The turf war between the Mollen Commission and the DA’s office finally concludes, and Barry Brown is caught squarely in the middle.
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The arrests in the Three Oh continue to pile up, making it the biggest corruption scandal in NYPD history. Officer Blake Struller reaches the end of his line, as does Officer Joe Walsh.
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The investigation into the 30th Precinct comes to a dangerous head, and action must be taken before everything blows up. The first wave of arrests are made, and scandal grips the city.
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The Mollen Commission and the DA’s office jockey for position in their turf war, as both groups now have officers wearing wires inside the 30th Precinct. “Operation Domino” heats up.
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The Mollen Commission hearings pull back the curtain for the public, and they show the NYPD’s indifference to fighting corruption. Officer Joe Walsh thinks he’s safe, while Officer Barry Brown is pulled in deeper.
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A unique trap is set by the Mollen Commission, which nets its first dirty cop in the Three O. And a turf war begins behind the scenes between The Mollen Commission, and the most powerful District Attorney in the country, Robert Morgenthau.
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Mollen Commission Investigator, Frank O’Hara catches a very lucky break. Officer Barry Brown’s secret comes to light.
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A police corruption scandal rocks New York City. The Mollen Commission is formed to investigate the failings of the NYPD and report its findings to the public. But privately, it begins uncovering something much more alarming, as corruption in the Three O, and with Officer Joe Walsh, spreads out of control.
This is The Set.
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Officer Joe Walsh joins the 30th Precinct with the best intentions, but the culture tests him, and every other cop in the precinct, on a daily basis. Officer Barry Brown learns about another side of his partner.
This is The Set.
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Welcome to the NYPD’s 30th Precinct, the “Three O,” during the height of the crack epidemic. Drug dealing has taken over the neighborhood, West Harlem, and it threatens to do the same to the Three O. Officer Barry Brown sees corruption all around him, but he’s keeping a dangerous secret.
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The Set is the never-before told, first-person documentary of the biggest police corruption scandal in NYPD history and the investigation that uncovered it all.
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