Riddle: The Real Cause and Lasting Solutions to Your Child’s Struggle to Learn, at https://www.amazon.com/Solving-ADHD-Riddle-Solutions-Struggle/dp/B0C2SG4SDJ  
    22 November 2023, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Past Life Regression with Eric Christopher Certified Hypnotherapist, Minnesota
    How did a marriage and family therapist move into hypnotherapy and past life regression? What happens during a past life regression? Why would you recommend past life regression to people? What is the Soul Self and how do you connect to it to help with current present life healing? What is the life-between-lives and how did you first encounter this? How are limiting beliefs and fears able to come up in a session? How has this work changed your life? Eric Christopher has a master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, and is a certified hypnotherapist. His life passion has been to use hypnotherapy to help clients spiritually awaken by guiding them to connect to their inner wisdom and Higher Self, which can uncover and heal the roots of limiting fears and beliefs. He specializes in past life regression therapy, life-between-lives therapy, and also present-life deep emotional healing of the body and subconscious mind. He has a private practice in Saint Paul, Minnesota.  Check out more information about Eric Christopher www.ericjchristopher.com  
    8 November 2023, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Journey of Spiritual Enlightenment Medium, Author and Artist Susan Lukas, WI
    Is Spiritual and personal growth always taking place in people and in you? As we become enlightened, is life always going to be easy or what should people expect? Are messages for people always easy to convey or do they sometimes dive deep on what a person is experiencing? How did you start channeling, has it changed with new Guides? You have a new talk called Miracles Happen Every Day, how did that start and why? .What is a comprehensive package to enlightenment? How do the Akashic Records, oracle cards, artwork, your book, photography and messages play a role in enlightening people? Check out more information about Susan Lukas athttps://www.susanlukas.com/       https://www.susanlukas-art.com/    Instagram. Twitter, Pinterest, Amazon, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lukaslightworker/ Susan is an author, artist, intuitive, medium and more. Susan's objective is to channel messages that bring you hope and healing. If you leave a reading feeling loved and that you are much more than human, Susan has succeeded. She offers connection to other lives to show continuity of your soul and receive an attunement with their spiritual messages. The messages from spirit can be blunt, as Susan doesn't interpret as some mediums do. She closes her eyes and relays what comes and trusts her guides to deliver what you need to hear, comes from a place of love and light. This reading happens for you, not to hurt you. Susan channels from a high level of spirit.   
    18 October 2023, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    Paranormal Investigations and Mediumship Kristina Bloom from Wisconsin
    How does a paranormal investigation take place? Do you always have to be in a group to do an investigation? Is there anything to fear? What are scary or funny experiences that happened? Do a lot of people's interests start with Ghost hunting? Do you find different energies in each area you operate in with Spirits? Do you use the ghost hunting equipment or do you prefer to receive messages or both? How and when did you start channeling Messages of the Divine Collective Bartholomew? Kristina Bloom is a psychic, medium, and channel for The Divine. For more than two decades she has been doing private readings and facilitating individual and gallery Psychic readings across the country, speaking in front of both small and large groups. The insight and wisdom of Spirit easily moves through her allowing for clear information for you, the receiver of the messages, to come through. With her light hearted nature Kristina continues to get confirmation from Spirit until the messages become clear to you. Kristina offers a number of online metaphysical classes, facilitates spiritual retreats and is a paranormal investigator and researcher, currently working with Adirondack Park Paranormal Society (A.P.P.S.).  Check out more information about Kristina Bloom at https://kristinabloom.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/kristinabloomyourspiritualadvisor https://www.meetup.com/onespiritconnection/events/calendar/. She is the author of “Intuitive You! Psychic and Personal Development” on Amazon  
    4 October 2023, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Awakening of a Psychic Medium with John Frangipani, New York
    How does an Awakening happen and what did it look like in a Psychic Medium? How has the awakening changed John’s perspective? How was fear overcome with trust and love on John’s journey? What type of Claire can people use to connect to the other side? What is Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairaudience and Clairvoyance? How can people connect to their Spirit Guides, Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters? What is it like emotionally to work on a cold case?  John is an intuitive Psychic Medium who is blessed that he can embrace this wonderful gift. He relies on his Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairaudience and Clairvoyance while connecting with the other side. Linking up with his Spirit Guides, Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters. John is overly sensitive to the sitter’s feelings and emotions while delivering messages from loved ones. He  has worked with law enforcement and solved two cold cases as well being a part of the Edge Magazine, authoring articles about Spirituality.Along with being a guest speaker numerous times on the Making Miracles Happen Series discussing his Spiritual Awakening. Meetup Group  Scarsdale Free Mediumship Circle on Meetup https://meetu.ps/c/54fyx/126fc4/a Email [email protected] Facebook Messenger at John Frangipani  
    20 September 2023, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    Journey with Jesus with Author and Therapist Tracy Taris from California
    What catalysts made Tracy bring the two worlds of Christianity and Therapy together? How did Tracy walk with Jesus? How can you interpret the messages of social media sorting fact from fiction? How do you know you are working with Jesus vs something else? What are ways to silence the inner critic we all have at times? What tools can we use to look at ourselves differently? Check out Tracy’s website https://tracytaris.com/   https://www.facebook.com/tracy.taris.5 https://www.instagram.com/tracytaris/ 5a589695/ https://www.youtube.com/@tracytaris4760 https://www.tiktok.com/@tracytaris Tracy’s business website  https://www.healingthemindandspirit.com/ Tracy Taris is a Christian Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and author of Many Voices One Truth, how to tune into the Savior's voice using effective techniques. President of Healing the Mind & Spirit, Inc. leading a team of therapists in Santa Clarita, California. Offering online and in person therapy services to individuals, couples and families and coaching services from creative blocks, nutritional problems and women’s issues.   
    6 September 2023, 12:00 am
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