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T&H Liberty Threads: Weave Your Conversations around Freedom | Available in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles: https://teespring.com/stores/TragedyandHope
(Episodes 001-023 + Bonus Video) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness | Now available on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/TragedyandHope
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Reference Map to Peace Revolution episode 093: Liberty and Economics | Part 1: PhilosophyTo download these notes in a handy PDF, CLICK HERE.
Would You Like to Know More?
Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking
Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension
Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering
See Also:
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 092: The National Security Coup / From Barry Seal to 9-11
T&H Liberty Threads: Weave Your Conversations Around Freedom
Available in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles
(New Video Series) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness / Now available on Patreon
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
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Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)
Reference Map to episode 092: THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUP / From Barry Seal to 9-11
10. (9m-10m) Accomplished with your help - Reagan
11. (10m-11m) Behind Iran Contra - Coup
12. (10m-11m) Nancy Reagan – Just Say No
13. (11m-12m) Congressmen get Canned – Behind Iran Contra
14. (11m-12m) Fired Covert Operators yield Bush/Reagan
15. (12m-14m) Iran Contra October Surprise with Barbara Honegger
16. (14m-15m) Bush Clinton Mena – Secret Heartbeat of America
17. (15m-19m) Is the CIA involved in Drug Tafficking? – Ron Paul
18. (19m-24m) CIA Guns and Iran Contra – Marshall Thomas
19. (24m-25m) Fawn Hall and Why Iran
20. (25m-26m) Reagan Lies – Behind Iran Contra
21. (26m-28m) Barry Seal – In Search of American Drug Lords
22. (28m-30m) Barry Seal setup by Govt – Dave Emory 1987
23. (30m-31m) Clinton Questioned – Mena Connection
24. (31m-33m) Time Magazine Cover up – Mena Connection
25. (33m-34m) Arkansas parts for Contra Weapons – Mena Connection
26. (34m-36m) Seal Photographic Memory – Dave Emory 1987
27. (36m-37m) Drugs for Arms via DEA w/ John Kerry – Mena Connection
28. (36m-37m)Pirates – Behind Iran Contra
29. (37m-38m) TAI PAN OPIUM WARS and HONG KONG
30. (38m-40m) SEAL OSWALD DRUGS ARMS – Emory 503b
31. (40m-42m) CIA Opium Cold War – McCoy
32. (42m-43m) Doing something about drugs – Reagan
33. (43m-44m) Barry Flew Plane out of Dallas 11-22-63 – Dave Emory 503a
34. (43m-44m) Barry Seal’s plane N-Numbers changed – similar to 9-11 Venice Airport – Mena
35. (44m-45m) SEAL MENA
36. (45m-46m) Crack Cocaine
37. (46m-47m) Aircraft Modifications – Mena
38. (47m-48m) Seal MLK airstrip building – Dave Emory 503b
39. (47m-48m) Secret Airstrip training – Mena
40. (48m-50m) Oliver North Barry Seal – Dave Emory 2005
41. (50m-52m) continuity of Govt. Oliver North
42. (52m-52m) SEAL WORKED FOR BUSH – WHISTLEBLOWER DEAD- Emory 2005 f503a
43. (52m-53m) Nancy Reagan – No Moral Middle Ground
44. (53m-55m)Immortal Technique Peruvian Cocaine / Scarface
45. (55m-56m) Behind Iran Contra – Deny Covert Operation
46. (56m-59m) Peter Brewton – Origins of Iran Contra in S&L
47. (59m-1h) Abuse of Power Montage – Behind Iran Contra
48. (1h-1h2m) man on the street thinks it will continue – Behind Iran Contra
49. (1h2m-1h3m) July 2000 Opium Ban - McCoy
50. (1h3m-1h4m) Atta in Venice – Welcome to Terrorland
51. (1h4m-1h5m) SEAL BEN VENISTE – Dave Emory
52. (1h5m-1h6m) terrorists returned cars – Welcome to Terrorland
53. (1h6m-1h7m) Dekkers FBI Cargo Plane
54. (1h7m-1h10m) Magic Dutch Boy Theory – Welcome to Terrorland
55. (1h10m-1h12m) CIA agent Tosh Plumlee says National Security Coup de Tat has occurred
56. (1h12m-1h16m) CIA Agent says War is Eugenics and Drug War is fake – Robert Steele
57. (1h16m- 1h17m) The American People have the Right to Know – Dirty Secrets CIA Drugs
58. (1h17m-1h51m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue
59. (1h51m-3h) Iran Contra and the Deep State- Richard Grove with Tim Kelly on “Our Interesting Times”
60. (3h-4h47m) The Mafia, the CIA, and George Bush – Peter Brewton
61. (4h47m-5h39m) In Search of American Druglords – Daniel Hopsicker (JFK to Barry Seal)
62. (5h39m-6h20m) Barry Seal’s Setup – Dave Emory 1987
63. (6h20m-6h44m) The Dirty Secrets and History of the CIA, Drugs, Finance, and Contras by Robert Parry
64. (6h44m-7h35m) The CIA and the Death of Barry Seal – Dave Emory 2005
65. (7h35m-8h44m) Coverup: Behind the Iran Contra Affair
66. (8h44m-11h2m) The Mena Connection - Exposing the CIA, Bush, Clinton, and Iran Contra Drug Running
67. (11h2m-12h42m) Clinton Chronicles
68. (12h42m-13h36m) James Corbett’s “Requiem for the Suicided: Vince Foster”
69. (13h36m-14h33m) Compromised: Drugs, Clinton, Bush and the CIA -Terry Reed with Jeff Steinberg
70. (14h33m-16h13m) Secret Heartbeat of America – Daniel Hopsicker 1997 (80’s Mena Druglord Connection)
71. (16h13m-16h37m) How Crack funded the CIA – Gary Webb Interview on Iran Contra
72. (16h37m-16h38m) Nancy Reagan – Crack Cocaine
73. (16h38m-17h5m) Prof. Alfred McCoy on the Opium Trade in Afghanistan
74. (17h5m-18h5m) Welcome to Terrorland: Mohammed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus – Daniel Hopsicker
75. (18h5m-18h6m) Nancy Reagan
76. (18h6m-18h11m)Peruvian Cocaine – Immortal Technique
Would You Like to Know More?
Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking
Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension
Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering
See Also:
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 091: Pax Americana / Manufacturing Terrorism from Operation Cyclone to ISIS
T&H Liberty Threads: Weave Your Conversations Around Freedom
Available in a variety of sizes, colors, and styles
(New Video Series) The Deep End: Dive Into Consciousness / Now available on Patreon
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Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)
Reference Map to episode 091
Would You Like to Know More?
Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking
Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension
Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering
See Also:
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
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Peace Revolution episode 090: Habits of Freedom / Personal Protection & Defense
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Reference Map & Links to Episode 090
1. (0m-1m) Disclaimer
2. (1m-2m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview it hits all by itself
3. (2m-2m30s) Joe Rogan Experience /Bullying with Bryan Callen
4. (2m30s-3m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview Keep on Flowing
5. (3m-6m) Joe Rogan on childhood bullies
6. (6m-7m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview be like water
7. (7m-21m) The Divine Right of Self Defense – Mike Adams Documentary
8. (21m-25m) Joe Rogan speaks on untrained people vs martial artists inspirational
9. (25m-27m) Bruce Lee 1971 Interview defining martial arts
10. (27m-30m) Joe Rogan on Tae Kwon Do
11. (30m-32m) Lee Morrison Interview
12. (32m-41m) Intro to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Philosophy) by Rener Gracie
13. (41m-48m) The Opposite of Courage is conformity Rickson Gracie with Joe Rogan
14. (48m-52m) Tips for your first street fight
15. (52m-1h) Bas Rutten Rogan fake martial arts with Joe Rogan
16. (1h-1h4m) Fightstoppers: Lee Morrison’s go-to technique
17. (1h4m-1h10m) How to Defeat multiple opponents with Rener Gracie
18. (1h10m-1h14m) Lee Morrison Interview
19. (1h14m-1h19m) Kelly McCann Interview
20. (1h19m-1h22m) Bas Rutten Rogan fake martial arts with Joe Rogan
21. (1h22m-1h25m) James DeMile on his teacher, Bruce Lee’s Fighting Ability
22. (1h25m-1h28m) Kelly McCann Interview
23. (1h28m-1h34m) Joe Rogan on self-defense and fake martial arts techniques (w/ Rupert Sheldrake)
24. (1h34m-1h38m) Counter-Grappling with Lee Morrison
25. (1h38m-1h44m) De-Escalation and Boundary Setting Techniques
26. (1h44m-1h48m) The Universal Misunderstanding with Ryon Gracie
27. (1h48m-1h54m) Joe Rogan tells Tait Fletcher story to Bert Kreisher
28. (1h54m-1h58m)The Universal Misunderstanding with Ryon Gracie
29. (1h58m-1h59m) About Combat with Kelly McCann
31. (2h49m-4h45m) Ben Johnson Discussion on Self-Reliance and Personal Protection
32. (4h45m-6h15m) Eddie Bravo on Joe Rogan Experience #478
33. (6h15m-6h47m) Rickson Gracie Interview (30min)
34. (6h47m-7h17m) Tait Fletcher on Joe Rogan Experience #361
35. (7h17m-7h55m) How to Defeat multiple opponents with Rener Gracie (Gracie Breakdown)
36. (7h55m-8h11m) The Universal Misunderstanding with Ryon Gracie (Gracie Philosophy)
37. (8h11m-9h) Overcoming the Ego (Richard Grannon)
38. (9h-9h42m) Street Fight Tutorial (Richard Grannon)
39. (9h42m-10h36m) Kevin Secours Combat Systema interview on Pramek Radio Podcast
40. (10h36m-11h33m) About Combat with Kelly McCann
41. (11h33m-11h51m) Kelly McCann Interview
42. (11h51m-12h24m) Lee Morrison Interview
43. (12h24m-13h01m) Lee Morrison / Urban Combatives in Russia
Would You Like to Know More?
Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking
Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension
Peace Revolution episode 081: Self-Confidence vs. Social Engineering
See Also:
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 089: The Art of Freedom / Keep Calm & Start Thinking
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
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Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)
Reference Map to Episode 089
Would You Like to Know More?
See also:
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 088: The U.N.-American Agenda / World Federalism and the United Nations Gambit
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
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Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)
Reference Map to Episode 088
Introductory Montage
1. Warren Buffett / AI will decide who lives and dies
2. McLuhan / Medium is the Message
3. Barney Miller / Tambor + theme song
4. Rosa Koire / Brzezinski
5. UN 1972
7. Cronkite / Pay your UN dues
8. Dacy UNIDIR
9. 1972 pollution
10. Rosa Koire / Agenda 21
11. McLuhan 1 global village
12. UN conf 3 population control
13. David Rockefeller population control
14. Koire / Population Control
15. Dacy / U.N. wants to collect and destroy small arms
16. Napolitano 1 individual rights
17. Dacy / U.N. 29a
18. Cronkite anarchy
19. McLuhan 2 global village
20. Dick Gregory / Rodney King
21. Koire / Defining the NWO
22. Lee Camp MOC
23. Dick Gregory / Wire tapping
24. Napolitano 1a
25. Veon PPP 2
26. McLuhan 3 / Collectivism
27. Hillary PPP dept state aspen cocacola
28. Koire / PPP = Fascism
29. Veon / World Fed
30. Cronkite world federalism
31. Adam Curtis / Fuck You Buddy
32. Koire / Delphi Technique
33. Hillary Cronkite
34. Rosa Koire / Why would anyone do that?
35. On government land
36. Veon PPP sample
37. Koire / community vs individual
38. Rachel Maddow / 9-11 comic book
39. Hillary Al Qaeda
40. Dick Gregory / Hillary + Mena
41. “they are the ones you should be arresting” Barney Miller Trilateral Commission
42. Rachel Maddow / Infowars Conspiracy Theory
43. Koire / Sophisticated warfare
44. Veon 2 U.N. great Britain
45. Dacy / UN summary cockroaches
46. Barney Miller Destroys David Rockefeller
47. Barney Miller “world government” quote
48. Napolitano 2 presidents
49. Ben Swann Militarization of Police
50. Adam Curtis / Bing Crosby Freedom
51. Dacy 2 / 2nd amendment for freedom
52. Veon central banks / UN
53. Dacy / UN 1961 disarmament
54. Koire / you are the resistance
a. D Gregory / know who you are
56. Richard’s Introductory Monologue
57. Rosa Koire Agenda discussing 21, interviewed in Denmark by Age of Truth TV
58. Caravan to midnight #260: John B. Wells interviews Patrick Wood on Technocracy
59. Joan Veon: Is one world govt coming?
60. Stanley Monteith with Michael Shaw/ Speaking of Agenda 21
61. 1972 United Nations Environmental Commission video
62. PBS American Experience: Rockefellers documentary (pts 1&2)
63. Nelson Rockefeller / History Channel
64. Walter Cronkite accepts World Federalist Global Governance Award (in its entirety so you have full context)
65. Marshall McLuhan “The medium is message” lecture
66. Bob Dacy documents the timeline of UN disarmament agenda for America
67. Hidden influence documentary by Richard Heathen
68. Dick Gregory 911: The America Too Few Know About
69. The Trap- F*ck you buddy (A*am C*rtis)
Would You Like to Know More?
See also:
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 087: Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
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The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):
The Tragedy and Hope Official Youtube Page:
Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)
Reference Map to Episode 087
(0m-1h23m) Richard’s Introductory Montage:
(1h23m-1h50m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue
(1h50m-9h30m) Bill Binney Interview + Round Table Commentary Discussion & Notes
(9h30m-11h) Fourth Amendment Debate / Munk Debate on Privacy and Surveillance
(11h-12h) Patrick Wood / Technocracy and the Trilateral Commission
(12h-14h24m) America’s Surveillance State
Would You Like to Know More?
See also:
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 086: Common Sense for the 21st Century
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
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The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):
The Tragedy and Hope Official Youtube Page:
Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)
Reference Map to Episode 086
(1m-8m) Former SAS soldier Ben Griffin at Oxford Union
(8m-11m) Sample From: Thomas Paine - Christopher Hitchens Lecture (Full)
(11m-14m) Sample from (Wikipedia) Professor Andrew Galambos
(14m-17m) Thomas Paine: The Most Valuable Englishman Ever
(17m-29m) Samples from Andrew Galambos
(29m-40m) Attorney General Eric Holder and the Divine Right of Criminals
(40m-1h20m) Samples from Andrwew Galambos
(1h20m-1h31m) Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion (feat. Larken Rose)
(1h31m-1h37m) Samples from Andrew Galambos
(1h37m-1h50m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(1h50m-2h55m) Lecture 1
(2h55m-4h52m) Lecture 2
(4h52m-8h) Lecture 3
(8h-9h27m) Thomas Paine: The Most Valuable Englishman Ever
(9h27m-11h40m) Common Sense Audiobook by Thomas Paine (February 4, 1776)
(11h40m- 12h40m) Thomas Paine - Christopher Hitchens Lecture (Full)
(12h40m-15h45m) FREEDOM by Adam Kokesh
(15h45m-15h48m) God Save Great Thomas Paine (to the tune of My Country Tis of Thee)
Would You Like to Know More?
See also:
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 085: The Future of Freedom & the History of Western Civilization
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:
The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):
The Tragedy and Hope Official Youtube Page:
Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)
Reference Map to Episode 085
(0-37m) Introductory montage created from links below, featuring Carroll Quigley, Jacob Appelbaum, and others.
(6m-7m ) NSA Whistleblower William Binney “We are becoming the East German (Stasi) Police”
(37m-48m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(48m-1h52m) Laura Poitras: Surveillance Teach-In
(1h52-3h10m) NSA officer Thomas Drake questions 9/11 official account
(3h10m-5h55m) PBS The United States of Secrets on Youtube
(8h9m-9h30m) Julian Assange Interviews Cypherpunk Activists (Uncut) 1 of 2 on 'The World Tomorrow'
(9h30m-11h28m) Julian Assange Interviews Cypherpunk Activists (Uncut) 2 of 2 on 'The World Tomorrow'
(11h28-15h48) Professor Carroll Quigley’s lecture series on Western Civilization via YouTube
Would You Like to Know More?
See also:
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 084: Builders of Empire / How Fraternal Orders Create World Order
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
To Subscribe to Peace Revolution on iTunes:
The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):
The Tragedy and Hope Official Youtube Page:
Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)
Reference Map to Episode 084
(0m-2m) Enter the secret world of the Freemasons courtesy of CBS Morning News
(2m-5m) Sample 1 Cecil John Rhodes's conquest, David Livingston's mission and the British Empire -- Jeremy Paxman
(6m-9m) World's Richest People Meet, Muse On How To Spread The Wealth via NPR
(9m-10m) Bill Clinton using the word Inclusive, over and over on MSNBC… sent by Kevin Cole
(10m-11m) Henry Kissinger discussing his idea of a New World Order
(11m-13m) Sample 2 Cecil John Rhodes's conquest, David Livingston's mission and the British Empire -- Jeremy Paxman
(13m-17m) British Spies Controlling Past Present and Future
(17m-22m) Sample 1 Mae Brussell P2 Masonic Lodge Scandal
(22m-35m) Sample George Washington Hunt discussing Agenda 21 and the 1992 Earth Summit
(35m-43m) Richard’s introductory monologue
(43m-2h33m) “Builders of Empire” by Jessica Harland-Jacobs, a discussion featuring Kevin Cole with Richard Grove
(2h33m-3h9m) George Washington Hunt discussing Agenda 21 and the 1992 Earth Summit
(3h9m-4h54m) The Truth About Immigration by Stefan Molyneux
(4h54m-5h19m) Globalist Plans for Immigration: Dr. Darrel Hammamoto on the Alex Jones Show July 24, 2014
(5h19m-6h8m) Who are the Neoconservatives?
(6h8m-8h4m) Samples from the Mayfair set
(8h4m-8h42m) Christopher Hitchens and Richard Critchfield on CSPAN
(8h42m-10h38m) Mae Brussell P2 Masonic Lodge Scandal
Would You Like to Know More?
See also: (Audio)
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking
Peace Revolution episode 083: America and the Great Game / A Strategy of Tension
To Purchase the HISTORY BLUEPRINT (Richard’s Brain Model Organizing History):
To Donate or Subscribe to the Tragedy and Hope online learning community:
The Peace Revolution Page (all feeds, formats, and episodes):
The Tragedy and Hope Official Youtube Page:
Follow Richard on Twitter (@TragedyandHope)
Reference Map to Episode 083
(0m-5m) “Holism” Jan smuts / Adam Curtis, Ecology / Agenda 21 and Climate Change
(5m-7m) “The Unknown Known” Errol Morris
(7m-9m) “America’s Great Game” by Hugh Wilford re: Kipling “The Great Game”
(9m-14m) “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory
(14m-19m) “America’s Nazi Secret” with John Loftus and Dave Emory
(19m-21m) “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory
(21m-26m) “America’s Nazi Secret” with John Loftus and Dave Emory
(26m-40m) “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory
(40m-49m) “Operation Gladio” with James Corbett and Abby Martin
(49m-53m) “NATO’s Secret Armies” with Prof. Daniele Ganser
(53m-1h) “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory
(1h-1h6m) “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory
(1h6m-1h22m) “NATO’s Secret Armies” with Prof. Daniele Ganser
(1h22m-1h25m) Mark Lombardi documentary trailer
(1h24m-1h28m) 9-11: Why We Need Answers by Prof. Danele Ganser
(1h28m-1h32m) Former DARPA director now at Google / wearable & edible authentication
(1h32m-1h35m) Why Should I work for the NSA? From Good Will Hunting
(1h35-2h42m) Richard’s Introductory Monologue
Books Mentioned:
The Power Elite by C. Wright Mills (Oxford, 1956)
Blood, Class, & Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies by Christopher Hitchens (1990)
The Third British Empire by Alfred Zimmern (1925)
The Pan-Angles by Sinclair Kennedy (1915)
David Rockefeller: Memoirs by David Rockefeller (2002)
Agency of Fear: Opiates and Political Power by Edward Jay Epstein (1977)
The Strategy of Tension in the Cold War by Prof. Daniele Ganser (2014)
(2h42m-3h07m) “America’s Great Game” by Hugh Wilford Kipling “The Great Game”
(3h07m-4h05m) “America’s Nazi Secret” with John Loftus and Dave Emory
(4h05m-4h30m) Philby Master Spy
(4h30m-5h17m) “NATO’s Secret Armies” with Prof. Daniele Ganser
(5h17m-9h) PART 1 “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory
(9h-12h44m) PART 2 “The Hidden History of the Cold War” by Dave Emory
(12h44m-13h41m) “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace” part 2
(13h41m-14h23m) “The Unknown Known” / Errol Morris interview with Reason Magazine
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See also: (Audio)
Peace Revolution episode 027: DIAMONDS / The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome
Peace Revolution episode 023: How to Free Your Mind / The Occulted (Hidden) Keys of Wisdom
Peace Revolution episode 046: Liberty is Life / Practical Applications of Rationality
Peace Revolution episode 047: Slavery is Death / Practical Applications of Irrationality
Peace Revolution episode 048: The Philosophy of Life / This is John Galt Speaking