RPGMP3 Actual Play Podcast


RPGMP3 is the great great granddaddy of Actual Play Gaming. We were one of the first gaming sites to publish a podcast via iTunes and have a history of being a friendly and inclusive place to talk about gaming and geek related topics of all kinds.

  • 4 hours 24 minutes
    Shattered Star Reforged Session 14 (SS Session 78)
    Shattered Star Reforged Session 14 (Shattered Star Session 78): The Mother of Oblivion Despite the luxury of sleeping in a magical magnificent mansion, the Shard Seekers find their rest in the Guiltspur haunted by nightmares and visions. They continue deeper into what appears to be a massive natural cavern and discover a monstrous Abyssal guardian that haunts the dark waters of the deep. Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed Fighter Heather as Arrow on the Wind, Shoanti Zen Archer Travis as Raging Thunder, Shoanti Arial Sorcerer Lockhart as GM and Alex Dusthand, Half-elf ArchaeologistThe post Shattered Star Reforged Session 14 (SS Session 78) first appeared on RPGMP3.
    20 August 2024, 9:11 pm
  • 5 hours 13 minutes
    Shattered Star Reforged Session 13 (SS Session 77)
    Shattered Star Reforded Session 13 (Shattered Star Session 77): The Curator Appears The Shard Seekers must deal with the fallout of tampering with stasis tubes holding ancient specimens within the Guiltspur's Hall of Arcane Wonder. Thier poor treatment of the exhibits finally grabs the attention of The Curator, a spectral Thassilonian Wizard who is ready to evict the group. Thing as Goram, Half-orc Two-handed Fighter Heather as Arrow on the Wind, Shoanti Zen Archer Travis as Raging Thunder, Shoanti Arial Sorcerer Lockhart as GM and Alex Dusthand, Half-elf ArchaeologistThe post Shattered Star Reforged Session 13 (SS Session 77) first appeared on RPGMP3.
    20 August 2024, 9:01 pm
  • 1 hour 26 minutes
    Giantslayer Session 13

    Giantslayer Session 13

    In which Tomar takes a lightning bolt to the face just fine but is in danger from rats.

    Originally Recorded: 25 January 2022

    The post Giantslayer Session 13 first appeared on RPGMP3.
    20 August 2024, 12:12 am
  • 1 hour 19 minutes
    Giantslayer Session 12

    Giantslayer Session 12

    In which our heroes go toe-to-toe with their first giant: a master of Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Orc-Chucks.

    Originally Recorded: 18 January 2022

    The post Giantslayer Session 12 first appeared on RPGMP3.
    20 August 2024, 12:07 am
  • 2 hours 35 minutes
    Curse of the Crimson Throne Session 144

    Curse of the Crimson Throne Session 144

    In which our heroes face off with the corruption of Blackjack. Will the city fall prey to the shadows of Murder, Loss, Grief, and Ill Fate?

    Originally recorded 14 June 2021.

    The post Curse of the Crimson Throne Session 144 first appeared on RPGMP3.
    20 August 2024, 12:00 am
  • 2 hours 24 minutes
    Curse of the Crimson Throne Session 143

    Curse of the Crimson Throne Session 143

    In which Korvosa questions whether it is time for it’s old hero to pass and a new hero to arise.

    Originally recorded 7 June 2021.

    The post Curse of the Crimson Throne Session 143 first appeared on RPGMP3.
    19 August 2024, 11:53 pm
  • 2 hours 33 minutes
    Giantslayer Session 11

    Giantslayer Session 11

    In which all that stops Trunau’s barricades being overrun is Tomar’s ingenuity, a few good soldiers, and bag after bag after bag of caltrops.

    Originally recorded 4 January 2022

    The post Giantslayer Session 11 first appeared on RPGMP3.
    27 June 2024, 9:08 pm
  • 3 hours 1 minute
    Curse of the Crimson Throne Session 142

    Curse of the Crimson Throne Session 142

    In which plans are made for Korvosa’s future atop the grave on one of Silvyr’s victims.

    Originally recorded 24 May 2021.

    The post Curse of the Crimson Throne Session 142 first appeared on RPGMP3.
    27 June 2024, 8:55 pm
  • Giantslayer Session 10

    Giantslayer Session 10

    In which Tomar faces drunken bar toughs, human shields, and smoke and hounds in wartorn Trunau.

    Originally recorded: 3 January 2022

    The post Giantslayer Session 10 first appeared on RPGMP3.
    4 June 2024, 1:17 am
  • Curse of the Crimson Throne Session 141

    Curse of the Crimson Throne Session 141

    In which Jac is treated like she’s important, and Alagos returns to his ancient stomping grounds.

    Originally recorded 17 May 2021.

    The post Curse of the Crimson Throne Session 141 first appeared on RPGMP3.
    4 June 2024, 1:08 am
  • 58 minutes 52 seconds
    Giantslayer Session 09

    Giantslayer Session 09 Fire! Fire! Trunau is aflame! Originally recorded 31 December 2021

    The post Giantslayer Session 09 first appeared on RPGMP3.
    6 February 2024, 5:33 pm
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