Black Hat Briefings, Las Vegas 2006 [Video] Presentations from the security conference

Jeff Moss

Black Hat Briefings, Las Vegas 2006 [Video] Presentations from the security conference

  • 17 hours 22 minutes
    Jonathan Squire: $30, 30 Minutes, 30 Networks
    Have you ever walked into your local Global Mega Super Tech Store and wondered how cheaply you could build a device that could play your digital music, display pictures, and listen to your neighbor's wireless network? Project Cowbird is part of an on-going research project to chart the various predators and prey within the information security landscape into a pseudo-ecology. Project Cowbird demonstrates the reuse of a $30 wireless media adapter as a kismet server. The small form factor of the device, in addition to its abundant hardware features (TV out, PCMCIA slot, prism2 card, 10/100 Ethernet), make the use of this device as a development platform for security tools very intriguing. A brief glimpse into the current and future research of the paper "The Ecology of Information Security" will also be covered. Jonathan Squire is a founding member of the Dow Jones Information Security Group, and is credited with accomplishments that include developing an Information Security model for the enterprise, architecting the security infrastructure for, a Dow Jones and Reuters Company, and architecting a secure, centralized credit card processing solution. Mr. Squire is an active member of the Enterprise Architecture Group within Dow Jones, the group that provides direction of technology initiatives within the enterprise. He is also responsible for providing direction in governance and industry best practices. In his spare time, Jonathan is known to enjoy disassembling any piece of technology that cost more the $20 just to find out what else it can do. This propensity for abusing technology is easily witnessed by viewing the buckets of broken parts strewn throughout his basement as well as the creations that rise from the rubble."
    4 June 2006, 11:10 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Billy Hoffman: Ajax (in)security
    Ajax can mean different things to different people. To a user, Ajax means smooth web applications like Google Maps or Outlook Web Access. To a developer, Ajax provides methods to enrich a user's experience with a web application by reducing latency and offloading complex tasks on the client. To an information architect, Ajax means fundamentally changing the design of web applications so they span both client and server. To the security professional, Ajax makes life difficult by increasing the attack surface of web applications and exposing internal logic layers to the entire network. With 70% of attacks coming through the application layer, Ajax makes the job of securing web applications that much harder. This presentation will comprehensively discuss the fundamental security issues of Ajax These include browser/server interact issues, application design issues, vulnerabilities in work-arounds like Ajax bridges, and how the hype surrounding Web 2.0 applications is making things worse. Specifically we will examine the different attack methodologies used against Ajax applications, how Ajax increases the danger of XSS attacks, the dangers of exposing your application logic layer to the network, how bridges can be used to exploit 3rd party sites, and more . Finally we discuss how to properly design an Ajax application to avoid these security issues and demonstrate methods to secure existing applications. Participates should have a good understanding of HTTP, JavaScript, and be familiar with web application design. Billy Hoffman is a security researcher for SPI Dynamics where he focuses on automated discovery of web application vulnerabilities and crawling technologies. He has been a guest speaker at Black Hat Federal, Toorcon, Shmoocon, O'Reilly's Emerging Technology Conference, FooCamp, Shmoocon, The 5th Hope, and several other conferences. He has also presented by invitation to the FBI. His work has been featured in Wired, Make magazine, Slashdot, G4TechTV, and in various other journals and Web sites. Topics have included phishing, automated crawler design, automation of web exploits, reverse engineering laws and techniques, cracking spyware, ATMs, XM radio and magstripes. Billy also wrote TinyDisk, which implements a file system on a third party's web application to illustrate common weaknesses in web application design. In addition, Billy reviews white papers for the Web Application Security Consortium (WASC) and is the creator of Stripe Snoop, a suite of research tools that captures, modifies, validates, generates, analyzes, and shares data from magstripes. He also spends his time contributing to OSS projects, writing articles, and giving presentations under the handle Acidus."
    4 June 2006, 11:10 pm
  • 2 days 10 hours
    Abolade Gbadegesin : The NetIO Stack - Reinventing TCP/IP in Windows Vista
    TCP/IP is on the front lines in defending against network attacks, from intrusion attempts to denial-of-service. Achieving resilience depends on factors from NIC driver quality up through network application behavior. Windows Vista delivers resilience, security and extensibility with the NetIO stack-a re-architected and re-written TCP/IP stack. Windows Vista Network Architect Abolade Gbadegesin will provide an in-depth technical description of the new architecture and new features, and will provide an insider’s view of how Microsoft listened and responded to feedback from the security community. Abolade Gbadegesin is an Architect in the Windows Networking and Device Technologies Division, and is responsible for leading the redesign and implementation of the Windows networking stack for Windows Vista, incorporating native support for IPv6, IPSec and hardware offload capabilities. Abolade is a member of the Windows architecture group and the networking architecture team. When time permits, he works as a comic book artist, practices piano and breakdance and Argentine tango, and contributes performances at various spoken word events as a founding member of the Learned Hearts Brigade."
    4 June 2006, 11:10 pm
  • 2 days 6 hours
    Jeremiah Grossman: Hacking Intranet websites from the outside: Malware just got a lot more dangerous
    Imagine you’re visiting a popular website and invisible JavaScript exploit code steals your cookies, captures your keystrokes, and monitors every web page that you visit. Then, without your knowledge or consent, your web browser is silently hijacked to transfer out bank funds, hack other websites, or post derogatory comments in a public forum. No traces, no tracks, no warning sirens. In 2005’s "Phishing with Superbait" presentation we demonstrated that all these things were in fact possible using nothing more than some clever JavaScript. And as bad as things are already, further web application security research is revealing that outsiders can also use these hijacked browsers to exploit intranet websites. Most of us assume while surfing the Web that we are protected by firewalls and isolated through private NAT'ed IP addresses. We assume the soft security of intranet websites and that the Web-based interfaces of routers, firewalls, printers, IP phones, payroll systems, etc. even if left unpatched, remain safe inside the protected zone. We believe nothing is capable of directly connecting in from the outside world. Right? Well, not quite. Web browsers can be completely controlled by any web page, enabling them to become launching points to attack internal network resources. The web browser of every user on an enterprise network becomes a stepping stone for intruders. Now, imagine visiting a web page that contains JavaScript malware that automatically reconfigures your company’s routers or firewalls, from the inside, opening the internal network up to the whole world. Even worse, common Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities make it possible for these attacks to be launched from just about any website we visit and especially those we trust. The age of web application security malware has begun and it’s critical that understand what it is and how to defend against it. During this presentation we'll demonstrate a wide variety of cutting-edge web application security attack techniques and describe bestpractices for securing websites and users against these threats. You’ll see: * Port scanning and attacking intranet devices using JavaScript * Blind web server fingerprinting using unique URLs * Discovery NAT'ed IP addresses with Java Applets * Stealing web browser history with Cascading Style Sheets * Best-practice defense measures for securing websites * Essential habits for safe web surfing Jeremiah Grossman is the founder and Chief Technology Officer of WhiteHat Security (, where he is responsible for web application security R&D and industry evangelism. As an well-known and internationally recognized security expert, Mr. Grossman is a frequent speaker at the Black Hat Briefings, ISSA, ISACA, NASA, and many other industry events. Mr. Grossman's research, writing, and interviews have been published in dozens of publications including USA Today, VAR Business, NBC, ABC News (AU), ZDNet, eWeek, Computerworld and BetaNews. Mr. Grossman is also a founder of the Web Application Security Consortium (WASC), as well as a contributing member of the Center for Internet Security Apache Benchmark Group. Prior to WhiteHat, Mr. Grossman was an information security officer at Yahoo!, responsible for performing security reviews on the company's hundreds of websites. T.C. Niedzialkowski is a Senior Security Engineer at WhiteHat Security in Santa Clara, California. In this role, he oversees WhiteHat Sentinel, the company's continuous vulnerability assessment and management service for web applications. Mr. Niedzialkowski has extensive experience in web application assessment and is a key contributor to the design of WhiteHat's scanning technology."
    4 June 2006, 11:10 pm
  • 2 days 19 minutes
    John Lambert: Security Engineering in Windows Vista
    This presenation will offer a technical overview of the security engineering process behind Windows Vista. Windows Vista is the first end-to-end major OS release in the Trustworthy Computing era from Microsoft. Come see how we’ve listened to feedback from the security community and how we’ve changed how we engineer our products as a result. The talk covers how the Vista engineering process is different from Windows XP, details from the largest-commercial-pentest-in-the-world, and a sneak peek at some of the new mitigations in Vista that combat memory overwrite vulnerabilities. It includes behind the scenes details you won’t hear anywhere else.
    4 June 2006, 11:10 pm
  • 2 days 3 hours
    Alexander Tereshkin: Rootkits: Attacking Personal Firewalls
    Usually, a personal firewall and an antivirus monitor are the only tools run by a user to protect the system from any malware threat with any level of sophistication. This level significantly increases when malware authors add kernel mode rootkit components to their code in order to avoid easy detection. As rootkit technologies become more and more popular, we can clearly see that many AV vendors begin to integrate anti-rootkit code into their products. However, the firewall evolution is not so obvious. Firewall vendors widely advertise their enhancements to the protection against user mode code injections and similar tricks, which are used by almost any malware out there to bypass more simple firewalls, keeping much less attention to the kernel mode threats. In fact, just a few vendors evolve their kernel mode traffic filter techniques to pose an obstacle for a possible kernel rootkit. This presentation will focus on the attacks which may be performed by an NT kernel rootkit to bypass a personal firewall in its core component: the traffic hooking engine. Starting from the brief overview of the entire NT network subsystem, the talk will demonstrate both simple and advanced methods firewalls use to hook in-out traffic. Every firewall trick will be examined in details, and an antidote will be offered to each. It will also be shown that it is possible for a rootkit to operate at a lower level than current firewalls by using only DKOM techniques. The presentation will be accompanied by a live demo of the proof of concept rootkit which is able to bypass even the most advanced personal firewalls available on the market. Finally, a possible solution for hardening firewalls against discussed attacks will be presented. Alexander Tereshkin specializes in the NT kernel mode coding, focusing on the network interaction. He is interested in rootkit technology in its both offensive and defensive sides. He has worked on various projects that required comprehensive knowledge of Ke, Mm, Ps NT kernel subsystems as well as NDIS internals. His x86 code analyzing engines are used in a few commercial products. In addition to his day work, Alex likes to reverse engineer malware samples. He is also a contributor to"
    4 June 2006, 11:10 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    David Hulton & Dan Moniz: Faster Pwning Assured: Hardware Hacks and Cracks with FPGA's
    This talk will go in-depth into methods for breaking crypto faster using FPGAs. FPGA's are chips that have millions of gates that can be programmed and connected arbitrarily to perform any sort of task. Their inherent structure provides a perfect environment for running a variety of crypto algorithms and do so at speeds much faster than a conventional PC. A handful of new FPGA crypto projects will be presented and will demonstrate how many algorithms can be broken much faster than people really think, and in most cases, extremely inexpensively. Breaking WPA-PSK is possible with coWPAtty, but trying to do so onsite can be time consuming and boring. All that waiting around for things to be computed each and every time we want to check for dumb and default passwords. Well, we're impatient and like to know the password NOW! Josh Wright has recently added support for pre-computed tables to coWPAtty-but how do you create a good set of tables and not have it take 70 billion years? David Hulton has implemented the time consuming PBKDF2 step of WPA-PSK on FPGA hardware and optimized it to run at blazing speeds specifically for cracking WPA-PSK and generating tables with coWPAtty. What about those lusers that still use WEP? Have you only collected a few hundred interesting packets and don't want to wait till the universe implodes to crack your neighbor’s key? Johnycsh and David Hulton have come up with a method to offload cracking keyspaces to an FPGA and increasing the speed considerably. CheapCrack is a work in progress which follows in the footsteps of The Electronic Frontier Foundation's 1998 DES cracking machine, DeepCrack. In the intervening eight years since DeepCrack was designed, built, deployed, and won the RSA DES challenge, FPGAs have gotten smaller, faster, and cheaper. We wondered how feasible it would be to shrink the cost of building a DES cracking machine from $210,000 1998 dollars to around $10,000 2006 dollars, or less, using COTS FPGA hardware, tools, and HDL cores instead of custom fabricated ASICs. We'll show CheapCrack progress to date, and give estimates on how far from completion we are, as well as a live demo. Lanman hashes have been broken for a long time and everyone knows it's faster to do a Rainbow table lookup than go through the whole keyspace. On many PC's it takes years to go through the entire typeable range, but on a small cluster of FPGAs, you can brute force that range faster than doing a Rainbow table lookup. The code for this will be briefly presented and Chipper v2.0 will be released with many new features. David Hulton and Dan Moniz will also discuss some of the aspects of algorithms that make them suitable for acceleration on FPGAs and the reasons why they run faster in hardware."
    4 June 2006, 11:10 pm
  • 1 day 21 hours
    Halvar Flake: RE 2006: New Challenges Need Changing Tools
    Reverse Engineering has come a long way-what used to be practiced behind closed doors is now a mainstream occupation practiced throughout the security industry. Compilers and languages are changing, and the reverse engineer has to adapt: Nowadays, understanding C and the target platform assembly language is not sufficient any more. Too many reverse engineers shy away from analyzing C++ code and run into trouble dealing with heavily optimized executables. This talk will list common challenges that the reverse engineer faces in the process of disassembling nowadays, and suggest some solutions. Furthermore, a list of unsolved problems will be discussed. Halvar Flake is SABRE Labs' founder and Black Hat's resident reverse engineer. Originating in the fields of copy protection and digital rights management, he gravitated more and more towards network securityover time as he realized that constructive copy protection is more or less fighting windmills. After writing his first few exploits he was hooked and realized that reverse engineering experience is a very handy asset when dealing with COTS software. With extensive experience in reverse engineering, network security, penetration testing and exploit development he recently joined Black Hat as their main reverse engineer."
    4 June 2006, 11:10 pm
  • 2 days 5 hours
    Pete Finnigan: How to Unwrap Oracle PL/SQL
    PL/SQL is the flagship language used inside the Oracle database for many years and through many versions to allow customers to implement their business rules and logic. Oracle has recognized that it is necessary for customers to protect their intellectual property coded in PL/SQL and has provided the wrap program. The wrapping mechanism has been cracked some years ago and there are unwrapping tools in the black hat community. Oracle has beefed up the wrapping mechanism in Oracle 10g to in part counter this. What is not common knowledge amongst the user community is that PL/SQL code installed in the database is not secure and can be read if you are in possession of an unwrapper. What is not common knowledge even in the security community is that Oracle always knew that PL/SQL can be unwrapped due to the methods chosen to wrap it in the first place, what is more surprising is that there are features and programs actually shipped with the database software that show how it is possible to unwrap PL/SQL without using reverse engineering techniques-if you know where to look! Pete Finnigan is well known in the Oracle community for hosting his Oracle security website,, which includes a whole raft of Oracle security information from blogs, forums, tools, papers and links. He is also the author of the "SANS Oracle Security Step-By-Step" guide book, he is also the author of the SANS GIAC Oracle security course. Pete currently works for Siemens Insight Consulting as head of their database security team performing security audits, training, design and architecture reviews. He has also written many useful Oracle security scripts and password lists available from his website and has also written many papers on the subject published by many different sites including Security Focus and iDefence. Pete is also a member of the OakTable a group of the world’s leading Oracle researchers."
    4 June 2006, 11:10 pm
  • 1 day 20 hours
    Bruce Potter: The Trusted Computing Revolution
    Trusted computing is considered a dirty word by many due to its use for Digital Rights Management (DRM). There is a different side of trusted computing, however, that can solve problems information security professionals have been attempting to solve for more than three decades. Large scale deployment of trusted computing will fundamentally change the threat model we have been using for years when building operating systems, applications, and networks. This talk will examine the history of trusted computing and the current mindset of information security. From there, we will attempt to demystify the trusted computing architecture and give examples of where trusted computing is being used today. Then, we'll discuss how security constructs that we know an love today (such as firewalls and SSL transactions) fundamentally change when a trusted hardware component is added. Finally, new tools will be released to allow users to examine trusted components in their system. Bruce Potter is the founder of the Shmoo Group of security professionals, a group dedicated to working with the community on security, privacy, and crypto issues. His areas of expertise include wireless security, software assurance, pirate songs, and restoring hopeless vehicles. Mr. Potter has co-authored several books including "802.11 Security" and "Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security" published by O'Reilly and "Mac OS X Security" by New Riders. Mr. Potter was trained in computer science at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Bruce Potter is a Senior Associate with Booz Allen Hamilton."
    4 June 2006, 11:10 pm
  • 1 hour 27 seconds
    Dan Kaminsky: Black Ops 2006
    The known topics for this year include: 1. The Worldwide SSL Analysis-There's a major flaw in the way many, many SSL devices operate. I'll discuss how widespread this flaw is, as well as announce results from this worldwide SSL scan. 2. Syntax Highlighting...on Hexdumps. Reverse Engineering efforts often require looking at hex dumps-without much context for whats being looked at. I will discuss a "bridge" position between AI and manual operation in which compression code is used to automatically visualize patterns in analyzed data. 3. Everything else "
    4 June 2006, 11:10 pm
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