A podcast all about tech, from the newest generation of nerds!
Hi everybody! I just was wondering if anybody is still here after the long wait. I’m currently building an awesome studio that should give me good quality sound. It’s almost complete, I just need to touch up some stuff.
So hang on! The ride may be bumpy, but we’ll get there eventually!
Oh, by the way, you can now call the g33k speek phone line! The number is:
(206) 888-4757
Call it frequently, and you could get played on the show!
Hello there! This will be the brand new site. Remind yourself often about how awesome it is, and check here often. Or else ninjas will eat you.
This has got to make you want to be somehow associated with a band.
I found a collection of Halo videos on youtube. Thought you guys might like them.
(This one is “R” rated for language) Master chief sucks at Halo 1 2 3
(“R” rated for language) Best double kill ever
Hope you liked it.
caps lock off now. Ok, so everybody subscribe to the feed now.
Ok, the new email address is now [email protected]
If you have a question, or want to be on the show sometime, feel free to write.
Yay! The podcast is up! I guess I really should get an email address online…I’ll see what I can do.
Whew, today was a very tiring day. The thing you really get to realise about school is, no matter how awesome you thought it was going to be on the first day, it always sucks afterwards. Almost always guranteed.
Your feedback is valuable to us. Should you encounter any bugs, glitches, lack of functionality or other problems, please email us on [email protected] or join Moon.FM Telegram Group where you can talk directly to the dev team who are happy to answer any queries.