
Scot and Emily McKay

Professional dating coaches Scot and Emily McKay from X & Y Communications have experienced wildly successful dating lives, eventually meeting each other and forming the "Dynamic Duo of Dating Dilemmas". Now, they bring you lightning-fast yet hard-hitting dating tips that you can start using RIGHT NOW to supercharge your own dating success. Fast downloads and rapid-fire content...every time. Be sure to get in on the weekly newsletter at "". Your reviews on iTunes are greatly appreciated. Find Scot and Emily's full-length podcast "X & Y On The Fly" at "" or on iTunes. Theme music courtesy of Devin Anderson.

  • 1 minute 12 seconds
    DatingCast #52--Dating And Pets
    Do you have pets? Dogs, cats, birds, or even more exotic ones? How is your dating life potentially affected?
    2 March 2009, 3:56 pm
  • 2 minutes 15 seconds
    DatingCast #51--The Right Way To Have An Argument
    Having disagreements in a relationship is inevitable. And there's definitely a right way and a wrong way to handle them.
    29 September 2008, 3:46 pm
  • 1 minute 54 seconds
    DatingCast #50--Is There Any Place For Jealousy In A Relationships?
    If your partner is chasing skirts, should you skirt the issue? And what's the diff between being jealous and showing some self-esteem?
    2 August 2008, 4:11 pm
  • 1 minute 34 seconds
    DatingCast #49--What Do You Do When Someone Else Is Hitting On Your Date?
    Emily and Scot talk about how to handle situations when someone is inappropriately forward with someone you're with.
    23 July 2008, 10:07 am
  • 1 minute 34 seconds
    DatingCast #48--Dating When You Have Kids (Part Two)
    How do you find 'quality time' for a significant other when you've got kids?
    3 July 2008, 4:37 pm
  • 1 minute 18 seconds
    DatingCast #47--Dating When You Have Kids (Part One)
    Here's part one in a two part series on how to have a wildly successful dating life even when you're a single parent.
    22 April 2008, 2:07 pm
  • 1 minute 18 seconds
    DatingCast #46--Dating After Marriage
    Here's hoping this doesn't sound like an oxymoron, because it shouldn't be. Emily and Scot share secrets for having a wildly successful dating life...with your spouse.
    23 March 2008, 10:38 am
  • 1 minute 36 seconds
    DatingCast #45--How To Be An Individual Without Being Weird
    Women love a guy who stands out from the crowd. Find out from Scot and Emily the key differences between being a man who defies the 'cookie cutter' image versus being the 'creepy guy'.
    14 March 2008, 4:42 pm
  • 1 minute 32 seconds
    DatingCast #44--20/20 Foresight For Dating Wisdom
    So what can we do ahead of time to make sure we don't settle for less than we want or deserve in a partner later? Emily and Scot offer at least three golden ideas.
    28 February 2008, 12:11 pm
  • 2 minutes 3 seconds
    DatingCast #43--Are You Too Picky Or Are You Settling?
    What if you are dating someone and you like them...but there's just that ONE little thing about them that's making you wonder? Emily and Scot talk about what a genuine dealbreaker might look like.
    23 February 2008, 6:32 am
  • 2 minutes 13 seconds
    DatingCast #42--Asking The Hard Questions
    When exactly is a good time to bring up all the important and even difficult questions? Emily and Scot discuss strategies for getting the ball rolling in an appropriate and timely manner, even if speaking English seems to be a challenge in this particular episode (Sheesh, you two...)
    5 February 2008, 1:54 pm
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