The science behind nervous system imprinting in childhood
The importance of going through both concealing and revealing cycles in life
How Layla knew there was something inside her worth fighting for
The power of turning your pain into medicine
Exactly what led Layla to the Tantric path
How to break free from the story that we have to be special to be worthy
Why the theory of Tantra is nothing compared to the actual practices
Layla Martin:
Layla Martin is a visionary and thought leader who teaches on sexuality, relationships and self-love to people across the globe.
Her devoted study of Tantra for 20+ years along with her sexuality, neuroscience and human biology studies at Stanford University have informed her unique teaching process and the creation of her proprietary VITA™ Methodology.
Layla’s programs have taught over 12,500 women, men and non-binary people her method of using breath, sound, movement, meditation and energy awareness to awaken their sexuality and reclaim their power and worthiness.
Layla has shared her work with over 150 million people and 500,000+ subscribers through her YouTube channel and has a weekly email audience of 375,000+ people. Her top-rated podcast, This Tantric Life, has reached over 1.3 million downloads.
Jess Magic:
Jess Magic is a “heARTist”, a soul-stirring songstress, a ceremonialist and a muse for today’s generation of visionary leaders and change-makers.
As a transformational facilitator and musical storyteller, Jess creates compelling invitations for people to interact with life from an open heart. In a world where so many are longing for deeper levels of connection, authentic expression and intimacy, Jess uses her humor, music, movement practices and storytelling to effectively weave a "spell" of love and connection that reveals relatable aspects of the human experience that penetrate and crack open the hearts of those who are touched by her presence.
Jess weaves together like-minded communities from San Francisco to Bali and beyond, offering her virtual Free Your Voice programs, Permission retreats, Gospel of Love Brunches and Soul Salons.
Her work has been seen in The New York Times and The London Sunday Times and has supported thousands of men and women from all walks of life in overcoming the shame, fear, and self-judgment that have inhibited their ability to discover, experience and express their feelings, their creative expression and their capacity to create intimacy with themselves and others. Her signature saying is “We don’t sing to be good. We sing to be free."
Learn more about Jess’ work on her website.
00:01:08 - Introduction
00:02:55 - Layla shares about her relationship with her father
00:06:39 - Your early years are when your nervous system is imprinted the most
00:09:24 - Layla explores her early relationship with her body
00:11:21 - Sign up for Layla’s newsletter at
00:12:38 - How Layla knew there was something inside her worth fighting for
00:15:22 - Turning your pain into medicine
00:19:13 - The decision Layla made as a result of her early sexual experiences
00:21:34 - What Tantra means to Layla
00:22:43 - Unlock your deepest passion inside The Tantric Mastermind for Couples
00:26:44 - What led Layla to the Tantric path
00:29:00 - Layla shares the story of her Om tattoo
00:38:25 - The world we’re creating is a reflection of our consciousness
00:39:40 - It’s a human right to heal your pain
00:39:53 - Light up your body and sex life with MOOD SEX MAGIC™
00:42:39 - Layla explores the role of the Priestess Temple in modern day
00:48:22 - The importance of rebuilding sacred spaces
00:53:08 - Can you heal so deeply you can eventually feel grateful for your pain?
00:54:21 - Discover your sexual and relational potential inside VITA™ Sacred Sexuality
00:56:37 - What Layla sees as the path forward toward healing
01:02:19 - We’re all in a process of remembering
01:05:10 - The story we’ve internalized that that we have to be special to be worthy
01:09:03 - Your heartistry is not a vocation, it’s about a vibration
01:12:31 - The theory of Tantra is nothing compared to the actual practices
01:16:18 - Conclusion
4 Sacred rituals to enhance your relationship
How to break down the facade of perfection and replace it with what’s real
Why inspiration is always supported by action
Essential things you need in order to develop your partnership
Important ground rules for safe communication
5 Core sexual skills to unlock your erotic abilities
Here to download your FREE step-by-step guide to all 4 relationship rituals I shared in this podcast!
Layla Martin is a visionary and thought leader who teaches on sexuality, relationships and self-love to people across the globe.
Her devoted study of Tantra for 20+ years along with her sexuality, neuroscience and human biology studies at Stanford University have informed her unique teaching process and the creation of her proprietary VITA™ Methodology.
Layla’s programs have taught over 12,500 women, men and non-binary people her method of using breath, sound, movement, meditation and energy awareness to awaken their sexuality and reclaim their power and worthiness.
Layla has shared her work with over 150 million people and 500,000+ subscribers through her YouTube channel and has a weekly email audience of 375,000+ people. Her top-rated podcast, This Tantric Life, has reached over 1.3 million downloads.
00:00:43 - Introduction
00:01:27 - The 4 types of rituals that can enhance your relationship
00:01:49 - What does sacred union mean?
00:03:08 - What exactly is a ritual?
00:03:48 - The way you look at your partnership matters
00:04:33 - Who Layla used to compare herself to when she was dating
00:05:54 - When you compare yourself to perfection, you’ll always fall short
00:06:52 - There is no perfect man on this planet
00:08:22 - How to break down perfect and replace it with what’s real
00:09:17 - Sign up for Layla’s newsletter at
00:10:56 - Most spiritual traditions have their own version of sacred union
00:13:18 - Inspiration is always supported by action
00:15:02 - We’re not taught rituals for getting the most out of our relationship
00:17:02 - 4 Essential things you need to develop your partnership
00:17:38 - Unlock your deepest passion inside The Tantric Mastermind for Couples
00:18:20 - Ritual #1: The gratitude ritual
00:20:51 - Ritual #2: The safe communication ritual
00:22:54 - Ground rules for the safe communication ritual
00:24:37 - Ritual #3: The intimacy ritual
00:24:42 - Discover your sexual and relational potential inside VITA™ Sacred Sexuality
00:27:43 - Ritual #4: The erotic ritual
00:29:09 - 5 Core sexual skills to unlock your erotic abilities
00:33:27 - Conclusion
Why 1+1=3 in love and relationships
The 6 ingredients to build a lifetime of love
Why attunement is one of the most powerful tools
Dr. Nasserzadeh’s “soak together before you sink together” method
How to show up with compassion even if you don’t understand someone
Sexual harmony vs sexual chemistry
Building world peace, one relationship at a time is the mission of Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh, a globally renowned and award-winning author, speaker and relationship expert. With a PhD in Social Psychology and specialization in the fields of human sexuality and relationships, Dr. Nasserzadeh has worked with a countless number of individuals, couples and organizational clients across 41 countries to enhance relational health and a sense of thriving at micro and macro levels.
Dr. Nasserzadeh is a senior Accredited Member and a Registered Supervisor by the College of Sex and Relationship Therapists in the UK (COSRT) and a Sexuality Counselor and Approved Training provider by the American Association for Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). She is an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist in California.
Dr. Nasserzadeh has been a sought-after cultural advisor, speaker and expert facilitator at high profile events hosted by governmental organizations, UN Agencies, academic institutions and Fortune 500 companies. Her third book, Love by Design: 6 Ingredients to Build a Lifetime of Love, is the result of her two-decade-long research on the status of thriving relationships and its key ingredients, namely: attraction, respect, trust, shared vision, compassion, and loving behaviors. Dr. Nasserzadeh’s work has been featured on NPR, the BBC, ABC, CNN and USA Today.
00:01:57 - Guest introduction
00:03:25 - Dr. Nasserzadeh’s responsibility and role as a relationship expert
00:06:53 - Our disillusion with love as a society
00:08:28 - Why Dr. Nasserzadeh says 1+1=3 in love
00:09:43 - Sign up for Layla’s newsletter at
00:13:12 - The system of a partnership is greater than the sum of us
00:15:12 - If you don’t pay attention to the cracks, they become ledges
00:17:39 - How to be happy with what is instead of chasing dopamine
00:20:45 - Dr. Nasserzadeh’s concept of JOMO vs FOMO
00:23:02 - Discover the VITA™ Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification
00:26:06 - The 6 ingredients to build a lifetime of love
00:30:38 - Dr. Nasserzadeh describes The Platinum Rule
00:32:59 - How to apply the 6 ingredients to your relationship
00:36:27 - Why it’s so important to cheer on your partner
00:38:07 - Discover MOOD™ Sexy Supplements
00:39:16 - Get Layla’s free Orgasmic Breathwork Practice for deeper pleasure
00:40:25 - Unlock your deepest passion inside The Tantric Mastermind for Couples
00:43:33 - The way you respect yourself is how others respect you
00:48:42 - Why attunement is one of the most powerful tools
00:55:08 - Trauma shifts your nervous system into hypervigilance
00:56:40 - Dr. Nasserzadeh’s “soak together before you sink together” method
01:01:38 - How to show up with compassion even if you don’t understand someone
01:04:06 - Expand your pleasure potential with Obliss Women’s Sexual Masterclass
01:05:40 - How to build trust with your partner
01:10:10 - Sexual harmony vs sexual chemistry
01:12:38 - Everyone deserves to be in the loving relationship they desire
01:18:56 - Conclusion
Why we all need people who celebrate our full expression
What Natalie’s first experience with cyberdildonics was like
Why a dildo is still one of the most powerful sex toys
How embodiment work is important for the future we’re moving towards
Layla’s thoughts on VR pornography
How to work on your resilience to change instead of trying to control reality
Natalie MacNeil is an Emmy Award-winning media entrepreneur, futurist, seer, ICF-credentialed business & leadership coach and the bestselling author of five books. Her multi-dimensional work helps visionaries and entrepreneurs create their brightest future through intuitive foresights, practical strategies and her Transformational Embodiment Method.
This powerful method blends several disciplines and modalities with her strategic Futuring process and Transformational Embodiment Coaching Method and is designed to bridge your present and your desired future.
Over the last 15 years, she’s guided more than one million people to become embodied leaders, envision and create their dream future and build extraordinary businesses that make an impactful difference in people's lives.
Learn more about Natalie’s work on her website.
00:01:35 - Guest introduction
00:05:48 - What is a constellation relationship?
00:07:45 - Sign up for Layla’s newsletter at
00:10:06 - The fastest way to kill your desire and creativity
00:14:54 - How being hopeful is different than being naive
00:17:20 - We have a bright and bisexual future ahead of us
00:23:40 - We all need people who celebrate our full expression
00:25:39 - Discover the VITA™ Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification
00:29:23 - Natalie’s first experience with cyberdildonics
00:31:54 - What was the first sex toy?
00:35:06 - Why a dildo is still one of the most powerful sex toys
00:36:22 - Enjoy MOOD™ Sex Magic
00:38:02 - Natalie and Layla stack MOOD Sex Magic™ and MOOD Euphoria™
00:42:28 - Natalie shares her experience with VR pornography
00:44:49 - Why embodiment work is so important for the future we’re moving towards
00:46:43 - Layla’s thoughts on VR pornography
00:50:49 - Get Layla’s free Orgasmic Breathwork Practice for deeper pleasure
00:51:58 - Discover your deepest passion inside The Tantric Mastermind for Couples
00:54:53 - Why it’s important to build real human intimacy
00:56:07 - A lifetime without intimacy is no life at all
00:58:38 - Would you have sex with a robot?
01:05:16 - Instead of trying to control reality, work on your resilience to change
01:09:22 - Obliss Women’s Sexual Masterclass
01:11:34 - AI fire round questions with Natalie
01:16:40 - AI will surpass us in emotional intelligence
01:20:40 - How to train your AI for your life
01:23:49 - Conclusion
Why a spiritual practice is training for your entire life
The truth that life happens to you, for you, through you and as you
How Jess manages stressful situations
The importance of looking for the lesson in everything
Why the most glamorous thing of all is to feel the full spectrum of aliveness
Jess’ Lineage of Lovers Philosophy
Jess Magic is a “heARTist”, a soul-stirring songstress, a ceremonialist and a muse for today’s generation of visionary leaders and change-makers.
As a transformational facilitator and musical storyteller, Jess creates compelling invitations for people to interact with life from an open heart. In a world where so many are longing for deeper levels of connection, authentic expression and intimacy, Jess uses her humor, music, movement practices and storytelling to effectively weave a "spell" of love and connection that reveals relatable aspects of the human experience that penetrate and crack open the hearts of those who are touched by her presence.
Jess weaves together like-minded communities from San Francisco to Bali and beyond, offering her virtual Free Your Voice programs, Permission retreats, Gospel of Love Brunches and Soul Salons.
Her work has been seen in The New York Times and The London Sunday Times and has supported thousands of men and women from all walks of life in overcoming the shame, fear, and self-judgment that have inhibited their ability to discover, experience and express their feelings, their creative expression and their capacity to create intimacy with themselves and others. Her signature saying is “We don’t sing to be good. We sing to be free."
Learn more about Jess’ work on her website.
00:02:03 - Guest introduction
00:04:57 - What does it mean to live life in ceremony?
00:06:58 - Sign up for Layla’s newsletter at
00:09:17 - A spiritual practice is training for your entire life
00:12:53 - Life happens to you, for you, through you and as you
00:15:20 - What would it look like if every day was a ceremony?
00:20:47 - Jess’ trick for managing stressful situations
00:22:53 - The opposite of trauma is play
00:26:42 - How resistance to challenges prolongs them
00:27:00 - Discover the VITA™ Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification
00:31:32 - The importance of looking for the lesson in everything
00:36:25 - Learning to believe that life is trustworthy
00:39:40 - Discover MOOD™ Sexy Supplements
00:40:49 - Get Layla’s free Orgasmic Breathwork Practice for deeper pleasure
00:41:58 - Reach your full pleasure capacity with Men’s Sexual Mastery
00:46:25 - Trusting that anything can happen in life
00:49:57 - Why the most glamorous thing of all is to feel the full spectrum of aliveness
00:53:44 - Enjoy MOOD™ Sex Magic
00:54:58 - Jess sings about MOOD Sex Magic
00:59:41 - How to measure your trauma healing
01:02:01 - How Jess learned to be such an exquisite placeholder for others
01:08:20 - Get Layla’s free Orgasmic Breathwork Practice for deeper pleasure
01:08:20 - Expand your pleasure potential with Obliss Women’s Sexual Masterclass
01:09:54 - Jess’ Lineage of Lovers Philosophy
01:13:19 - The edges Jess is currently experiencing living her life in ceremony
01:17:33 - Conclusion
How to create a Tantric partnership of epic magnitude
The story of how Layla and Baback met
How to heal your relational trauma so it doesn’t destroy your love
The exact way Layla healed her relationship with the masculine
Why the stories we tell ourselves are reflected back to us in a partnership
Baback’s guidance to men on meeting the feminine sexually
Layla Martin is a visionary and thought leader who teaches on sexuality, relationships and self-love to people across the globe.
Her devoted study of Tantra for 20+ years along with her sexuality, neuroscience and human biology studies at Stanford University have informed her unique teaching process and the creation of her proprietary VITA™ Methodology.
Layla’s programs have taught over 12,500 women, men and non-binary people her method of using breath, sound, movement, meditation and energy awareness to awaken their sexuality and reclaim their power and worthiness.
Layla has shared her work with over 150 million people and 500,000+ subscribers through her YouTube channel and has a weekly email audience of 375,000+ people. Her top-rated podcast, This Tantric Life, has reached over 1.3 million downloads.
Dr. Baback Amen MD has a steadfast passion for holistic and integrative means of cultivating longevity and vitality, and has accumulated a depth of knowledge in the areas of physiological optimisation, biohacking, nutrition and targeted testing.
After graduating with honors from one of the premier medical schools in the Southern Hemisphere, Monash University, Dr. Amen became a board-certified anaesthesiologist, before undertaking further training in Longevity and Functional Medicine. In his private practice, he has led a multi-disciplinary team of health professionals to help guide multiple entrepreneurs, executives and high profile individuals to optimal health and function. His engaged, appreciative and loyal client base includes billionaires, Grammy Award winning music stars, and celebrated Hollywood actors.
He has also been a devoted lifelong practitioner of the more esoteric and spiritual modalities of health promotion, such as meditation, breathwork, tantric and Taoist practices, and the ceremonial use of ancient plant medicines.
00:02:16 - Guest introduction
00:03:28 - The story of how Layla and Baback met
00:07:39 - Baback shares what Layla said that stopped him in his tracks
00:09:25 - Baback and Layla’s magical, 48-hour first date
00:09:48 - Sign up for Layla’s newsletter at
00:13:30 - Being ready for a partnership of epic magnitude
00:15:33 - How Layla healed her relationship to the masculine
00:18:50 - The importance of seeing each other in partnership
00:21:40 - Discover the VITA™ Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification
00:23:53 - Layla’s transition from LA to Australia
00:25:23 - How Layla and Baback have approached their relational trauma
00:31:18 - Why you must follow what’s true in your heart
00:37:46 - The stories we tell ourselves are reflected back to us in a partnership
00:38:57 - Enjoy MOOD™ Sex Magic
00:41:39 - Going all in with your partner
00:44:47- Baback’s guidance to men on meeting the feminine sexually
00:48:31 - How to come into a place of unquestioning self-love
00:52:40 - A choiceless choice to dive into trauma
00:57:21 - Using your intention and free will to choose love instead of trauma
00:59:53 - Discover your deepest passion inside The Tantric Mastermind for Couples
01:02:47 - The trauma is the lie
01:05:32 - The potency of Layla and Baback teaching together
01:08:00 - Layla and Baback discuss the magic of The Tantric Mastermind
01:10:28 - Get Layla’s free Epic Sex Guide for deeper pleasure
01:14:44 - Every couple has the capacity for mind-blowing sex
01:20:24 - Power is not a zero sum game
01:23:31 - Conclusion
Miki’s biggest a-ha moment of life
At what cost are we pushing ourselves as women?
How to hold an expansive mindset with limited time
Why the more we radiate our true essence, the more we can care for others
Why it’s so crucial to create something important in the world
Miki’s biggest insights on how to build a brand
Miki Agrawal is a trailblazing entrepreneur, speaker and two-time bestselling author renowned for founding disruptive companies like TUSHY and THINX. A "Young Global Leader" recognized by the World Economic Forum and named one of Fast Company's "Most Creative People," Miki infuses her talks with two decades of boundary-pushing business experience, captivating audiences with her insights into innovative marketing, product development and business scaling. With a track record of building two nine-figure companies that disrupted two industries, Miki is now channeling her entrepreneurial spirit into her third venture, Hiro Technologies, aiming to solve the global plastic crisis with nature-inspired plastic eating mushrooms.
Connect with Miki at and on Instagram at @mikiagrawal.
00:01:46 - Guest introduction
00:03:56 - How Miki’s upbringing led to her entrepreneurial journey
00:06:00 - Miki’s biggest a-ha moment of life
00:11:09 - Sign up for Layla’s newsletter at
00:12:18 - Miki shares her inspiration behind Thinx
00:15:35 - Layla and Miki’s early friendship
00:16:47 - Miki’s experience fighting the subway to advertise Thinx
00:18:35 - Discover the VITA™ Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification
00:21:08 - At what cost are we pushing ourselves as women?
00:23:51 - Tushy is a beauty regimine
00:26:29 - Miki shares about ButtCon
00:29:18 - One of Layla’s favorite iconic memories
00:33:51 - Miki’s first experience with MDMA
00:37:00 - The profound synchronicity of Miki’s company, Hiro Diapers
00:42:27 - Women are returning on investment better than most male-led companies
00:43:08 - Discover MOOD™ Sexy Supplements
00:44:18 - Get Layla’s free Orgasmic Breathwork Practice for deeper pleasure
00:45:27 - Reach your full pleasure capacity with Men’s Sexual Mastery
00:51:27 - How to hold an expansive mindset with limited time
00:56:58 - The more we radiate our true essence, the more we can care for others
01:00:56 - Expand your pleasure potential with Obliss Women’s Sexual Masterclass
01:04:47 - Why it’s so crucial to create something important in the world
01:06:27 - Miki and Layla drink Sex Magic
01:09:28 - Miki’s biggest insights on how to build a brand
01:14:05 - Be outrageous and imaginative in your PR
01:22:51 - Conclusion
What f**king like a goddess truly means
How women’s emotions can change the planet
Simple steps to take to start healing
The difference between conscious and unconscious emotions
What alexandra finds humbling about motherhood
How to spot a good partner in the first interactions
Alexandra Roxo is an artist, bestselling author of F*ck Like a Goddess, transformational coach and teacher. She has been featured as a guest speaker on many renowned podcasts and onstage at numerous festivals and events worldwide and has also made multiple TV appearances, including two seasons of Netflix’s hit show, Too Hot to Handle.
Alexandra’s work has been featured in the New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar, Vogue, The Guardian, Nylon and Playboy.
Her latest book, Dare to Feel, is a journey and handbook to feeling and healing the heart, exploring how to work through common blocks to intimacy and passionate living through the power of deep feeling and embodiment. This book is a candid journey through teachings, stories, rituals, practices and poems that radically invite us into our hearts so we can feel empathy, compassion, deep intimacy and love.
00:02:15 - Guest introduction
00:04:11 - What does fucking like a goddess mean?
00:05:27 - Sign up for Layla’s newsletter at
00:08:40 - What a split between your spirituality and sexuality feels like
00:11:00 - Spirit can exist alongside your body
00:15:28 - This is the opposite of shame
00:18:00 - Women’s emotions can change the planet
00:19:53 - Steps to take to start healing
00:21:56 - Discover the VITA™ Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification
00:24:27 - Emotions are signatures of Goddess consciousness
00:27:39 - The difference between conscious and unconscious emotions
00:32:22 - Layla and Alexandra drink MOOD Sex Magic™
00:32:34 - Discover MOOD™ Sexy Supplements
00:33:44 - Get Layla’s free Orgasmic Breathwork Practice for deeper pleasure
00:34:54 - Experience the romantic adventure of a lifetime inside The Tantric Mastermind
00:38:41 - What it feels like to truly receive from your teachers
00:40:57 - Expand your pleasure potential with Obliss Women’s Sexual Masterclass
00:46:52 - What alexandra finds humbling about motherhood
00:48:54 - How to stretch your smallest moments as a mom
00:50:45 - Spotting a good partner in the first interactions
00:52:18 - Alexandra describes a truly sacred union
00:54:25 - Conclusion
Why pure play is so important in healing
The importance of trusting the pace of your body
A simple practice to make emotions conscious
Why relational wounding is healed in relationship
How to access your partner’s deepest magic
What you can do to become more magnetic
Starielle Hope is a relationship and intimacy coach who specializes in working with people who have found success in their careers, but struggle to find the same success in relationships.
She grew up in a constant state of loneliness that she thought was normal because it was all she had ever known. After feeling terribly isolated because connecting with others didn’t come naturally to her, she experienced a wakeup call in her early 20s when I learned that, not only was this not normal, but she could actually learn how to connect more deeply with others just as she could learn any other skill. So she set out to reverse engineer connection and intimacy for herself.
Along the way, she discovered that she has a unique talent for taking abstract emotional concepts and breaking them down into tangible, step-by-step processes that those who are more comfortable in their logical/rational minds (like Starielle) can understand and adopt.
Learning how to connect more deeply with others has improved her happiness and well-being more than anything else she’s ever done, and she absolutely loves sharing what she’s learned along the way.
Starielle has been doing this work for over a decade now and loves every minute of it. She currently shares the knowledge she’s gathered through one-on-one coaching and online courses and will be publishing her first book later this year.
Discover more of Starielle’s work and connect with her on her website.
00:02:01 - Guest introduction
00:03:55 - How Layla and Starielle first met
00:08:30 - Starielle shares a powerful example of magnetism from Layla’s birthday
00:09:40 - Sign up for Layla’s newsletter at
00:10:28 - Why pure play is so important in healing
00:11:34 - Starielle shares about her personal growth path
00:13:05 - True play is the opposite of trauma
00:18:13 - Feeling your feelings allows you to sparkle
00:23:24 - The importance of trusting the pace of your body
00:23:49 - Discover the VITA™ Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification
00:28:14 - Starielle shares a simple practice to make emotions conscious
00:34:00 - Relational wounding is healed in relationship
00:37:37 - 3 stages of dependence
00:43:11 - How to access your partner’s deepest magic
00:44:10 - Discover MOOD™ Sexy Supplements
00:45:19 - Get Layla’s free Orgasmic Breathwork Practice for deeper pleasure
00:46:30 - Reach your full pleasure capacity with Men’s Sexual Mastery
00:49:13 - The different energies of anger
00:52:43 - Men are meant to be warriors
00:56:20 - Expand your pleasure potential with Obliss Women’s Sexual Masterclass
00:59:52 - Why reading women’s signals is so important for men
01:05:50 - One of the biggest issues Starielle sees with men
01:09:15 - What you can do to become more magnetic
01:11:36 - Starielle shares her experience in VITA™ Coaching
01:15:10 - Conclusion
Why spiritual connection and ritual are vital for full wellness
The importance of connecting to your own personal root lineages
How to honor your inner High Priestess
The true source of the witch wound
Why your High Priestess initiation is a spiral journey, not a destination
How to know if you're operating from true love or delusion
Elayne Kalila Doughty, MA, MFT, is an ordained priestess and focalizer of the 13 Moon Mystery School and Rosa Mystica Mystery School. She’s been on a path of passionate service for the past thirty years, inspiring women around the world to unleash their leadership gifts and step into their full potential.
She is the Dean and Founder of the Priestess Presence School of the Sacred Arts and + Temple which serves a sisterhood of over 100K women around the world. She trains, initiates and ordains women as modern day priestesses, ceremonialists and powerful feminine leaders in all walks of life and professions. She specializes in helping women tap into their deepest wisdom, enabling them to harness their own transformational power to be more effective and whole in every aspect of their lives.
She is the best selling co-author of The Sacred Call of the Ancient Priestess, and author of The Magdalene Rose Oracle. She is the host of The Red Podcast: A Place for Bold Inspired, Outrageously Courageous & Just a Tad Bit Naughty Women Leaders To Gather… to talk about all the things that are most important in our lives!
00:01:53 - Guest introduction
00:05:07 - Elayne Kalila takes listeners into the inner world of the High Priestess
00:07:37 - Sign up for Layla’s newsletter at
00:08:24 - What are the faces of the goddess?
00:10:40 - Layla and Elayne Kalila explore the opening scene of Wonderwoman
00:13:50 - Why spiritual connection and ritual are vital for full wellness
00:16:13 - The specific position High Priestesses held in their cultures
00:20:42 - Discover the VITA™ Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification
00:24:33 - The importance of connecting to your own personal root lineages
00:28:06 - Exploring the source of the witch wound
00:32:13 - Elayne Kalila’s theory on women in menopause
00:36:00 - How Layla used meditation as a liferaft for working with terror
00:41:21 - Unlocking your High Priestess initiation is a spiral journey, not a destination
00:44:03 - What exactly is the sisterhood wound?
00:47:37 - Discover MOOD™ Sexy Supplements
00:48:47 - Get Layla’s free Orgasmic Breathwork Practice for deeper pleasure
00:49:54 - Reach your full pleasure capacity with Men’s Sexual Mastery
00:52:09 - The pathway of love
00:54:57 - Elayne Kalila shares the power of one of her Ayahuasca journeys
00:57:00 - Love is not one thing, it’s many things
01:02:55 - How do you know if you're operating from true love or delusion?
01:08:29 - Elayne Kalila and Layla drink SEX MAGIC™
01:09:48 - Expand your pleasure potential with Obliss Women’s Sexual Masterclass
01:16:43 - Elayne Kalila explores Mary Magdalene’s lineage vs the Magdalene collective consciousness
01:23:21 - How do you not get caught in your story as a High Priestess?
01:26:05 - How to honor your inner High Priestess
01:28:55 - Conclusion
How Laurie stayed available to love as she aged
Why Laurie and Michael believe couples are an endangered species
The core teachings Laurie has learned from Tantra
How Tantra gives you hotter sex AND deeper truth
Exactly what an RBDSMT conversation is and how it can serve you
How to practice consent in a sexy way
Laurie Handlers is the author of 2 international bestselling books, Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy and Sex & Happiness: It Gets Better with Age. She empowers people to fall deeply in love with themselves and their partners. An expert in the fields of sexuality, intimacy and relationships, Laurie has taught transformational workshops on topics ranging from releasing past emotional trauma, fearless communication and sacred sexuality since 1978.
Michael Gibson is a Certified Sex and Happiness Coach, the co-founder of the Academy for Men and creator of the Extraordinary Lovers Experience; a program that guides couples into long lasting conscious-relating to deepen intimacy, communication and connection. His Academy for Men’s Coaching Program trains men in the skills of presence, communication and exquisite touch, focusing on intimacy, pleasure and healing. Michael is known for the quote, “Consent: don’t have sex without it!”
Partners Michael and Laurie have also created an online community called Laurie Handlers' Inner Circle that serves its members through podcast interviews, online courses and monthly live calls, and offer relationship coaching, workshops and retreats on Extraordinary Love.
00:01:36 - Guest introduction
00:03:26 - The story of how Laurie and Michael met
00:06:28 - Sign up for Layla’s newsletter at
00:07:40 - How Laurie stayed available to love as she aged
00:09:20 - Why older people need boundaries in a different way than younger people
00:12:45 - What allowed Michael to say yes to Laurie changing his life
00:15:21 - The stories women tell themselves that block them from opportunity
00:17:18 - Michael proposes to Laurie in a 5-star Port-a-Potty
00:18:45 - Discover the VITA™ Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching Certification
00:23:04 - What made Michael cry at his own wedding
00:25:30 - There is no expiration date on your highest dreams
00:27:44 - Why Laurie and Michael believe couples are an endangered species
00:31:18 - When Laurie knew she didn’t want to be in an open relationship any longer
00:35:28 - Discover MOOD™ Sexy Supplements
00:36:37 - Get Layla’s free Orgasmic Breathwork Practice for deeper pleasure
00:37:49 - Reach your full pleasure capacity with Men’s Sexual Mastery
00:40:12 - Laurie shares her experience teaching sexuality in the 70’s
00:44:38 - The core teachings Laurie has learned from Tantra
00:48:49 - The Tantric tools Laurie has seen help other women and herself the most
00:54:06 - Layla talks about the foundational philosophy of Tantra
00:58:54 - Michael explains the saying “Welcome to your life”
01:01:55 - Tantra gives you hotter sex AND deeper truth
01:02:49 - Expand your pleasure potential with Obliss Women’s Sexual Masterclass
01:04:16 - How to practice consent in a sexy way
01:06:53 - Consent is the gift of choice
01:09:50 - Michael explains what an RBDSMT conversation is
01:13:04 - How Laurie and Michael’s RBDSMT conversation began
01:17:33 - The one thing Michael wants men to know
01:20:59 - Laurie’s top advice for women
01:23:54 - Michael and Laurie’s message to couples
01:27:32 - The Return to Love Game
01:29:28 - Conclusion