MPG podcast

MPG: Mobile Performance Group

MPG is a collective of new media artists interested in finding new ways to present art outside of traditional venues. MPG disseminates their work by using automobiles, video projection, cell phones, FM transmission, wireless hotspots, and any other technologies that allow artist to engage the public. Podcast format includes audio and video samples of our performances.

  • 4 minutes 31 seconds
    happy tribe @ icmc
    Our opening number from the ICMC performance on November 9 in New Orleans. The recording is from the actual performance, cleaned up with a little post-production. This track was written in Brooklyn using sounds collected during the Conflux festival.
    20 November 2006, 2:47 pm
  • 6 minutes 24 seconds
    bond in brooklyn
    A sample of the first hour-long set that we did at Barcade on Sept 16 for Conflux. Edited together into handy track format by our own Jhaysonn Pathak. More to come.
    21 September 2006, 6:59 pm
  • 8 minutes 57 seconds
    blame it on the fumes
    a glitchy mood with odd rhythms. a small group of onlookers gathered as we tested our setup outside with this number.
    10 August 2006, 5:01 pm
  • 10 minutes 31 seconds
    warm up 4
    another clip from our rehearsals Wednesday, August 9. a mood with an industrial feel for those who have the urge to start marching.
    10 August 2006, 4:56 pm
  • 4 minutes 58 seconds
    warm up 3
    excerpt from our rehearsals on Wednesday, August 9. a faster mood that will likely find its way into our performances this weekend.
    10 August 2006, 1:13 am
  • 5 minutes 37 seconds
    BART blues
    Coming late last night for ISEA, Nathan grabbed this recording by placing a contact mic against the interior wall of the BART train.
    7 August 2006, 4:27 pm
  • 8 minutes 57 seconds
    Parking Spaces (Gainesville Mix)
    For this project MPG investigates one of the most ubiquitous spaces in the United States, the parking lot. The day of the performance, MPG spent the day roaming the campus of the University of Florida looking for parking lots to collect sounds and images. Using only the collected material, MPG creates an improvised performance that evening.
    3 August 2006, 6:47 pm
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