Scared! on the Airwaves!

Scared! on the Airwaves!

The Scared! Paranormal Investigative Crew do a weekly radio show on The Dark Plains Radio Network every Tuesday night at 10:00 PM EST.

  • 59 minutes 51 seconds
    09/08/09 - Who's House? Sto's House!
    With Brian away, Chris and the gang will play. Join the Crew as they discuss their recent exploits, injuries and the equipment used in paranormal investigations. Where did the tools that we rely on originate and how are they used in the paranormal field.
    1 October 2009, 10:52 pm
  • 59 minutes 30 seconds
    08/25/09 - Seekers of The Secret
    Join the Scared! Crew as we discuss the cultural phenomenon known as "The Secret". What started out as a book by Rhonda Byrne seems to have taken the world by storm. Spawning several books, a soon-to-be released movie and an entire way of life. Have you bought into the hype? Has the crew drank the Kool-Aid? Tune in and find out.
    1 October 2009, 10:35 pm
  • 59 minutes 53 seconds
    08/04/09 - Demonologists in Training
    Could this be the end for the Scared! crew as we know it? Since the beginning of Scared!, Chris has said that he's doing this just so he can have his own paranormal experience. After 7 years, is he finally a believer? Scared! went on an investigation this past weekend with special guest hunter, John Zaffis. Tune in to hear what could have had such an impact on the founding members.
    27 August 2009, 7:16 pm
  • 58 minutes 58 seconds
    07/28/09 - Supernatural Sailors
    Join us as we discuss our latest investigation: The USS Constellation in Baltimore, Md with the crew of the Northeastern Paranormal Investigators (NEPI) and tackle a few of the more prevalent legends surrounding the supernatural and the sea. Tonight you will learn how different nautical terms were coined and the real reason it's called a poop deck. Meet our newest crew member, Towelie. and find out what it was like to be a sailor in the 18 and 1900's. Do you have what it takes to survive as a supernatural sailor?
    6 August 2009, 2:02 am
  • 58 minutes 14 seconds
    07/22/09 - Immovable Objects Against an Unstoppable Force
    Join the Scared! Crew as we look into the customs and myths surrounding burials and how they relate to hauntings. Why are cemeteries considered good hunting grounds? Why do spirits need rescuing? And what happened to Brian and Chris during the electrical storm? All this and more - this week on Scared! on the Airwaves!
    23 July 2009, 1:07 am
  • 58 minutes 3 seconds
    06/30/09 - Master Debaters Pt. 2
    Join the Scared! crew as we extravasate our usual words of wisdom and address the concerns of those needing their fix of Kermit the Frog and zombie happy feet. Listen to us as we discuss the meaning of living a true Rock and Roll life. Marvel at us as we address the questions that you didn't even know that you needed answers to. Does having the newest tech make you a better investigator? Does ritual have a place in a scientific investigation? What is the real difference between religion and spirituality?
    12 July 2009, 4:21 am
  • 56 minutes
    06/23/09 Master Debaters
    Join the Scared! crew as we play devil's advocate and address the pros and cons of some of the questions that haunt paranormal investigators. Why is there a generally accepted "light's out" policy? Are psychics necessary for a thorough investigation? Does size really matter?
    30 June 2009, 11:36 pm
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