ESIBytes - E-Discovery Tips by Experts


ESI Bytes is a series of podcasts designed to highlight electronic discovery or e-discovery experts and their theories on the topic as a source of free information to gain insights into this growing field. We will interview a collection of attorneys, technologists, forensic and record management experts to provide an introduction for many to these experts as well as some access to their opinions. This show is sponsored by JurInnov, a Legal Technology Company. However all the opinions expressed by the guests and speakers are their independent opinions on the field. Check out for more information and a full list of podcasts.

  • Looking Back at the New Federal Rules: Was It Worth It?
    Listen to Karl Schieneman, President of Remote Review and Consulting at Inspired Review and an innovator in E-Discovery and the Hon. John Facciola, former United States Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and well known E-Discovery thought leader talk with their guests Tom Allman, E-Discovery professor and national thought leader in EDiscovery and former GC at BASF and Partner at several national law firms who has been influential in both rounds of Rule Amendments and Stuart Hubbard a well-known legal technologist and Director of eDiscovery and Litigation Support at a national law firm Bradley, Arant, Boult, Cummings, LLP. With an old Judge, old lawyer and old technologist, we plan to explore the utility of the new rules and whether this panel believes many years of work pushing the amendments through will make a different on the practice of E-Discovery. It's an interesting question and one which this panel will dive into. For more information about ESIBytes, to present future podcast ideas, or just to ask what I do at Review Less, please email me at karl (AT) To limit spam email, I substituted (AT) for the @ symbol in my email address. Please update the address accordingly when contacting me via email.
    6 April 2016, 5:05 pm
  • Judicial Perspectives on New Rule 26 on Proportionality
    Listen to Karl Schieneman, President of Remote Review at Inspired Review, and an innovator in E-Discovery and the Hon. John Facciola, former United States Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and well known E-Discovery thought leader talk with their guests the Hon. Elizabeth LaPorte and the Hon. Paul Grewal, United States District Court Judges from the Northern District of California talk about aspects of the new Federal Rules and Rule 26 in particular dealing with proportionality and their potential impact on the legal community. We will talk about recent opinions on proportionality and a law review article co-authored by Judge LaPorte on this topic. This podcast will not cover sanctions was the subject of last months podcast with Judge Paull Grimm. While the new rules have been discussed frequently on the e-discovery CLE circuit, since our content is available for fee, we thought it would be good to get these three well-known Judges thoughts on the new rules out there for listening from a wider audience. For more information about ESIBytes, to present future podcast ideas, or just to ask what I do at Inspired Review, please email me at karl (AT) To limit spam email, I substituted (AT) for the @ symbol in my email address. Please update the address accordingly when contacting me via email.
    19 February 2016, 12:22 pm
  • LegalTech NYC on February 2 - 4
    Listen to Karl Schieneman, President of Remote Review and Consulting at Inspired Review as he moderates what should be a special ESIBYtes show discussing the upcoming LegalTech in New York City from January 29 �¢?? 31. Joining us as guests on this show are Henry Dicker, Vice President of Events at ALM, Executive Director, LegalTech and John Tredennick, CEO of Catalyst a document review and predictive coding software provider and amateur musician being showcased at LegalTech. Henry has been with ALM for 14 years and has been running the LegalTech brand for his entire tenure. LegalTech for those who are un-familiar, is the preeminent legal technology show in the world and is being held in New York City from Tuesday, February 2 through Thursday February 4. The show is held in multiple floors in the midtown Hilton Hotel on 6th Ave and 53rd Street and has a very large trade show with vendors of all sorts who display their latest and greatest technology. In addition, it draws an audience of lawyers, lit support professionals, IT professionals, and other vendors who may not be displaying at the event but still come to network and share information. It is a wonderful few days of socializing if you are like me and have friends in the field across the country and internationally because it is an event that the top people in the field do not miss. But it can be a bit stressful for the novice attendee because it is a large show and there are lots and lots of attendees wandering around. That is one reason we are hosting this show before Legal Tech is to provide advice on how to get the most out of the event. For more information about ESIBytes, to present future podcast ideas, or just to ask what I do at Review Less, please email me at kas (AT) To limit spam email, I substituted (AT) for the @ symbol in my email address. Please update the address accordingly when contacting me via email.
    22 January 2016, 5:12 pm
  • Judicial Perspective on Changes to Rule 37e on Sanctions
    Listen to Karl Schieneman, Founder and President of Review Less, an innovator in E-Discovery and the Hon. John Facciola, former United States Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and well known E-Discovery thought leader talk with their guest the Hon. Paul Grimm, United States District Court Judge from the District of Maryland talk about the new Rule 37(e) on Failure to preserve or spoliation which recently went into effect. While the new rules have been discussed frequently on the e-discovery CLE circuit, since our content is available for fee, we thought it would be good to get these two well-known Judgeâ??s thoughts on the new rules related to preservation and sanctions out there for listening from a wider audience. For more information about ESIBytes, to present future podcast ideas, or just to ask what I do at Review Less, please email me at kas (AT) To limit spam email, I substituted (AT) for the @ symbol in my email address. Please update the address accordingly when contacting me via email.
    11 January 2016, 12:01 pm
  • Updating M & A Based on Legal Issues Involving Technology
    Listen to Karl Schieneman, Founder and President of Review Less, an innovator in E-Discovery and the Hon. John Facciola, former United States Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and well known E-Discovery thought leader talk with their guests Taylor Hoffman, Senior Vice President and Head of E-Discovery with Swiss Re, James Sherer Counsel with Baker Hostetler based in New York City an co-chair of their Information Governance Practice, and law student Trevor Satnick from the Benjamin Cardozzo School of Law about their entrepreneurial series of research papers looking at M & A work through the lens of E-Discovery, Data Privacy and Information Governance best practices. This is truly a new way to think and evaulate due diligence and transactional work and we are thrilled to be discussing this at ESIBytes. The papers we will be discussing are Merger and Acquisition Due Diligence: A Proposed Framework To Incorporate Data Privacy, Information Security, E-Discovery, and Information Governance into Due Diligence Practices, 21 Richmond Journal of Law and Technology 5, (2015) and a follow up Survey entitled Merger and Aquisition Due Diligence Part II - The Devil in the Details. These publications were written by James A. Sherer, Taylor M. Hoffman, Kevin M. Wallace, Eugenio E. Ortiz, and Trevor J. Satnick. For more information about ESIBytes, to present future podcast ideas, or just to ask what I do at Review Less, please email me at kas (AT) To limit spam email, I substituted (AT) for the @ symbol in my email address. Please update the address accordingly when contacting me via email.
    7 December 2015, 2:09 pm
  • Data Privacy Pioneers Discuss Data Privacy
    Listen to Karl Schieneman, President of Review Less and former Magistrate Judge the Honorable John Facciola interview Sharon Nelson and John Simek from Sensei Enterprises and Tim Opsitnick, Founder of JurInnov on a myriad of data privacy issues. Listen to technologists and attorneys at the forefront of this hot topic discuss what the key issues are, how to reduce liability and what the risks are. If you have further questions about this show or any other show we plan to do at ESIBytes, contact me at [email protected].
    13 November 2015, 9:35 am
  • Retired E-Discovery Judges Podcast - Nolan, Hedges, Waxse and Facciola
    Listen to Karl Schieneman, Founder and President of Review Less, an innovator in E-Discovery and the Hon. John Facciola, former United States Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and well known E-Discovery thought leader talk with their guests, a trio of retired or semi-retired judges who have made substantial contributions to the world of E-Discovery about any challenges they have seen in the e-discovery world, what they are doing now, and what their feelings are about the profession going forward. Our guests who join my co-host Judge Facciola, who is also retired, are Judge Nan Nolan the Northern District of Illinios, Judge Ron Hedges from the United State District Court from the District of New Jersey and Semi-Retired Judge David Waxse from the United States District Court from the District of Kansas. These guests have been hugely influential on e-discovery issues. We are thrilled to have them on our show to discuss their educational views on e-discovery topics. For more information about ESIBytes, to present future podcast ideas, or just to ask what I do at Review Less, please email me at kas (AT) To limit spam email, I substituted (AT) for the @ symbol in my email address. Please update the address accordingly when contacting me via email.
    23 September 2015, 1:05 pm
  • E-Discovery Pioneers Craig Ball and Tom O'Connor Launch New Podcast Series
    Listen to Karl Schieneman, Founder and President of Review Less, an innovator in E-Discovery and the Hon. John Facciola, former United States Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and well known E-Discovery thought leader talk with their guests Craig Ball and Tom O'Connor about their new E-Discovery podcast series. Craig Ball is widely known for his blog posts and the work he did for many years with LTN educating lawyers all over the country about forensics and e-discovery. Tom O'Connor partnered with the late, Browning Marean to co-host the first podcast series that I ever heard of on e-discovery called the e-Discovery Zone. These two guests are witty and intelligent on e-discovery issues. We are thrilled to have them on our show to discuss their educational views on e-discovery topics. For more information about ESIBytes, to present future podcast ideas, or just to ask what I do at Review Less, please email me at kas (AT) To limit spam email, I substituted (AT) for the @ symbol in my email address. Please update the address accordingly when contacting me via email.
    10 August 2015, 1:03 pm
  • Big Dark Data and the Criminal Internet; eDiscovery's Next Frontiers
    Listen to Karl Schieneman, Founder and President of Review Less, an innovator in E-Discovery and the Hon. John Facciola, former United States Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and well known E-Discovery thought leader talk with their guests Gordon Calhoun, head of eDiscovery at the national law firm Lewis Brisbois and based in Los Angeles, Sean Byrne head of ediscovery at Nuix and based in Chicago, and Jacques Nack Ngue, President, Founder and Chief Scientist at JNN Group based in Los Angeles about Dark Data and its implications for e-discovery. This is an emerging issue in E-Discovery and we look forward to a no holds barred discussion on what lawyers, judges and technologists think about what happens when the technology tools canâ??t read the data the companies are using to make their business decisions. For more information about ESIBytes, to present future podcast ideas, or just to ask what I do at Review Less, please email me at kas (AT) To limit spam email, I substituted (AT) for the @ symbol in my email address. Please update the address accordingly when contacting me via email.
    15 July 2015, 12:05 pm
  • LegalTech West - Why you might want to attend
    Listen to Karl Schieneman President of Review Less talk to Henry Dicker, Vice-President of GLobal Events about Legal Tech West schedule in San Francisco for July 13 - 14th at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco. LegalTech has always been known in the litigation industry as the place to learn about new technology and e-discovery trends. There is a free trade show which everyone seems to enjoy. Hope you enjoy a discussion about what makes LegalTech interesting and what is different between LegalTech East in New York City and LegalTech West, being held this year in San Francisco.
    2 July 2015, 2:00 pm
  • Using E-Discovery Counsel to Innovate
    Listen to Karl Schieneman, Founder and President of Review Less, an innovator in E-Discovery and the Hon. John Facciola, former United States Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and well known E-Discovery thought leader talk with their guests Jonathan Redgrave from Redgrave LLP, Kelly Twigger from ESI Attorneys and Heidi Fessler from Briggs & Morgan about the role e-discovery counsel can play in e-discovery innovation and process improvement. Each of our guests serves as E-Discovery Counsel for clients who often times hire other law firms to litigate. Listen in as we hear from their perspective why this works and what are the challenges of becoming E-Discovery Counsel. For more information about ESIBytes, to present future podcast ideas, or just to ask what I do at Review Less, please email me at kas (AT) To limit spam email, I substituted (AT) for the @ symbol in my email address. Please update the address accordingly when contacting me via email.
    8 June 2015, 10:05 am
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