Golf Reviews

Colin Goehring and Scott Paton

Colin and Scott discuss the latest golf tips for improving your game, plus look at new ultra-cool gadgets to make you the golfer with the most mojo.

  • 34 minutes 36 seconds
    Free Golf Lesson From Golf Teaching Pro Bobby Eldridge
    Bobby Eldridge is a seasoned golf instructor who has been teaching golf for more than 30 years. He's actually taught over 30,000 students. I think Bobby has an exceptional way of making learning to play golf easy. He's produced some great golf lessons on DVD. You can find out more about Bobby's lesson program at
    29 October 2007, 10:42 pm
  • 1 minute 42 seconds
    Inside Approach Golf Swing Trainer
    The Inside Approach is the product endorsed by Jack Nicklaus and touted as the "Magic Cure" for many common golf ailments, such as curing a slice and coming "over the top." Does it work? Is it a gimmick? Can it help you fix your slice? Find out the answers in this weeks golf podcast. You can find the Inside Approach on the Golf Training Aids Reviewed Website at
    21 September 2007, 11:34 pm
  • 1 minute 54 seconds
    The Golf Foot Wedge
    Contrary to popular opinion, the Foot Wedge does NOT refer to when you kick the ball out of a bad lie in the woods with your foot. The Foot Wedge is actually a great golf training aids, especially helpful for people who tend to sway or want to cure a slice. Get the whole scoop on this weeks edition...
    12 September 2007, 1:38 am
  • 1 minute 49 seconds
    The Golf Assist Swing Trainer
    This is the wierdest looking golf club ever made. It actually looks as if somebody bent the shaft around a tree. But what is it's purpose and how does it work? Listen in as Colin shares his insights into how the Golf Assist Swing Trainer can help your swing.
    23 August 2007, 2:40 am
  • 1 minute 31 seconds
    The Golf Impact Bag
    Is the Golf Impact Bag helpful at all or is it just another hyped golf training aid? Colin takes a closer look at how to use this unique training aid and how it just might work to help you improve your swing. Hint: there are some swing faults this training aid can correct. Listen in for the full review...
    15 August 2007, 8:04 pm
  • 2 minutes 10 seconds
    Golf Speed Stick
    The Golf Speed Stick is a Golf Training Aid that is endorsed by Vijay Singh and you'll see him swinging it on TV commercials. But does it do anything to improve your swing. This review reveals the truth about what this golf swing aid does... and doesn't do. Listen in... the answers might surprise you.
    25 July 2007, 4:11 am
  • 12 minutes 47 seconds
    A World Golf Record Set... Almost
    I was able to witness a golf scoring record ALMOST broken. I was golfing this week with Todd Mielke, the Director of Golf at Trilogy Golf Club in Redmond Washington. He made EAGLE / EAGLE, and it was almost EAGLE / DOUBLE-EAGLE. Todd stuck his 2nd shot on a par 4 in the hole from 183 yard, then went on to the next hole, a par 5. Todd's 2nd shot on the par 5 landed 6 inches in front of the hole, bounced left, then bounced right and stayed inches from the hole. It would have been a record (as far as I can discover, a world record). In this interview, I probed Todd about what was going through his mind as he reached the tee box on the 2nd hole. Listen in to hear some great insights about how to "Stay in the Moment."
    19 July 2007, 10:03 pm
  • 2 minutes 53 seconds
    Golf Swing Glove Review
    The Rick Smith Golf Swing Glove is getting a lot of attention. Does it actually help your golf swing? What swing problems does it fix? Find out in this review why Colin is now using the Golf Swing Glove when he practices and why he gives it a 5 star ranking.
    17 July 2007, 9:03 pm
  • 23 minutes 6 seconds
    Do All Golf Mats Suck?
    I hear over and over that golfers HATE hitting off golf mats. I was just talking with my friend Dwain Jeworski down in Florida yesterday and he said, "I avoid driving ranges if I see they have golf mats." But are all golf mats create equally? To my surprise, I've found out this year that the answer is NO! There is a big difference between hitting from a hard surface turf mat and the Fiberbuilt soft fiber grass mat. In this interview, I'm speaking with Dean Walker, who is the head golf professional with Fiberbuilt. I've known Dean for many years and he's seeing some sudden improvements in my game (I actually beat him last week). You can see the entire video interview I did with Dean on golf mats at Listen in and I'll share the secret of my new success.
    6 July 2007, 12:19 am
  • 33 minutes 8 seconds
    Hypnosis and Golf
    Golf Hypnosis - does it work? The mental game of golf is obviously critical to success for any golfer. It is a little known fact that many of the top PGA players (including Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson) have used hynosis as a way to improve their mental game. Wayne Lee is a hypnotist that demonstrates some simple mental techniques to improve your visualization skills and help you relax during your swing or stroke. This was one of the best golf lessons I've ever had because it taught me how to put a good picture in my mind of the results I want, then allow me to focus on this image and make the shot. "Whatever you focus on expands." Make sure to download this Golf lesson to your iPod, Palm Pilot, Blackberry or other PDA because you will be sure to want to take it with you and listen to it before you practice or play your next round of golf.
    4 July 2007, 8:15 pm
  • 2 minutes 15 seconds
    Golf Power Swing Fan Review
    The Power Swing Fan - Does it really work? It looks like a wierd and funky gizmo, but does it help your golf swing? Will you really learn how to improve your power as it suggests? Or is this just another strength trainer for golf? Listen in and find out in this interesting golf training aid review.
    2 July 2007, 3:22 am
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