Will it work for everyone? Absolutely not. There’s no one right way to raise kids. And sometimes you get to look at a rule and say Nope. We can’t do it that way. It won’t work for us. From approaching hair color and makeup to what our kids can consume for media, we set the boundaries and hope we got it right?
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Ever look at a common idea or behavior and think “Nope. That’s not for me.” Cuz same. Today on Childproof Tori and Gwenna discuss come of their most Chaotic Good Parenting choices. From perfect attendance to censoring music with some stops in virtual learning, mental health days, and shocking toll booth attendants.
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Email us at [email protected] with your ideas, suggestions, or chaotic good parenting choices.
This week we hit the inbox for your emails. Which means we are all over the place. We touch on parenting through an age gap, losing the game (iykyk), weedwhackers & whippersnappers, imagination hour, cold weather whining and so much more. If you’d like to be included in a future episode please email us at [email protected] and you could hear your ideas on the podcast.
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Moms do a lot of different jobs. Chef, Nurse, Event Planner, Administrative Assistant, Teacher. Some folks call this wearing different hats. We think it’s more like having different brains. We have to switch from mom brain to mom brain and sometimes that’s hard. Sometimes it’s impossible. Sometimes we struggle. On this episode we discuss why that is and ways to make switching modes just a little easier.
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Empathy is a learned skill and you can start teaching at day zero. Our kids are more capable of empathy and understanding than we tend to think. This episode of the Childproof Podcast tackles empathy: what it is, how we teach it, and how to use it safely. Can you get empathetically burnt out? (Spoiler: Yeah) How do you set boundaries on empathy so you don’t wreck your own mental health? (Spoiler: Breaks) Also Gwenna is crocheting a blanket now and Tori talks about the Stamp Act Riots. And no. We don’t give you anymore context than that. Even in the show.
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Gwenna and Tori are back this week! What even happened? Tori and Gwenna discuss everything that happened on their break, from why they had a break to how many kids were sick. They also revisit the routines they have been trying to establish and introduce a new segment, "Hyperfixation of the Week". Tori talks about Hamilton at least twice.
To watch on YouTube: Click HERE