The New Man

Tripp Lanier

Hosted by Professional Men's Coach Tripp Lanier

  • 46 minutes 51 seconds
    Struggling with Spirituality — Alyson and Tripp Lanier
    Do you struggle with spirituality? If you stay off the naughty list, does the Universe give you what you want like Santa Claus? And why can spirituality feel so threatening to some folks? Today Alyson and I discuss some of the ways folks relate to the unseen, mysterious world of spirituality. We explore how this relates to our fear of uncertainty, our need for control, and why some people — including me — struggle with spirituality.   COACHING   → To learn more about coaching with Tripp Lanier visit → To learn more about working with Alyson Lanier visit   BOOK   → We live in a world with more possibilities than ever before. So why do most men settle for lackluster, cookie-cutter lives that leave them feeling stuck, drained, and uninspired? _This Book Will Make You Dangerous_ is a guide for the rare, few men who refuse to sleepwalk through life. → Visit
    11 February 2025, 5:15 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Randy Blythe (lamb of god) on Drinking, Death, and God
    Do you believe you need alcohol or some other crutch to function at your best? Do fears like imposter syndrome or stage fright ever completely go away? And is it still worthwhile to be generous and kind? Randy Blythe is best known as the vocalist for the metal band, lamb of god. He’s spent decades making records and playing to massive audiences all around the world. He’s also just another guy you might see surfing. That’s how we’ve become friends. Today we dive into his new book of essays, Just Beyond the Light and his difficult path of sobriety. We also discuss how, after a fan lost his life at a show in the Czech Republic back in 2010, Randy chose to face trial when he could have found a way out. If you enjoy gritty stories, stick around and consider picking up his new book.   COACHING   → To learn more about coaching with Tripp Lanier visit → To learn more about working with Alyson Lanier visit   BOOK   → We live in a world with more possibilities than ever before. So why do most men settle for lackluster, cookie-cutter lives that leave them feeling stuck, drained, and uninspired? _This Book Will Make You Dangerous_ is a guide for the rare, few men who refuse to sleepwalk through life. → Visit
    28 January 2025, 4:41 am
  • 45 minutes 15 seconds
    Feeling Stuck and Out of Alignment — Alyson and Tripp Lanier
    Is there a voice in your head that says you need to make a change? Do you experience scarcity if you’re not always making more money? And what can you do if the things that used to light you up feel empty now? Today Alyson and I discuss what we can do when we feel out of alignment with our lives. We talk about why we don’t need to beat ourselves up, what really holds us back from making a change, and why feeling “not enough” is really an invitation to get out of the shallow end of the pool.   COACHING   → To learn more about coaching with Tripp Lanier visit → To learn more about working with Alyson Lanier visit   BOOK   → We live in a world with more possibilities than ever before. So why do most men settle for lackluster, cookie-cutter lives that leave them feeling stuck, drained, and uninspired? _This Book Will Make You Dangerous_ is a guide for the rare, few men who refuse to sleepwalk through life. → Visit
    13 January 2025, 11:10 pm
  • 47 minutes 14 seconds
    Why Finding Your Purpose is So Frustrating — Jordan Grumet, The Purpose Code
    Does it feel like your life is on hold until you figure out your purpose? What’s the real reason many folks are driven to be wealthy? And why do so many “successful” people feel burned out and empty? Dr Jordan Grumet returns to The New Man to discuss what many believe is the key to their fulfillment — purpose. He’s got a unique experience of being a doctor who helps people at the end of their lives, and he’s also a popular financial podcast host. This means he sees the gap between what is driving so many of us to be wealthy and what really matters. He’s written a new book called The Purpose Code that I love. It strips away the magical thinking BS and drills down to reveal what purpose and meaning really are. The result is a framework we can all use to do more of what we love, spend time with the people we love, and enjoy the precious time we have on this planet.   COACHING   → To learn more about coaching with Tripp Lanier visit → To learn more about working with Alyson Lanier visit   BOOK   → We live in a world with more possibilities than ever before. So why do most men settle for lackluster, cookie-cutter lives that leave them feeling stuck, drained, and uninspired? _This Book Will Make You Dangerous_ is a guide for the rare, few men who refuse to sleepwalk through life. → Visit
    30 December 2024, 11:04 pm
  • 30 minutes 15 seconds
    Why People Pleasing is Killing Your Sex Life and Career — Alyson and Tripp Lanier
    Is it normal for you to forget things until someone nags you about it? Do you ever wonder why your relationships seem shallow or you miss out on career opportunities? And what does this all have to do with brown M&M’s? Today Alyson and I talk about people pleasing, nice guy syndrome, and how being checked out is killing your sex life and career. We discuss the dangers of transactional relating, why the little things matter and how you can become more trustworthy simply by saying “no” more often.   COACHING   → To learn more about coaching with Tripp Lanier visit → To learn more about working with Alyson Lanier visit   BOOK   → We live in a world with more possibilities than ever before. So why do most men settle for lackluster, cookie-cutter lives that leave them feeling stuck, drained, and uninspired? _This Book Will Make You Dangerous_ is a guide for the rare, few men who refuse to sleepwalk through life. → Visit
    17 December 2024, 3:42 am
  • 54 minutes 32 seconds
    How Being Guarded Kills Aliveness, Meaning, and Purpose — Alyson and Tripp Lanier
    Are you devoted to anything other than money, security, or status? Does living with an open heart make you weak? And how is staying guarded killing aliveness? I grew up guarded and armored. For many years, I thought it was necessary and strong to cut myself off from emotional vulnerability. The truth is that I was fragile and incapable of being in emotionally challenging situations. That way of living almost destroyed me. For the last 20 years I’ve watched my wife Alyson navigate life very differently. She’s one of those rare few that can effortlessly disarm people and help them access their own hearts. Her strength in emotional situations is inspiring. It’s her superpower. So is this just something she was born with or is it a skill that she’s developed? I’ve always wanted to know but never asked. Until today.   COACHING   → To learn more about coaching with Tripp Lanier visit → To learn more about working with Alyson Lanier visit   BOOK   → We live in a world with more possibilities than ever before. So why do most men settle for lackluster, cookie-cutter lives that leave them feeling stuck, drained, and uninspired? _This Book Will Make You Dangerous_ is a guide for the rare, few men who refuse to sleepwalk through life. → Visit
    3 December 2024, 7:26 am
  • 37 minutes 22 seconds
    Are You Jealous About Her Sexual Past? — Alyson and Tripp Lanier
    Are you the best lover your partner has ever had? How could you ever be sure? What if they preferred having sex with someone else more than you? And is sex a place where you strive to prove that you’re good enough? Today we talk about feeling jealous about our partner’s sexual history. We explore what drives that insecurity, how neediness is repulsive, and why trying to prove you’re a rockstar in bed is a big mistake.   COACHING   → To learn more about coaching with Tripp Lanier visit → To learn more about working with Alyson Lanier visit   BOOK   → We live in a world with more possibilities than ever before. So why do most men settle for lackluster, cookie-cutter lives that leave them feeling stuck, drained, and uninspired? _This Book Will Make You Dangerous_ is a guide for the rare, few men who refuse to sleepwalk through life. → Visit
    19 November 2024, 6:52 am
  • 48 minutes 47 seconds
    Rickson Gracie – How to Find Comfort in Darkness
    Is a lack of confidence your worst enemy? What does it mean to develop mental, emotional, and spiritual strength? And how does accepting death make you stronger? Jiu Jitsu legend Rickson Gracie returns to The New Man, and we dive into the deeper topics from his new book with Peter Maguire called, Comfort in Darkness. Rickson wasn’t just a devastating opponent in the ring, he’s also a teacher that draws from a deep well of wisdom and intuition. He goes far beyond the mechanics and fundamentals to help others face their fears so that they can discover just how strong and capable they are. Today we discuss what he calls “Invisible Jiu Jitsu” and how we can all utilize it to become mentally, emotionally, and spiritually powerful.   COACHING   → To learn more about coaching with Tripp Lanier visit → To learn more about working with Alyson Lanier visit   BOOK   → We live in a world with more possibilities than ever before. So why do most men settle for lackluster, cookie-cutter lives that leave them feeling stuck, drained, and uninspired? _This Book Will Make You Dangerous_ is a guide for the rare, few men who refuse to sleepwalk through life. → Visit
    5 November 2024, 2:10 am
  • 33 minutes 59 seconds
    Am I On The Wrong Path? — Alyson and Tripp Lanier
    Do obstacles mean you're on the wrong path, or are they simply part of the journey? Is the universe conspiring against your dreams, or is it just your own fear holding you back? And what can you do if you’re struggling to find motivation or inspiration? Whether you're questioning your career path, second-guessing a major life decision, or simply feeling stuck, you’re bound to experience doubt and resistance. In this episode, we discuss finding your calling, facing inner resistance, and the fear that we might be heading in the wrong direction. And we also explore ways to keep moving forward, even when the path ahead seems uncertain.   COACHING   → To learn more about coaching with Tripp Lanier visit → To learn more about working with Alyson Lanier visit   BOOK   → We live in a world with more possibilities than ever before. So why do most men settle for lackluster, cookie-cutter lives that leave them feeling stuck, drained, and uninspired? _This Book Will Make You Dangerous_ is a guide for the rare, few men who refuse to sleepwalk through life. → Visit
    22 October 2024, 4:47 pm
  • 39 minutes 57 seconds
    Build True Confidence by Understanding Unhealthy Self-Esteem — Alyson and Tripp Lanier
    What’s the common link between workaholism, greed, and love addiction? Does your sense of self worth go up and down like a rollercoaster? And is there more to life than protecting our egos? If you’re like everyone else on the planet, then you’ve probably struggled with feeling “enough.” Today Alyson and I dive under the hood to discuss Terry Real’s unhealthy forms of self-esteem so that we can all understand what kills our true confidence. COACHING   → To learn more about coaching with Tripp Lanier visit → To learn more about working with Alyson Lanier visit   BOOK   → We live in a world with more possibilities than ever before. So why do most men settle for lackluster, cookie-cutter lives that leave them feeling stuck, drained, and uninspired? _This Book Will Make You Dangerous_ is a guide for the rare, few men who refuse to sleepwalk through life. → Visit
    8 October 2024, 5:51 pm
  • 49 minutes 29 seconds
    Dealing with Anger and Emotional Constipation — Alyson and Tripp Lanier
    If you’re angry, is it better to bottle it up or lash out in retaliation? Do you get stuck in a loop thinking of things you should say to that jerk who pissed you off? And how is emotional constipation draining our aliveness and motivation? In this conversation, Alyson and I discuss the problems that arise with anger. For many, we feel stuck — if we say something with anger it might make the situation worse. But if we bottle it up, we become a toxic balloon that could burst at any moment. So today we explore what really drives our anger in hopes that we can find a more productive way to deal with it. COACHING   → To learn more about coaching with Tripp Lanier visit → To learn more about working with Alyson Lanier visit   BOOK   → We live in a world with more possibilities than ever before. So why do most men settle for lackluster, cookie-cutter lives that leave them feeling stuck, drained, and uninspired? _This Book Will Make You Dangerous_ is a guide for the rare, few men who refuse to sleepwalk through life. → Visit
    17 September 2024, 4:47 pm
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