24 Under Review (Enhanced ACC Format)

24 Under Review

The enhanced version of the MP3 24 Under Review podcast, featuring pictures, chapter markers, and better sound quality. please email me with your comments, we hope to have to have round-table discussions in future podcasts for season 6.

  • 51 minutes 18 seconds
    In these final episodes of season 6 of 24, a lot happens. These are quite possibly some of the best episodes of 24, and, with the season not being as good as many of us expected, it was a welcoming back to the old 24 feel. Not only does Jack escape custody (yes, if you don't rememeber, he was put in CTU custody at the end of the last episode), but he also teams up with Bill to save the day, and Josh Bauer. Cheng is fried like a marshmallow over a campfire, Phillip is shot in the shoulder by his grandson, and Jack breaks up with Audrey. We also have the amazing "24 Character Countdown" from watching 24, at watching24.com. Enjoy.
    25 May 2007, 1:27 am
  • 21 minutes 24 seconds
    Another Tuesday podcast, only 3 more of these left. With just 4 more episodes (yes, 4, FOX has been lying to you in the previews to the next episode) left this season Jack has been arrested by CTU for the 128th time (according to Watching 24). Audrey is really messed up, and to add to the trouble, James Heller made the most insulting comment I have heard in all of my days of watching 24, so rude I’m not even going to mention it in the description. The Chinese have an FB sub circuit board from one of the Russian nukes, and now the Russians know, thanks to Lisa Miller. The worse thing is that they are moving massive amounts of troops into the Asian theatre.
    2 May 2007, 2:41 am
  • 24 minutes 43 seconds
    First off, sorry for a few things. 1st- Sorry for missing the last two podcasts, I’ve been swamped with school, sports, and work. 2nd- Sorry for the enormous file size. I used Soundtrack 1.5, a profession app, and it doesnt compress, (or at least not that I’ve found). Whenever I try to compress it, it gets really high pitched or low pitched, so I finally just converted it to Apple Lossless, which is about half the size of the original AIFF file. The nukes are a past threat, but a component of the nukes, the FB sub-circuit board. the Chinese staged Audrey’s death, an will give her in exchange for the circuit board, he plans to blow up the board when Audrey is safe. Jack goes through with the exchange, and then Doyle interferes, and Cheng gets away with the circuit board, which is the key to Russian Defense codes.
    25 April 2007, 2:18 am
  • 19 minutes 34 seconds
    Todays episode was one of the best of the season, between Wayne holding his presidency, Gredenko getting his arm chopped off, and Fayed getting beaten up by some patrons of a bar. Not only did all of that happen, but Wayne got high on adrenaline, and launched a nuke, the same on he risked his life to stop. Todays episode was CRAZY, and hopefully it will lead to more just like it in the weeks to come, keep in mind we are 2/3 of the way through this season, so now its time to get all of the criminal charges, no more REAL threats.
    4 April 2007, 3:09 pm
  • 31 minutes 42 seconds
    A lot happened during tonight’s episode, the main thing is Logan’s plan worked, and the Russian President, Yuri Suvarov, gives Bill permission to take the consulate by force. Logan also flatlines, after being stabbed in the shoulder by Martha Logan, who is now married to ex-Secret Service agent Aaron Pierce. Make Doyle, perhaps one of the worst head of Field-Ops we have seen at CTU is introduced, and, thankfully, he used to work in Denver, so I know I am safe.
    18 March 2007, 3:37 pm
  • 26 minutes 29 seconds
    Russian Consul General Anatoly Markov gives up the location of the terrorist responsible for supplying Fayed with the 5 suitcase nukes. We also learn that the nukes are going to be delivered by unmanned arial drones, which are being assembled by Dmitri Gredenko. Jack has been arrested by the Russians, after storming their consulate. Please Digg this podcast. We apologize for the delay in the podcast, I have been sick the last week, so its been hard trying to get the whole thing put together.
    11 March 2007, 5:49 pm
  • 29 minutes 29 seconds
    A bomb went off 15 feet from Wayne, and he is in critical condition. Thats all that is all that really happened. Just kidding. There was a little bit more than that, but not too much more. Charles Logan is ready to leave for the consulate. Please head over to 24Boards.com, also please Digg this podcast.
    3 March 2007, 2:42 am
  • 38 minutes 34 seconds
    Jack discovers that Phillip was the one who tired to kill Jack and his team, and this opens the floodgates. Firstly, Josh offers his life in exchange for Josh’s, Phillip accepts. When Jack arrives to be executed he is not even very angry, until his dad doesn’t kill him, his dad evidently ran away. Jack goes out side and finds a PDA, that tells Jack to call the 24 Fan Phone Line, 310-579-3781, which is also Logan, Charles Logan, who appears to be residing the at the Presidential Retreat from last season. Please support our sponsor, Bandwagon, an easy to use iTunes 7 Backup service. Current prices are: introductory-$69US regular-$99US(not sure yet, according to Bandwagon), these prices are for unlimited storage. Enjoy, and no, you will never be getting a podcast this early...EVER!
    21 February 2007, 12:18 pm
  • 45 minutes 26 seconds
    Graem is dead, and Jack is blamed for it. Josh is kidnapped, by his grandfather. Maryln is partly responsible for the deaths of as many as 6 CTU agents. Morris writes the program needed to arm the suitcase nukes, and Fayed arms one. Jack defuses the bomb with mere seconds left in the count down, saving his life and countless others. We will also tough on why Phillip is able to walk anywhere he wants in CTU, unsupervised.
    18 February 2007, 1:15 am
  • 31 minutes 42 seconds
    Tom tries to convince Wayne that locking up Muslims is the right thing, and Wayne acts like he believes him. Jack interrogates Graem, and learns that Graem was responsible for the deaths of Palmer, Dessler, Almedia, and he has tried to kill Jack many time. Its the second time this season that Jack has cried. CTU tells Morris that his brother’s illness was a setup and that he was the engineer McCarthy was looking for. CTU can hear the gunshots and McCarthy ordering Morris out of the car. Phillip is a traitor, he betrayed Jack, and now its Graem on the chopping block, he is later killed by his father. Enjoy.
    10 February 2007, 12:16 am
  • 31 minutes 42 seconds
    Tom asks Karen to resign, and much to my dismay, she did. Graem is starting to look like he has mote then we think to do with the nukes. Jack meets his father for the first time in 9 years, and the circumstances aren’t that good. Milo may be the dirty agent this season, because he was spotted with a Dell notebook, and we also know that Tom is a good guy, as he was spotted with a MacBook Pro. Enjoy.
    3 February 2007, 12:02 am
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