Data Over Dogma

Daniel McClellan and Daniel Beecher

  • 57 minutes 43 seconds
    Episode 80: Omni Everything?

    The modern concept of God (at least in the Christian context) is of an all-knowing, all-powerful, being. One who is everywhere all at once. He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake... all that stuff. But does that view of the almighty comport with what is represented in the Bible, or are those ideas more recent innovations? Where did these ideas come from?

    Then, we're talking Bible quotations. Or more accurately mis-quotations. Plenty of people misquote the Bible, it happens all the time. It can be especially vexing when that someone is looking at a bad translation. But what happens when the Bible misquotes the Bible? We'll be looking at Acts 15, and a moment when the author might have found a bad translation of their own.

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    14 October 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Episode 79: Who is a True Christian w/ David Congdon

    Go to any comment section where someone has made a controversial claim about the Bible and you'll see it: someone gatekeeping the idea of who qualifies as a "true Christian". Real Christians believe in the trinity, or else decidedly DON'T believe in the trinity. Real Christians believe we're saved through works. Or through faith alone. Or neither. Or both...

    On this week's episode, Dr. David Congdon joins us to discuss his book Who is a True Christian. If you think that question is settled or remotely easy to answer... well you haven't paid attention to this show. Dr. Congdon walks us through the history, politics, and power struggles behind these questions, and gives us big insights into ways we can address this difficult quandary going forward.

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    7 October 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Episode 78: The Biblical View of Immigrants

    This week Craig Mousin and Cecil Cicirello of the Lawful Assembly podcast join us to talk about one of the major hot-button issues in current world politics: immigration. Craig is not only a lawyer who specializes in immigration law, he's also an ordained minister, so we asked him on to bring his unique perspective to bear on the issue. We discuss the current state of things in the U.S., and ask what a Biblical approach might be.

    You can find Lawful Assembly wherever you get your podcasts, or at Go give them a listen!

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    30 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Episode 77: What is an Atheist?

    Regular listeners will know that Dr. Dan is not of fan of definitions. Dictionaries aren't rulebooks, he'll say, they're attempts to describe how words are being used. So when the Data Over Dogma show is all about what two words mean, you know it ain't going to be simple.

    The first word we're looking at is "religion". We'll cover the origin of the word, and really try to get a handle on what that conceptual category is trying to get at. Will we succeed? That's for you to decide.

    The next word, as the episode title suggests, is "atheist". It's a word with a somewhat surprising history, and one that is VERY charged in a modern context. We'll discuss how this word is used by people who describe themselves as atheists, and how non-atheists deploy it.

    It's gonna get messy!

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    23 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    Episode 76: Pay Your Tithing!

    Modern parishioners are often asked to pay one tenth of their money to their church. This practice, they are told, is biblical in nature. But is it really? Well, this episode we're talking tithing, and like so many ideas in the Bible it's way more complicated than you might think!

    Then, we're keeping the theme monetary and telling the story of Ananias and Sapphira. This New Testament couple decided that they didn't want to give ALL their money to the commune. Unfortunately, apostle Peter had set up some pretty stiff penalties for incomplete payment. Let's just say that the mafia would be proud. Yikes.

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    16 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Episode 75: Shrouded in Mystery

    Oooh! We're going to poke the gauzy fabric-covered bear with this one!

    Well first we're going to have a delightful chat about plagues. No, not Covid 19 or the black death, we're talking frogs! If you thought the Spanish Flu was bad, wait until you hear about the great Egyptian livestock massacre. But did the great plagues visited upon Egypt by Moses and his very powerful tetragrammatonically-named accomplice really happen? Is it even logically possible that they could have happened?

    Then we're going to make some very certain people very sad. Hold on to your long pieces of stained fabric, because we're going to "cover" (get it?) the shroud of Turin. Have you heard that a new scientific paper has come out that proves that this was actually the sheet that was draped over Jesus as he lay in the tomb? A lot of people have heard that. Well great news! We've read that paper, and we're going to discuss it!

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    9 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 56 minutes 47 seconds
    Episode 74: The Fabric Conspiracies

    Do you know anything at all about physics? It's fine if you don't, but hold on to your linen shirt if you do, because the sheer volume of gobbledygook that's coming is... impressive. We're going to talk about the fascinating claims of one Heidi Yellen.

    Yellen's famous papers revolve around Leviticus 19, and the prohibition against wearing two kinds of fabric together. She claims that she has discovered a very important reason why the Bible would warn us against this fiber mix-and-match, and it is a doozy!

    Then, we're switching over to Genesis 37, to discuss the owner of another famous piece of fabric. It's Joseph, owner of the coat of many colors (or coat of sleeves? don't ask). But we're not talking about the coat. We're more interested in the story of ol' Joe being sold into slavery... because it doesn't make sense. Who sold him? Who bought him? Who sold him again? Nothing lines up! Unless...

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    2 September 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Episode 73: Bible Magic!

    Abracadabra! Today, we're diving into the strange world of spell-casting, charms, and defense against the dark arts. No, this isn't about a school for young witches and wizards, it's the magic practiced in the Bible! And oooh, does that make some people uncomfortable!

    First, we're going to look at the famous priestly divining implements, the Urim and Thummim. What were they? How did they work? Did they glow? Were they more or less accurate than a Magic 8 Ball? Then we're traveling to the caves of Ketef Hinnom, to look at the oldest known witnesses to the Hebrew Bible, and their potentially magical properties.

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    26 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Episode 72: The Truth About Ruth

    The biblical story of Ruth can be a confusing one for modern readers. Is Ruth a hero? Is she a schemer? She goes from gleaning in her dead husband's kinsman's field to marrying the guy in a matter of days. What are we to glean from that? And what, exactly, happened on the threshing room floor? If only we had a Bible expert on the show to help us understand it all. Oh wait--we do! That's lucky.

    Then, we turn to history. One of the trickiest things about reading the Bible can be how to tell what's actually historical, and what is... allegory. Some of the Bible's characters have no historical attestation other than the Bible, but not our friend Sennacherib! This neo-Assyrian king was 100% a real guy, and we're going to learn all about him!

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    19 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Episode 71: The Rapture is not Coming!

    It is a source of joy for some, schadenfreude for others, and for many it is the source of deep, soul-crushing anxiety. It's the Rapture! That theoretical moment when all of God's good kiddos on Earth get to fly up to heaven, while all the naughty boys and girls get stuck here on Earth. It's a theology believed by millions around the world, but there might be a problem: is it possible that the rapture isn't actually in the Bible?

    On this week's show we're discussing the origins of the rapture idea. Who came up with it, what is it's scriptural basis (if there is any), why it took hold, and why not everyone embraces it. Were you "caught up" in Rapture theology?

    Then, we're continuing our future-prophesying theme with the baffling 10th chapter of Daniel. Ol' Danny boy had a vision involving a bunch of princes, and whoo boy! If you don't have McClellan levels of education about it, you would be forgiven for not understanding a blessed word of it. Thankfully, we have a McClellen here, so maybe we have a fighting chance!

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    12 August 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Episode 70: Out of Nothing

    Look around you. Do you see it? It's everything. All the stuff. The earth, the sun, the stars, that sofa that you love but your partner kind of hates, the oceans, the trees, the new Taylor Swift album that they pressed into a vinyl album for some reason, even though everybody just streams... It's all here. But why? Was it always here? The stuff? Or was it created?

    This week, we're discussing creatio ex nihilo. It's the idea that God created everything from nothing, and if you're saying to yourself "well yes, of course that's what happened, everybody knows that," you might want to hang on to your shorts. People didn't always believe that, and you might be surprised to learn when the switch happened!

    Then, we switch to the apocrypha and dive into a delightful little add-on to the book of Daniel. It's Bel and the Dragon, and it is fun! You won't want to miss it.

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    5 August 2024, 9:00 am
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