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08_22_10_4 weeks of workout week 3.mp3 Listen on Posterous
Spiritual Workout - Part Three - A Social Life Devoted to Loving the Body
Healthy Christian life includes being connected to a local church. A healthy motivation includes being selflessly, intimately, significantly, and honestly connected - not just on Sundays and Wednesdays. Your life goal as a Christian is to continually become a more effective Christ follower. In doing so you will help the Church fulfill its mission as the Good News is spread. Listen for more insight on loving the body of Christ.
devotion, discipline, examination, exercise, bible, prayer, service, faith, race, peter, matthew, samuel, john, family, love, father, mother, son, daughter, child, selfish, selfless, life, jesus, philippians, Christ, follower, society, relationship, church, life, Jesus
Date of service:
August 22, 2010
08_15_10_4 weeks of workout week 2.mp3 Listen on Posterous
Spiritual Workout - Part Two - A Family Life Devoted to Loving Those Closest to You
Our internal motivation is to love unselfishly; the way Christ does. The measure of that goal in our family life is the health of our family relationships. Ask your family members, 'How am I doing in loving you first? How can I love you more selflessly?' As you listen to this message you'll hear more of how you can fulfill your role in your family to reflect more of Christ.
devotion, discipline, examination, exercise, bible, prayer, service, faith, race, peter, matthew, samuel, john, family, love, father, mother, son, daughter, child, selfish, selfless, life, jesus, philippians
Date of service:
August 15, 2010
08_08_10_4_weeks_of_workout_week_1.mp3 Listen on Posterous
Spiritual Workout - Part One
What kind of shape are your spiritual muscles in lately? Ask yourself if your inner person reflects a true devotion to being God's friend. As you listen to today's message find out why a change of the usual routine is exactly what is needed.
devotion, discipline, examination, exercise, bible, prayer, service, faith, race, peter, matthew, samuel, john
Date of service:
August 8, 2010
08_01_10_nahum_2.mp3 Listen on Posterous
Merciful God - Nahum 1:7-15
In times of trouble you may want to run away from wrath. But when you truly know the merciful characteristic of God along with His wrath, running to God is exactly where you'll want to go. Listen and hear Nahum, the prophet, speak of God's mercy.
Nahum, Jonah, prophet, Nineveh, LORD, God, wrath, anger, angry, vengeance, rebuke, wickedness, yoke, shackles, idols, oracle, fear, lord, wisdom, wrath, approach, respect, strong, presence, enter, bold, Jesus, sin, goodness, stronghold, trouble, refuge, yoke, mercy
Date of service:
August 1, 2010
Nahum 1.mp3 Listen on Posterous
Consequences of a Lost Faith - Nahum 1
One hundred years after the people of Nineveh repented after hearing Jonah's message, they wandered away from their new found faith in God. Nahum is the prophet we learn from today where God spoke a new message to the Ninevites; vengeance. God holds back His wrath for only so long. Listen to this message to hear how our loving God has a side to him that you may not often think about but should remember.
Nahum, Jonah, prophet, Nineveh, LORD, God, wrath, anger, angry, vengeance, rebuke, wickedness, yoke, shackles, idols, oracle
Date of service:
July 25, 2010
06_27_10_jonah 3-4.mp3 Listen on Posterous
Where Do Your Compassions Lie? – Jonah 3 – 4
After Jonah walked through the city of Nineveh warning them of the wrath of God he was angry that God would show compassion on the them. Jonah was more concerned about losing the shade from the plant than he was about the demise of people. Listen and see if God may be challenging the devotions of your heart and pray for the desire for your heart to beat in unison with God’s heart.
Jonah, Nineveh, wrath, God, repent, plant, heart, compassion, whale, devotion, dedication, loyalty, priority, angry
Date of Service:
June 27, 2010 10:00 a.m.
06_13_10_jonah 1-2.mp3 Listen on Posterous
The Running Prophet – Jonah 1 & 2
As you hear how Jonah ran from God, keep your ear tuned to the ways that God was relentless in His pursuit and purpose through an unwilling prophet. God is persistent is His relationship with you, too. As Pastor Ian ends today’s message you will hear four points to help you grow in your relationship with God.
Repent, judged, Ninavites, Israelites, Jonah, sin, mercy, ship, disobedient, whale, fish, sea, boat, ship, three, days, nights, evil, relent, swallowed, pray, Tarshish, second, chance, submit, lordship
Date of service:
June 13, 2010
06_06_10.mp3 Listen on Posterous
Pride Comes Before the Fall - Obadiah
Arrogance is shown in how we treat others and it will lead to our ultimate destruction. The Edomites' arrogance grew as they became more and more confident in their own strengths. Listen as Pastor Ian teaches from the book of Obadiah and ask yourself how the body of Christ may be more glorified in your weaknesses than your strenths.
Obadiah, Edom, arrogant, arrogance, Jesus, lord, God, Petra, divided, kingdom, Paul, thorn, weakness, strength, pride, fall, glorified, self, selfish, Edomites, humble, humility, surrender, die
Date of service:
June 6, 2010
05_30_10_amos 7-9.mp3 Listen on Posterous
The Plumb Line of God - Amos 7-9
As Pastor Ian finishes teaching on the book of Amos, we clearly see that God is holding his people accountable to their lifestyle choices. God has a standard of measurement that is not our own and the people during the time of Amos had lost His measurement. As we listen to this last teaching in Amos we are reminded to live a life of genuine faith, yet know that we serve a merciful God.
does, God, keep, track, sin, divided, kingdom, Judea, north, south, Jesus, Amos, prophet, lifestyle, bribes, poor, lazy, opulence, needy, suppress, roars, lion, Damascus, Jerusalem, Syria, punishment, judge, Moab, love, second, law, thermo, dynamics, physical, spiritual, relationship, God, Jesus, degenerate, invest, couch, potato, Bethel, prophet, idol, worship, backslidden, lazy, love, deteriorate, Christ, time, thought, life, money, justice, lament, dirge, grieve, mourners, wail, poor, compassion, evil, good, gate, remnant, punishment, day, sin, seek, Lord, live, judgment, worship, love, extravagant, lifestyle, fire, genuine, faith, mercy
Date of service:
May 30, 2010 10:00 a.m.
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