The Nightingale of Iran
Danielle and Galeet were interviewed by Andrew Martin, the UK-based host of The Family Histories Podcast, a positive, conversational, fun show about family history and family historians – the often un-sung heroes tirelessly breathing life back into collective social history.
If you like what you hear, you can find other episodes of The Family Histories wherever you listen to podcasts.
Danielle & Galeet have created a live show and they’ve taken the show on the road to several cities around the world!
Performances include:
This bonus episode is from the post show conversation at their performance at Bnai Jeshurun in New York City. The moderator is their younger sister Michelle Dardashti, rabbi of Kane Street Synagogue in Brooklyn.
Check to find out if there’s a Nightingale show coming up near you. Please reach out if you would like to bring the show to your town!
Danielle and Galeet joined Millie Efraim on Persian Girl Podcast to discuss the tapes their family recoreded starting from the 1950s that were used throughout the Nightingale of Iran series, the reception of their podcast, their theory on the lasting effects of the "Motreb"/artist stigma in Jewish Persian communities, and why there are so few Jewish Persians in art and culture philanthropy and academia.
Danielle Dardashti, co-creator of The Nightingale of Iran, guests on podcast "Jews on Film.” Danielle is interviewed by hosts Daniel Zana and Harry Ottensoser, discussing the 2007 animated film "Persepolis," co-directed by Marjane Satrapi. They discuss Marjane’s split sense of identity. Danielle shares parallel stories from Nightingale. They chat about the pros and cons of various modern storytelling mediums. And they close out the episode ranking the film's "Jewishness" in terms of its cast & crew, content, and themes.
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Danielle and Galeet joined Abigail Pogrebin on JBS's In the Spotlight to discuss their documentary podcast series The Nightingale of Iran, in which they reveal painful secrets and explore why their family left Iran in the 1960s at the height of national fame.
This is a conversation Danielle and Galeet had with Moment Magazine Deputy Editor, Jennifer Bardi, about their search for the truth and what they discovered about their family along the way.
This is an interview Galeet did with John Schaefer on New Sounds on WNYC, about her album Monajat, where she sings with samples of her late grandfather Younes Dardashti, The Nightingsle of Iran. Galeet shares selections from the album and she’s backed by an all-star ensemble that includes Shanir Ezra Blumenkranz on oud and bass; Max ZT on hammered dulcimer; Zafer Tawi on violin, ney, vocals, percussion; Philip Mayer on drums; and John Stanesco contributing electronics.
IKAR synagogue, Los Angeles, California. Kabbalat Shabbat post-dinner discussion with Danielle and Galeet Dardashti, about The Nightingale of Iran, moderated by Jewish Telegraphic Agency reporter Asaf Elia-Shalev. Introductions by Rabbi Morris Panitz.
Thank you to Rabbi Sharon Brous for inviting us!
One of the first events to celebrate the release of The Nightingale of Iran was with Danielle and Galeet's home town crowd, at Bet Am Shalom Synagogue in New York on March 19, 2024. The conversation was moderated by Philissa Cramer, the editor in chief of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The event was organized by: Lisa Goldberg, Laura Solomon, Felicia Lebewohl Rosen, Liz Haas Edersheim, and Danielle Thomas. For more Nightingale bonus content and to support our work, please visit
Danielle and Galeet speak with Drora and Dalya on this episode of the Reclaiming Identity podcast. They discuss growing up un-Persian, discovering their family’s story, and the personal impact of The Nightingale of Iran podcast.
Danielle and Galeet were recently interviewed on Can We Talk?, the podcast of the Jewish Women’s Archive. We loved our conversation with Nahanni Rous and so we are sharing it with you here today.