Monkey Butt Stew

Chris & Fozzy Blackburn

a persistent buzzing sound followed by 3 1/2 hours of salsa music.

  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Episode 2.11:The Muppet Bear Returns
    Fozzy makes his return to the show after his trip to the Sooner State to join Chris and Sona in a discussion of nicknames. We do a little pimpin, plow into the quarterfinals of CHALLENGE!! (Vote at ) and introduce a new game to the show called "Fake the DJ". To end the show, we all enter into a suicide pact. I'm really gonna miss those two.
    19 February 2008, 10:22 pm
  • 1 minute 29 seconds
    Episode 2.10: Jagger or Seger, You Make the Call!
    Fozzy is out of the office this week, so I brought in returning guests Sona and Robin to discuss brushes with celebrity. I admit to being a scaredy-cat, Sona kicks around plans for her own podcast, and Logan generally mucks up the works. En-freakin'-joy!!
    14 February 2008, 10:19 pm
  • 48 minutes 25 seconds
    Episode 2.09 : The duo flies solo
    It's "seat-of-our-pants" week as our guest flakes out on us. We slam "The Crow", pimp "Celebrity Rehab" and argue over whether or not Chynna still looks like a man. Give us a shout at [email protected]
    3 February 2008, 10:21 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Episode 2.08:Monkey Butt Failure
    We take the show on the road this week to talk to the members of Five Star Failure. Check'em out before they get famous and strung out. You can listen to some of their stuff at . The band helps us kick off the second round of CHALLENGE! (Make your vote heard at ) We also do a little pimpin' and Fozzy shaves his ass. He had to do it this week because it took six guys to hold down the donkey. HEEHEE HE HAWHAWHAW!
    22 January 2008, 8:58 pm
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    Episode 2.07: Vagitarians Unite!
    Our favorite alternative lifestylist, Robin, drops by the studio to discuss near death experiences(yeah, seeing the light and the whole bit). We also do some Khaki pimpin' and roll along with our Music CHALLENGE!! To vote for your favorite musical artist or band this week go to Oh, yeah, and Don't Do Drugs, kids, at least not with Fozzy.
    7 January 2008, 10:24 pm
  • 54 minutes 52 seconds
    Episode 2.06:Chocolate F*ckin' Fountain, Baby!
    Fozzy's buddy Mike joins us this week to discuss New Years Eve memories(how come all our stories end up with someone throwing up?), Christmas Chocolate Fountain hangover, Jamie Lynn Spears' baby-daddy(to quote MSNBC) and we debut the Monkey Butt Stew CHALLENGE! To vote for your favorite musical artist or band this week go to Lastly, post-Christmas depression gets the best of me when I announce at the ned of the show that all of our listeners can go f*ck themselves. ENJOY!!
    1 January 2008, 11:34 pm
  • 52 minutes 29 seconds
    Episode 2.05:Batman smells, Robin laid an egg
    Ho, Ho, Ho kids, it's time for a Monkey Butt Christmas. It's a family show as my lovely wife Sona joins the fray to discuss what it was like growing up with no Christmas as member of a Jehovah's Witness family. We also kick around some fond Christmas memories, our favorite Christmas movies, and I bemoan the loss of a beloved Christmas tradition, "The Chocolate Fountain". Fozzy shows off his new phone, we do a little Kahki Pimpin', and Logan's leads us out with his "Jingle Bells Rendition". WARNING: The first fifteen or so minutes of the show contains a theological discussion. Leave it to Sona to bring something of actual substance to our usual 45 minutes of fart jokes.
    24 December 2007, 4:50 pm
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    Episode 2.04:The Doctor is in
    We welcome Dr.Concussion of Fusebox Funk this week to discuss job history and get in a not-so-quick game of "Gay or Not So Much". Near the end of the show, we travel back in time to the beginning of the show and then realize it wasn't really worth the years we wasted developing the technology. Check out our MySpace page at and give us a shout at 1-641-715-0101 Code*5581534 or [email protected]
    20 December 2007, 11:08 pm
  • 11 minutes
    Reheated Stew
    The Stew Returns!! But to hold you over, here's our greatest moment from Season One!! Warning:Not for the queasy
    22 November 2007, 5:12 pm
  • 11 minutes
    Tranzemaniac's PodCast
    Mixes From Tranzemaniac
    22 November 2007, 5:12 pm
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