Marquette University Law School Webcasts


Events and happenings at Marquette Law School in Milwaukee, WI.

  • What Now, Milwaukee? A Forum on the Future of Wisconsin's Largest City
    An event cosponsored by the Milwaukee Press Club and Marquette University Law School. The forum will feature top political, business, and education leaders in a pragmatic panel discussion of how Milwaukee can move forward, given new budget realities. The panel discussion will be moderated by Mike Gousha, Distinguished Fellow in Law and Public Policy at Marquette Law School, and will be followed by questions from the audience.
    18 May 2011, 8:29 pm
  • Posner Pro Bono Exchange and Induction
    An exchange with Fred Kammer, S.J., and Mike Gousha, Distinguished Fellow in Law and Public Policy. Father Kammer is currently the director of the Jesuit Social Research Institute of Loyola University New Orleans.
    30 April 2011, 1:27 am
  • Marquette Law School Annual Awards Reception
    Alumnus of the Year Award James P. Maloney, Arts '71, Law '74 Lifetime Achievement Award David J. Cannon, Bus Ad '55, Law '60 Howard B. Eisenberg Service Award Ellen McCarty Escalera, Law '02 Charles W. Mentkowski Sports Law Alumnus of the Year Award Craig A. Pintens, Law '01
    29 April 2011, 2:24 am
  • Milwaukee County Executive Candidate Forum
    The candidates in the race for Milwaukee County Executive will make their first joint appearance at Marquette University Law School during a forum co-sponsored by the Law School and the Milwaukee Press Club. Invitations to the forum have been extended to philanthropist Chris Abele, paralegal Ieshuh Griffin, acting Milwaukee County Executive Lee Holloway, State Rep. Jeff Stone and former State Sen. Jim Sullivan. The candidates will be questioned by a panel of Milwaukee journalists.
    26 April 2011, 9:17 pm
  • On the Issues: The Candidates for Wisconsin Supreme Court
    Justice David Prosser and Assistant Attorney General JoAnne Kloppenburg will discuss their qualifications, judicial philosophies, and the important issues facing the state’s highest court during a one-hour debate in the Appellate Courtroom of Eckstein Hall. Assistant Attorney General Kloppenburg has been a litigator and prosecutor at the Wisconsin Department of Justice since 1989. Justice Prosser was appointed to the Court in 1998, and elected to a 10-year term in 2001. The election will be held April 5th.
    14 April 2011, 8:44 pm
  • Street Law Mock Trial Competition
    14 April 2011, 8:44 pm
  • George and Margaret Barrock Lecture on Criminal Law
    Although the death penalty may be dying out in the United States, the end stage of capital punishment leaves us grasping more than ever for principles that could govern the power to punish those who are convicted of society's most feared and loathed category of crime. This need is particularly acute in the United States, where the rise of general incapacitation as the dominant purpose of punishment has produced sentences that are far in excess of international and historic American standards. Professor Simon will suggest that these sentences help to anchor an overall structure of imprisonment that appears unjust and unsustainable, argue for a new version of selective incapacitation limited by dignity as the central purpose of imprisonment, and propose a restructuring of the law of murder to effectuate those goals.
    14 April 2011, 8:44 pm
  • RM246 - International Law and Water Panel
    14 April 2011, 8:44 pm
  • Public Service Conference: New Directions in Consumer and Community Financial Protection
    The recent economic recession and the home mortgage foreclosure crisis have prompted renewed interest in consumer financial protection. The 2011 Public Service Conference will focus attention on consumer financial regulatory change, with a particular emphasis on the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Will new laws, regulations, and agencies effectively diminish the impact of predatory lending on vulnerable populations? What efforts are needed to ensure fair access to credit while preventing the abuses of the past? How will community education, economic development, and private enforcement play a role in the new consumer protection initiatives?
    14 April 2011, 8:44 pm
  • On the Issues: Milwaukee Brewers Executive Vice President of Business Operations Rick Schlesinger
    A lawyer who has worked for Disney and the Anaheim Angels, Schlesinger oversees the day-to-day operations of Milwaukee’s major league baseball team. He’ll discuss the challenges of running a professional sports franchise, industry trends, and how he wound up working in baseball. This event is also sponsored by the National Sports Law Institute of Marquette University Law School.
    14 April 2011, 8:44 pm
  • Federal Loan Exit Seminar for Graduating Law Students
    14 April 2011, 8:44 pm
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