The University Library welcomes everyone back for the fall semester 2007! The library has been busy this summer and we'd like to share some the new changes we have made with you. You will notice that our website has been updated. It is much brigher and livelier than our previous site, and has many new features to help you find the information you need. The QuickSearch box allows you to search both the catalog and InfoTrac at the same time to find both articles and books quickly! Also, the Trojan Research Gateway is listed under the 'Resources' header. This gateway allows you to search multiple databases at once, search only the databases you like, create personal lists of favorite articles and databases, and much more! Please feel free to check out our new Trojan Research Gateway, and if you have any questions, please call the Reference Desk at (804)524-5582.
Other changes to our website include the GIS link...the link to our new BLOG!....updated staff listings, etc. Check it out at!
Good luck as you begin your semester here at VSU. Remember, we are here to help!