Rudy's Podcasts on GigaDial Public


Rudy's Podcasts contains readings from Rudy Rucker's SF tales, his talks about the philosophical implications of computers, and interviews with him about writing, art, science, and literature. A full single-page listing of the items (going back to 2005) can be found on the Rudy's Podcasts web page,

  • Reading from JOURNALS at Borderlands. June 13, 2015
    At Borderlands Books, about 45 minutes, including long Q & A. Some passages read are the same as in Santa Cruz, but most are different. Reading was followed by an "art tour" of 15 of my paintings hanging on the walls in Borderlands. Access my audio and video of the tour on YouTube:
    15 June 2015, 12:11 am
  • Reading from JOURNALS in Santa Cruz. May 1, 2015.
    Event in Santa Cruz, sponsored by Scott Clements of LOGOS Books. The tape includes part of an introduction by Andrew Sivak, the organizer of the "Santa Cruz College" lecture series. I read about six passages from my JOURNALS, and then we did Q&A. Good sound quality and a lively, responsive crowd.
    2 May 2015, 5:27 pm
  • Discussing THE HOLLOW EARTH, March 24, 2015
    I was interviewd by Robin Ince for a BBC Channel 4 broadcast on the theme of the Hollow Earth. I never heard the show, but this recording of my comments, made in my home by Mark Mollineaux, has really excellent sound quality. The file doesn't include Robin Ince's prompts, just my statements about the history of the Hollow Earth concept and about my novel THE HOLLOW EARTH, available at
    17 April 2015, 4:41 pm
  • Reading & Discussion. Jude Feldman, Robert Shults, Rudy: Laser Shades, Nov 8, 2014
    An event for Robert Shults's book THE SUPERLATIVE LIGHT at Borderlands Books. I taped Borderlands manager Jude Feldman talking about the history of the store, followed by Robert's rap about his book of photos of the Texas Petawatt Laster Lab, followed---at the 18 minute mark---by my story, "Laser Shades," an animated reading I might say, and then a little more talk about the technology of lasers. Kind of a cinema verite podcast. (57MB, 47 min).
    9 November 2014, 4:14 am
  • "Laser Shades," June 10, 2014.
    Rucker reads his short SF story, "Laser Shades," written for Robert Shults's photo book THE SUPERLATIVE LIGHT, which contains photos of the Austin, Texas, Petawatt Laser Lab. Taped in Rucker's home studio, good sound.
    5 November 2014, 10:36 pm
  • Richard Kadrey reads "Surfing the Khumbu," Oct 18, 2014
    Kadrey reads his woman/machine story at the Dark Lords of Cybperpunk event, Lit Crawl 2014. Due to an operator glitch, the first minute of the reading is missing, with a couple of *zzts* in the second minute. From then on it's pure pleasure. Our heroine rides a crashing satellite like it's a roller-coaster. You can read this story online in Infinite Matrix.
    20 October 2014, 1:56 am
  • John Shirley reads "Bitters," Oct 18, 2014
    John Shirley reads/performs his ill, ill FLURB story "Bitters" at the Dark Lords of cyberpunk event during Lit Crawl 2014 in SF, CA. Story can be found in print in the Flurb webzine
    20 October 2014, 1:51 am
  • "The Attack of the Giant Ants," October 18, 2014.
    Story read by Rucker at the Lit Crawl 2014 event Dark Lords of Cyberpunk. Richard Kadrey and John Shirley read as well. "The Attack of the Giant Ants" was inspired by the classic B movie THEM. Story slated to appear in the Motherboard webzine.
    19 October 2014, 7:25 pm
  • Tracks for ALL THE VISIONS. "Rucker Songs"
    I'm posting three tracks from Roy Whelden's album LIKE A PASSING RIVER, which was in part inspired by my novel ALL THE VISIONS, which reappears in July, 2014. "Rucker Songs" is an operatic oratorio featuring the playing of Roy Whelden and the American Baroque quartet, with Karen Clark singing. The words are drawn from intense closing passages of ALL THE VISIONS. 7 min 45 secs.
    13 May 2014, 9:19 pm
  • Tracks for ALL THE VISIONS. "What's the point?"
    I'm posting three tracks from Roy Whelden's album LIKE A PASSING RIVER, which was in part inspired by my novel ALL THE VISIONS, which reappears in July, 2014. "What's the point?" is a recording of me reading from the ending of ALL THE VISIONS, wondering what's the point of life at all. 2 min 20 secs.
    13 May 2014, 9:15 pm
  • Tracks for ALL THE VISIONS. "I was at the new year's eve dance, Or, I'm going to die."
    I'm posting three tracks from Roy Whelden's album LIKE A PASSING RIVER, which was in part inspired by my novel ALL THE VISIONS, which reappears in July, 2014. "I'm going to die" is a recording of me reading from the beginning of ALL THE VISIONS, talking about my realization at age 16 that eventually I have to die. 1 min 30 seconds.
    13 May 2014, 9:14 pm
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