Fresh Life Church

Pastor Levi Lusko

Welcome to the Fresh Life Church podcast! We are a church led by Pastor Levi and Jennie Lusko and exist to see those stranded in sin find life and liberty in Christ. For more information visit or download our app.

  • 36 minutes 21 seconds
    Blood, Sweat, Tears, and Oil

    In this message, Pastor Zach Martin delves into the concept of work from a biblical perspective, contrasting it with modern hustle culture. We see how God’s plan for us includes work, but not in the stressful, overwhelming way that society often portrays it. Instead we learn the importance of the finished work of Christ, embracing the good work God has given us, and our role in walking slowly with the Holy Spirit.

    14 October 2024, 11:00 am
  • 48 minutes 27 seconds
    There's No "I" in Awesome

    You need people. You need the right people. You need to fight to stay tight with the right people. In this message, we discover the power of unity and the strength found in community! We explore how God designed us to need each other. From the beginning, we were created for connection, and through relationships, we experience exponential power. Unity isn't always easy—it comes with challenges, yet it's exactly what Jesus had in mind for us when He created us, and we can't get to where God wants to go alone.

    7 October 2024, 11:00 am
  • 44 minutes 22 seconds
    Too Good To Keep To Yourself

    In this message, David Nasser reminds us that Jesus meant it when he said it: our assignment is to witness to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8.) Sharing the gospel is not just a suggestion—it's an urgent call. David shows us that it's not about being polished or charismatic when it comes to sharing your faith; it's about the Holy Spirit's power and a heart of compassion. We are called to testify to the difference God has made in our lives—it's too good to keep to ourselves.

    30 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 40 minutes 55 seconds
    The Crash Never Happened

    In this message, live from Montana State Prison, Pastor Levi dives into the story of Joseph in Genesis 37. He reminds us that even in seasons of suffering, God has not abandoned you. Your hardships are not a dead end but a detour. God’s plan is still in motion, and His promises stand firm. Learn how to lean on God’s presence, depend on Him instead of despair, and develop yourself in the midst of your journey.

    23 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 49 minutes 33 seconds
    Holding on When You Feel Like Giving Up

    In this message, Pastor Levi Lusko explores Isaiah 40 to show you how to hold on when you feel like giving up. We’ll learn how to persevere in the face of weariness by interpreting correctly, analyzing carefully, catching it early, and replenishing proactively. You don't have to run on empty–God has new strength for you!

    16 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 51 minutes 55 seconds
    It's Happening

    In this message, Pastor Levi Lusko unpacks the crucial role of waiting in our walk with God. Waiting isn’t just something we endure—it’s something God uses to shape us. Drawing from Isaiah 64:4, we’ll dive into the purpose, pain, and problem of waiting, but also uncover the hidden power in trusting God’s timing. This message will encourage you to wait patiently, quietly, and confidently, knowing that God is working for those who wait on Him.

    9 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 50 minutes 33 seconds
    The Weaker, The Better

    Explore the profound truth that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. Drawing from 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Pastor Jennie shows us how Paul embraced his "thorn in the flesh" as a gift that kept him humble and dependent on God. Just as Paul learned that God’s grace is sufficient, we, too, are invited to welcome our weaknesses, recognizing that they are the very places where Christ's power can rest on us. When we stop striving in our strength and rest in God's sufficiency, we discover that in our weakness, we are truly strong. 

    2 September 2024, 11:00 am
  • 55 minutes 8 seconds
    Breaking Free From A Spirit Of Resentment

    In this message, Pastor Levi explores the critical importance of wisdom in overcoming the spirit of resentment that can poison our hearts and lives. Drawing from James 3:13-18, we unpack the difference between divine wisdom from above and the toxic counterfeit wisdom of this world. We’re learning how resentment, when left unchecked, can fester into bitterness, damaging your relationships, health, and spiritual walk. But there's hope! By welcoming the Holy Spirit's wisdom and embracing forgiveness, you can break free from resentment's grip and walk in the fullness of God's peace and purpose. 

    26 August 2024, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    When Heaven Whispers

    In this message, Pastor Levi dives into the importance of attuning ourselves to God's still, small voice amidst the noise of life. Drawing from Elijah's story in 1 Kings 19, we learn the importance of tuning into God's still, small voice amidst the noise of life. He encourages us to lean in, listen closely, and trust that God is near, guiding us through every detail, even when we feel alone or discouraged.

    19 August 2024, 11:00 am
  • 57 minutes 3 seconds
    Welcome the Wind

    In this message, Pastor Levi explores the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, showing us how God can breathe life into even the most hopeless situations. Drawing from Ezekiel 37 and the story of the valley of dry bones, Pastor Levi reminds us that God is not just the God of the "hard" but the God of the impossible. He challenges us to step out in faith, speak God's word over our circumstances, welcome the unexpected and miraculous moves of God, and boldly declare hope where there seems to be none. 

    12 August 2024, 11:00 am
  • 44 minutes 56 seconds
    We Can Do Impossible Things

    Looking at Romans 15:13, Pastor Levi shows us how God, as the source of hope, fills us with joy and peace through our belief in Him. Discover how welcoming the wind of the Holy Spirit has the power to transform your life, enabling you to face impossible challenges with confidence.

    5 August 2024, 11:00 am
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