Grinspoon Institute Webinar Podcast

Grinspoon Institute Webinar

The Grinspoon Institute for Jewish Philanthropy is now offering a monthly Webinar for the overnight Jewish summer camps it serves. These Webinars will cover a broad range of topics of interest to the camps: Alumni Outreach and Events, Fundraising, Board Development, and Strategic Planning.

  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    Show and Tell: Successful Camp Visits for Donors and Prospects
    On Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Grinspoon Institute for Jewish Philanthropy Mentor Natasha Dresner led a discussion about how to plan and implement successful camp visits. Do you struggle to schedule effective camp visits for your major donors and prospects? Are your visits well-run and do they yield real results? Bringing prospects and donors to camp can be a powerful way to build and foster relationships. In this podcast, Natasha discusses the nuts and bolts of planning for, running, and following up on successful camp visits.
    28 April 2010, 5:38 pm
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    Twitter for Nonprofits: Reconnecting 140 Characters at a Time
    Twitter is the new Social Media darling. CNN, Lance Armstrong, Ann Curry, and Starbucks are all using the Micro-blogging service, which asks you to answer “What Are You Doing?” in 140 characters or less. But so are many nonprofit organizations: spreading news about their organization and engaging their constituents. On July 21, 2009, Kevin Martone and Joe Ruotolo from the Grinspoon Institute Technology Program presented the basics of Twitter, how to get started, why an organization might use it, and how to use it effectively as a communications and engagement tool.
    23 July 2009, 2:10 pm
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