Trojan Blogspot

Darnell Law

These podcasts are designed to provide students with eductional, tutorial, and general information about VSU library's resources and services.

  • Where's InfoTrac?
    You may have noticed that InfoTrac is no longer available as a database choice from the University Library webpage. As of July 1, we are pleased to announce that some of the databases that were supplied through Gale/Cengage Learning (such as InfoTrac) have now been replaced with those supported by EBSCO. EBSCO has a longstanding track record of providing superior services to academic libraries. The new general periodical database, Academic Search Complete, will replace InfoTrac as your one-stop shop for finding articles which will provide basic information in support of your research. Academic Search Complete, as well as the other new EBSCO databases, have many features that will help you customize and improve your overall searching experience.

    The Library Instruction area will be providing several workshops throughout the semester to help you become familiar with the new EBSCO databases, so keep watching the blog, web site, and around campus, for further information.

    If you have any questions about the new databases, or how to use them, please feel free to contact the Reference Desk for assistance at 524-5582 (off campus) or 5582 (on campus).
    7 August 2008, 1:32 pm
  • Welcome Back To VSU!
    The University Library welcomes everyone back for the fall semester 2008! The library has been busy this summer and we'd like to share some the new changes we have made with you. You will notice that our website has been updated. It is much brigher and livelier than our previous site, and has many new features to help you find the information you need. The QuickSearch box allows you to search both the catalog and Academic Search Complete at the same time to find both articles and books quickly! Also, the Trojan Research Gateway is listed under the 'Resources' header. This gateway allows you to search multiple databases at once, search only the databases you like, create personal lists of favorite articles and databases, and much more! Please feel free to check out our new Trojan Research Gateway, and if you have any questions, please call the Reference Desk at (804)524-5582.Other changes to our website include the GIS link...the link to our new BLOG!....updated staff listings, etc. Check it out at!Good luck as you begin your semester here at VSU. Remember, we are here to help!
    30 July 2008, 1:20 pm
  • Podcast Demo
    We are working on our first podcast! Here is the link to the demo!
    12 December 2007, 4:31 pm
  • Welcome Back, Trojans!
    The University Library welcomes everyone back for the fall semester 2007! The library has been busy this summer and we'd like to share some the new changes we have made with you. You will notice that our website has been updated. It is much brigher and livelier than our previous site, and has many new features to help you find the information you need. The QuickSearch box allows you to search both the catalog and InfoTrac at the same time to find both articles and books quickly! Also, the Trojan Research Gateway is listed under the 'Resources' header. This gateway allows you to search multiple databases at once, search only the databases you like, create personal lists of favorite articles and databases, and much more! Please feel free to check out our new Trojan Research Gateway, and if you have any questions, please call the Reference Desk at (804)524-5582.

    Other changes to our website include the GIS link...the link to our new BLOG!....updated staff listings, etc. Check it out at!

    Good luck as you begin your semester here at VSU. Remember, we are here to help!
    23 August 2007, 3:59 pm
  • Orientation 2007
    Welcome new Freshmen!

    We hope that you are enjoying your orientation to VSU! Please feel free to stop by the library, either during a tour or in your spare time, to experience the wonderful resources we have to offer you. Be sure to ask questions! Our staff is here to help you adjust to your new home at Virginia State!
    18 June 2007, 6:27 pm
  • Welcome!
    Hello, and welcome to Trojan Blogspot! We encourage you to make comments and ask questions relating to the University Library at Virginia State University and its resources. Please feel free to leave a message and we will return an answer in a timely manner. We look forward to hearing from you!!
    22 May 2007, 10:02 am
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