A Knife in Your Eye
Welcome to a podcast among podcasts.
This time around, I waste your time babbling about Witchboard (1986) and Siege of the Dead (2010). I talk about the beer I tried this past weekend — the Samuel Adams LongShot Homebrew Contest pack.
Here are a couple zombie shorts I recommend: Crawlspace | Undead Cadenza
My original song for you is called “Bananastick.”
“Teenager stabs himself to death onstage at open mic night in front of shocked crowd at coffee shop”
Everything is right in the world, now that I’m back podcasting.
I review Pinocchio’s Revenge (1996), play some original music, and ramble on for a while.
Other music: Bullroarer
It’s like an earful of blood!
This week, I finally get around to talking about Dr. Blood’s Coffin (1960), as well as The Burning (1981) and Monster Dog (1984). We hear from our good friends Misfitboy, Spooky Bill, Skeptical Zack, Mastiffman, and Jeff Bromley.
Spooky Bill’s Pathophysiology of the Living Dead!
My original song this time around is “Wheelchair.”
At some point during the podcast, I announce a new giveaway contest.
Other music: Twin Stumps | Alice Cooper
Voicemail: 814-806-2828
In this week’s podcast, I talk about episode 4 of The Walking Dead, and also give my Netflix Instant recommendation: The Human Centipede (First Sequence) (2009). There are a handful of voicemails of death, an original song called “The Count,” and that’s about all.
Other Music: Melvins
Voicemail: 814-806-2828
Another week of weird here at the podcast. I was overly ecstatic when I received the Invisible Invaders (1959) DVD this week, and I talk about the movie as the final zombie movie of the 1950’s.
Episode 3 of AMC’s The Walking Dead aired this week, and I talk about it, along with Voicemails of Death from Spooky Bill and Betty from Maryland.
I attempted to watch Body Snatchers (1993) on Netflix, but ran into some very unexpected issues.
So, if you’re wanting to watch something on Netflix Instant Watch, I recommend you see Subspecies (1991).
I got a wonderful greeting from Jonny T and the wacky crew over at Jonny’s Cult Films Podcast! Quite possibly my favorite message ever.
I wrote and recorded a zombie song (not Zombi 2) called “Alone.”
Other music: Melt-Banana
Voicemail: 814-806-2828
The only zombie thing I talk about this week — other than the limited-edition “Midnite Mausoleum Presents The Italian Zombie Movie Part 1&2 – Summer Camp Special DVD” on sale this weekend at Horrorhound Cincinnati — is the second episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead. Spooky Bill also left a voicemail of death about the show.
Since I seemed to have misplaced Invisible Invaders (1959), I instead talk about Bride of the Gorilla (1951). If you have Netflix, I strongly urge you to watch the classic Un Chien Andalou (1929).
This week I play another version of “Watershed.”
Other music: PC Worship
Voicemail: 814-806-2828
This week I talk about the movie that many people call the worst movie ever made: Plan 9 From Outer Space (1958). And, even though every other podcast in the world is talking about the first episode of The Walking Dead on AMC, I will also talk about it. Sorry. I also manage to work in a plug for the newest Melvins album, Bride Screamed Murder.
I also recommend that everyone go watch House of the Devil (2009), and play the review I did for James Melzer’s podcast UNLEASHED.
The original music this week is the acoustic version of my song “Watershed.”
Other music: The Dead Milkmen | White Suns
Voicemail: 814-806-2828
Happy Halloween!
I consider you all to be trick-or-treaters knocking on the door of my podcast. Your treats are in the form of me talking about a whole pile of movies (warning: some have razor blades hidden in them, while others are poisoned). These movies include:
Thanks to Victor: here’s the sweet unofficial animated opener to The Walking Dead
Original music: “Dripping Blood From Crushed Heads”
Other music: Thrones
Voicemail: 814-806-2828
In a very sleepy episode, I talk about the movies Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) and Child’s Play (1988). Original music is another Zombi 2-inspired song called “The Boat Can Leave Now.”
Other music: Mogwai
Voicemail: 814-806-2828
I welcome Eric S. Brown back to the podcast this week, and we talk about all kinds of cool stuff — most namely, his first hardback, Season of Death. You can get it here.
I talk about the movie Creature with the Atom Brain (1955).
I went to the Eerie Horror Film Festival this past Saturday, and tell you all about the people I talked to, and the films that I watched:
In this week’s original music, I cover “Soul to Squeeze” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Other Music: Coachwhips
Voicemail: 814-806-2828
For the first part of the show this week, I ramble on and on about Cinema Wasteland this past weekend, and about the Eerie Horror Film Festival this weekend. However, I eventually get around to talking about Womaneater (1957), Bloodsuckers from Outer Space (1984) (with Eric AKA @bguglyhryscry), Lake Mungo (2007), and the sweet CD from Buzz Works, Zombie Influx.
Other stuff I talk about . . .
Original music: “Rocketship”
Other music: Butthole Surfers
Voicemail: 814-806-2828