NZ Vegan Podcast

Elizabeth Collins

Continuing the abolitionist message Down Under

  • NZVP Ep. 151 - In favour of sterilizaion

    Listen HERE

    This is the article I mentioned about pets: Please read it.

    This is a link to the famous debate with Erik Marcus, highly recommended listen:

     Thanks for listening

    20 June 2021, 6:43 am
  • NZVP Ep. 150 - Another "victory" that wasn't

     Listen HERE


    Thanks for listening.

    17 April 2021, 6:16 am
  • NZVP Ep. 149 - on engendering hostility

     Listen HERE

    This is the podcast episode I was interviewed on that I mentioned:

    Thanks for listening

    30 November 2020, 9:25 am
  • NZVP Ep. 148 - Kia kaha and be safe and remember - don't compromise the moral message no matter what
    Listen HERE

    Thanks for listening, sorry about the terrible sound quality and thanks for listening.
    28 March 2020, 7:19 am
  • NZVP Ep. 147 - Happy Abolitionist Approach Vegan New Year 2020
    Listen HERE

    Thanks for listening

    If you hear a sound like angry bees it's the car racing that happens near my house all summer long :/ Sorry about the noise.

    Happy New Year
    3 January 2020, 7:58 am
  • NZVP Ep. 146 - lets bring it back to the moral personhood of all animals
    Listen HERE

    Here is a link to Animals as Persons - please read it!:

    Here is the facebook page of the Abolitionist Vegan Weekly Tabling with Vanda Kadas and Mariana Landeros Corona:

    Thanks for listening <3 p="">3>
    13 December 2019, 9:36 am
  • ZVP Ep. 145 - DXE has officially come to NZ. Great.
    Listen HERE

    Here we are at the new and improved easy-to-manage street stall.  Thanks to Jeff for designing the tablecloth.  We are back!!!!!!!!

    30 September 2019, 8:39 am
  • NZVP Episode 144 Special guest Jeff Lyons from the NZ Vegan Street Stall
    Listen HERE

    Thanks so much to Jeff for coming on the show and for being my fellow street stall advocate!

    Thanks for listening.

    13 August 2019, 2:14 am
  • NZVP Ep. 143 - New Years Resolution - Be More Social
    Listen HERE

    Here is a link to the Webinars I mentioned: LINK HERE

    Here is the one that I think they really talk a lot about the issue that I am talking about in this episode:

    3 January 2019, 1:42 am
  • NZVP Ep. 142 - Domestication Issues
    Listen HERE

    Sorry about all the popped 'p's - I had the mic in a bad place.  I used to edit them out in pro tools but I hate Garageband and that's all I've got, I don't know how to use it properly to do cross fades.  Sorry, it must sound awful in headphones. Please forgive me.

    24 November 2018, 12:01 pm
  • NZVP Ep.141 - getting back out there again and managing insecurities fear and paranoia and conditioning
    Listen HERE

    Wow. I was sheltered for so long at my job.  This is getting back out into the real world and I am finding out again about all my limitations and the things holding me back (myself, basically). It's a painful look in the mirror but worth doing.

    Here is Peggy's video from The World Vegan Summit - it is so inspiring.  All the videos from the abolitionist approach advocates are so please watch them all.

    PLEASE learn The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights.  Read the Six Principles.  Go on the website and watch all the Videos.  Read the Books - try to get them at your local library if you can't afford to buy them.

    We can do this people!  We must.

    Here is my badge I was talking about, that I wear every day


    Notes and corrections:

    1. ARGH so sorry the condition I was talking about is IRITIS (not Rinitis!!!) or Uveitis - here is information about it, it's good to learn about different things people are going through.

    2. I completely forgot that years ago I had heard of one situation that a vegan was going through, who did have a terrible medical condition in which her body could not make or maintain its own cholesterol, and therefore was in an awful situation as was really really struggling to find a way to maintain her vegan diet without dying, literally.  It was a very hard thing, and a long struggle, that was very real, and this was a situation in which animal products (which unlike plants contain cholesterol) seemed to be the only medically viable option for them.  Luckily, and also because this person believed in animal rights they finally found a way (I don't know the exact details) to manage it without having to compromise their veganism.  So I actually also relayed that story to the person I was talking to as well, using it as an example to talk about the animal rights point of view. 

    3. Sorry if the quality is so bad, I was just planning to do a 10 minute video but it turned into 40 minutes so too big for me to figure out how to upload, so it's now a podcast with really bad audio quality.

    10 February 2018, 3:59 am
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