Heidelberg Catechism Curriculum for Families from URC Learning

Rev. Adam Kaloostian

From URC Learning (urclearning.org): An exposition of a most treasured summary of the Bible’s basic teachings. Learn how you can be clear about the glory of Christ in His triumph over our sinful misery, so that you can pass it down to the next generation.

  • Printable Booklet (PDF): Heidelberg Catechism Study Guide for Families
    Follow along with the audio lessons using this printable booklet (PDF). Booklet includes the complete Heidelberg Catechism as well as study notes and a Summary of Children's Faith.
    2 February 2022, 12:55 am
  • Why and how to use this learning tool
    2 February 2022, 12:54 am
  • The Bible and the Heidelberg Catechism
    2 February 2022, 12:53 am
  • Lord’s Day 1: qq. 1-2
    2 February 2022, 12:52 am
  • Lord’s Day 2: qq. 3-5
    2 February 2022, 12:51 am
  • Lord’s Day 3: qq. 6-8
    2 February 2022, 12:50 am
  • Lord’s Day 4: qq. 9-11
    2 February 2022, 12:49 am
  • Lord’s Day 5: qq. 12-15
    2 February 2022, 12:48 am
  • Lord’s Day 6: qq. 16-19
    2 February 2022, 12:47 am
  • Lord’s Day 7: qq. 20-23
    2 February 2022, 12:46 am
  • Lord’s Day 8: qq. 24-25
    2 February 2022, 12:45 am
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