Military Movies


Well, we had some problems at MM, people leaving the clan and fighting with each other, we couldnt make movies, so that is why I sadly say that i will not be adding anymore movies to the pdcast. I thank you all who have been watching, and we had fun doing this, but now we're done and that's that. So see ya.

  • Crazy Samurai
    No, its not Crazy Ninja 2, but close. This one contains some halo-related humor, like "standby"ing, but other humor, containing spontanious recombustion. Enjoy. -iPod
    9 October 2006, 8:09 pm
  • I Want To Rock
    A new music video for "I Want To Rock". When they shout ROCK! a picture of a rock is shown. Even though it sounds dumb, its a little funny to see. -iPod
    6 October 2006, 8:51 pm
  • Halo Wars
    There is this new game coming out called "Halo Wars", and we are not kiding. Go to for more information. Well, anyway, this is the trailer. The game takes place before halo 1 (that explains the different SPARTAN armor), when the humans first discover the Covenant. It is an rts game, so its not going to be like your a marine or something, but it looks very good. It's an Xbox 360 game only (sorry xbox/pc owners).

    28 September 2006, 8:51 pm
  • Crazy Ninja 2 Trailer
    The first Crazy Ninja started off pretty good, so we decided to introduce Crazy Ninja 2. It will come out soon, but for now, here is a trailer.

    24 September 2006, 2:35 pm
  • Raindrops Remix
    This is a remake of one of our older moives, "Raindrops" This is much longer and better.

    16 September 2006, 4:26 pm
  • Driving In My Car
    This is one of our older movies, but a good one. Hope you enjoy.

    16 September 2006, 4:25 pm
  • The Infinity
    An elite named Delta is trying to survive the Darks, a group of not so bright humans. Then after a hard days work takes a shower and kills the camera man. This was made by RT Team, a clan we have just met, and are happy to work with them.

    9 September 2006, 6:35 pm
  • Pimp Smacks and Bunny Snaps
    Fairly simpe. Pimp smacks and bunny snaps. Thats it.

    25 August 2006, 9:47 pm
  • Aliens vs. Humans 4: Version 2
    After the Covenat have captured the last SPARTAN from the previous battle, he is taken to a forced labo camp, working for the rest of his life. Will anyone save him?

    21 August 2006, 2:57 pm
  • Aliens vs. Humans 4
    As their last stand, the SPARTANs try to hold off the only remainig Covenant soldiers. Fighting in a human city, the aliens use their heavy artilery and sheer strength to invade the abandoned city. When the Covenant enters the main outpost of the humans, all of the SPARTANS are wiped out, ecxept for one. But then he is captured.

    21 August 2006, 2:36 pm
  • Aliens vs. Humans 3
    The Covevant leader has fled to a base filled with soldiers. As the Humans attack, the aliens use their fortress to try to hold them back. But the humans breach the walls and one brave soldier chases the last aliens from the battle through a telepoter. Where does it lead? And who will win this fight?

    12 August 2006, 7:07 pm
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