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The messages, lessons and highlights from ZION's teaching ministry. ZION is a multi-site church located in western Pennsylvania. www.zionlife.com

  • Year of More GROWTH - week 4
    Too often life feels like it is designed for one thing, sucking the life out of us. So Jesus came to give us life, to bring good news and bind up the broken. He came to take those in grief and plant them as mighty trees of righteousness. (Isaiah 61)
    28 May 2012, 3:21 am
  • Year of More GROWTH - week 3
    Too often life feels like it is designed for one thing, sucking the life out of us. So Jesus came to give us life, to bring good news and bind up the broken. He came to take those in grief and plant them as mighty trees of righteousness. (Isaiah 61)
    21 May 2012, 1:46 am
  • 44 minutes 32 seconds
    Year of More GROWTH - week 2
    Too often life feels like it is designed for one thing, sucking the life out of us. So Jesus came to give us life, to bring good news and bind up the broken. He came to take those in grief and plant them as mighty trees of righteousness. (Isaiah 61)
    13 May 2012, 1:22 pm
  • 36 minutes 17 seconds
    Year of More GROWTH - week 1
    Too often life feels like it is designed for one thing, sucking the life out of us. So Jesus came to give us life, to bring good news and bind up the broken. He came to take those in grief and plant them as mighty trees of righteousness. (Isaiah 61:3)
    7 May 2012, 2:47 am
  • 42 minutes 26 seconds
    The End of the World - week 3
    What does the Bible have to say about the end of the world?
    30 April 2012, 3:09 am
  • 45 minutes 21 seconds
    The End of the World - week 2
    What does the Bible say about the end of the world?
    22 April 2012, 9:27 pm
  • 47 minutes 45 seconds
    Point of View - Week 6
    Journey with us as we take a look at the last week of Jesus life from a very different Point of View. (Mark 14)
    2 April 2012, 3:47 am
  • 53 minutes 37 seconds
    Point of View - Week 5
    Journey with us as we take a look at the last week of Jesus life from a very different Point of View. (Mark 14)
    26 March 2012, 3:45 am
  • 50 minutes 13 seconds
    POV Week 4
    Journey with us as we take a look at the last week of Jesus life from a very different Point of View.
    18 March 2012, 3:54 pm
  • 42 minutes 23 seconds
    Habakkuk Introduction
    What do we do when God seems unfair? One prophet teaches us to ask the honest questions and wait for God's just and perfect answers. (Habakkuk 2:4)
    28 November 2011, 3:56 am
  • 15 minutes 34 seconds
    Root and Release
    God gave the early church a simple structure seen in two parts. The church must be rooted in Jesus Christ and released to share the gosepl in creative and relevant ways. Trent shares how the current church needs to get that back. (Acts 15)
    6 November 2011, 1:50 pm
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