CrankMyChain! Cycle TV

PDXK Productions

CrankMyChain! will document psycho bike niches, create bike music videos, review parts and accessories, and discuss bicycle advocacy. We strive to host an interactive show where others will contribute or respond with their own videos. So go ahead, CrankMyChain!

  • 2 minutes 49 seconds
    Team Beer Track Race
    Here are some video snapshots from last Saturday's track racing (and John Howe's sugar shorts parade/race) at the Alpenrose Velodrome in Portland.
    26 August 2009, 10:53 pm
  • CrankMyChain! is not Dead
    we are undergoing metamorphosis

    watch it Wednesday's at noon at
    19 June 2009, 8:41 pm
  • 3 minutes 22 seconds
    Porltand Bike Rush Hour on Hawthorne!
    PORTLAND, Ore. - I love collaborating with Clarence Eckerson, Jr. You may remember our Sasquatch video. We have a ton of fun talking shop and rollin' tape. In this video are cool bike wheels, Clarence, Greg Raisman, Elly Blue, and bikey SE people (plus a brief shot of the Disco Trike rollin' slow).
    Here's more stuff from

    The first time you visit Portland, Oregon, the gaggles of cyclists streaming over the Hawthorne Bridge during rush hour is a sight you will never forget. It's something other cities need to see and be inspired by.

    On a recent vacation there, I couldn't resist cranking out a Streetfilms shortie, so I naturally hooked up with Crank My Chain's Dan Kaufman to capture the essence of the PM rush and talk to cyclists about what it feels like to be a part of the mass of cyclist humanity in Southeast Portland, Hawthorne corridor. As Greg Raisman from Portland's Bureau of Transportation pointed out: 20% of all traffic on the Hawthorne Bridge is bikes. And, Portland's number of cyclists has risen 600% in the last fifteen years and shows no sign of letting up.
    29 April 2009, 9:02 pm
  • 2 minutes 45 seconds
    Portland Real Estate Tour from
    Here is a video tour of the latest listing from It's in the Colonial Heights neighborhood in Southeast Portland, which is a great location for anyone wanting to drive less and live more.

    Find out more at Bike!
    28 April 2009, 7:21 pm
  • 4 minutes 18 seconds
    Idaho 'Rolling' Stops for Bicycles in Oregon
    Animation by Spencer Boomhower.

    The Oregon Legislature is considering passage of a law that would allow bicycle riders to treat stop signs as yield signs. These "rolling stops" would allow bike riders to preserve some of the momentum they depend upon for efficient travel, just so long as they don't infringe on the safety and rights of others.

    The law is based on one that's been successful in Idaho for the last 27 years, so it's come to be known as the "Idaho Stop" law.

    There's some controversy - and whole lot of misunderstanding - surrounding the proposed Idaho Stop law. Spencer Boomhower ( ) does a great job helping clear thing up with the magic of animation.

    Music: "Celebrated Shoo Fly Galop" by W.L. Hayden, performed by Lucas Gonze ( and Used under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.
    15 April 2009, 5:18 am
  • 7 minutes 7 seconds
    Citizens Opposition and Alternatives to the CRC Rally
    Sunday’s Citizen’s Opposition and Alternatives to the Columbia River Crossing rally felt like a sea change. Participants were we greeted by warm spring weather, excellent speeches, and solidarity in opposition to the I-5 CRC crossing as it’s being presented currently.

    Several groups and governments from both sides of the river (and aisle) were represented and spoke to the large crowd at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park in downtown Portland, Oregon.

    Find out more at
    6 April 2009, 6:32 pm
  • 6 minutes 13 seconds
    Have We Got a Bridge to Sell You! - BSN HACKED!
    In our third snippet from the Bridge Shopping Network things go “all-CSPAN” as the show is hacked live into the Joe Cortright’s formal testimony at the Jan 29th Portland City Council meeting on the Columbia River Crossing (CRC). It's surely not what the BS Network hosts have in mind, as things become wonky and counter-productive to their sales pitch.

    Ride you bike to this Sunday’s Citizen’s Opposition and Alternatives Rally 12-noon at Tom McCall Waterfront Park Near the Morrison Bridge. Semi-Organized Rides to the rally are posted here. Find out more at You can also stay up to date at

    See you Sunday!
    2 April 2009, 9:41 pm
  • 1 minute 28 seconds
    Have We Got a Bridge to Sell You! "The CRC Cures Cancer"

    Thursday, March 26, 2009
    Have We Got a Bridge to Sell You! "The CRC Cures Cancer"
    Watch Video & Read StoryTeaser Photo

    "Cures Cancer" is the second in a series of spoofs by the Bridge Shopping Network (BSN) made to promote the Citizen's Opposition and Alternatives to the Columbia River Crossing (CRC) rally, which is being held noon Sunday, April 5th at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park (north of the Hawthorne Bridge). To find out more about the Columbia River Crossing and see better alternatives see The video was produced by Dan Kaufman and Joe 'Metal Cowboy' Kurmaskie
    26 March 2009, 6:48 pm
  • 1 minute 32 seconds
    Have We Got a Bridge to Sell You! - The Columbia River Crossing
    Building Like it's 1959 is the first in a series of spoofs by the Bridge Shopping Network (BSN) made to promote the Citizen's Opposition and Alternatives to the Columbia River Crossing (CRC) rally, which is being held noon Sunday, April 5th at the Tom McCall Waterfront Park (north of the Hawthorne Bridge).

    To find out more about the Columbia River Crossing and see better alternatives see
    19 March 2009, 3:49 pm
  • 3 minutes 38 seconds
    Sweetpea, bicycles, Portland, and the DIY Spirit
    PORTLAND, Ore.- This video is about a year old so the information about the National Hand Built Bicycle Show is out of date, everything else is pretty relevant. It features Natalie Ramsland of Sweetpea Bicycles (Portland, OR) and interview with Jonathan Maus of Video directed by Daniel Sharp, filmed by David McMurry, edited by Alden Morgan.

    I really like the commentary and shots.
    4 March 2009, 5:54 pm
  • 4 minutes 42 seconds
    Whatever Happened to Critical Mass In Portland, Oregon?
    What does it mean that Portland, one of the best North American cities for cycling, has virtually no Critical Mass? Is it no longer relevant in the evolution of cyclists or has the police crackdown just been so successful? What are the new goals of cyclists?
    16 February 2009, 8:27 pm
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