Harvest Evangelical Free Church


Now you can listen to the Sunday morning messages from Harvest E-Free in Story City, IA! Check us out on the web at www.harvestefree.org

  • 34 minutes 32 seconds
    Romans: The Problem with Being a Good Person
    Many in our world are convinced that a fair God grades on the curve. If we are highly moral, God will gladly reward our efforts and our good intentions and open heaven for us. Our understanding of good and evil, combined with the direction we receive from our conscience, is all we need. Paul addresses this thinking with some surprising answers in Romans 2:1-16.
    31 January 2012, 9:53 pm
  • 32 minutes 25 seconds
    Romans: Which Team are You On?
    Paul makes the transition here from looking at a life that is lived by faith to a life that is not, basically a life that leads to sin and destruction. Join us as Paul begins to address sin, the cause, the effects and the consequences.
    22 January 2012, 10:14 pm
  • 34 minutes 46 seconds
    Romans: Investing in the Revolution
    Most of us consider opportunities carefully. We don’t want to waste our time and energy. We want to invest in things that are important and meaningful. In Romans 1:8-17, Paul tells us why after 20 years of following Christ he is excited about investing in the church in Rome. God calls us to invest in the kingdom of Christ in our day. You will discover why that is a great choice to make.
    15 January 2012, 10:26 pm
  • 28 minutes 57 seconds
    Romans: Identity Crisis
    As a follower of Christ, what is essential? Paul identifies three things that are essential in his introduction to Romans. These three things will help lead us to obedience that comes from faith (v. 5). 
    10 January 2012, 6:04 pm
  • 33 minutes 53 seconds
    Our Biggest Challenge
    As we begin a new year, we sometimes think about steps we’d like to take to improve ourselves over the next 12 months. We can focus on things like exercise, eating, and building skills. But there is a part of our lives that we often don’t consider that is more crucial than all of these. Join us as we look into James 1:13-15 and look at what may be your biggest challenge for 2012.
    3 January 2012, 7:47 pm
  • 28 minutes 44 seconds
    Christmas - Simeon the Sentinel
    God loves engaging very ordinary people in the unfolding work of his kingdom. Simeon was promised a glimpse of Jesus, and given words to say to Mary and Joseph. Like him, Christ followers are given the opportunity to await and declare the savior who will return a second time. Simeon provides us with picture of how to fulfill that role.
    27 December 2011, 4:29 pm
  • 31 minutes 16 seconds
    Christmas - The Uncomfortable Reality
    There is much pressure in our culture to minimize the role of Christ in Christmas. Some don’t object to Jesus portrayed as a baby, but they recoil at the idea that he came as our King. People have been resistant to the idea of a God-given king since the foundation of Israel. We’re going to look at God’s response in Psalm 2, in which he celebrates his support of an earthly kind (David) and anticipates the king born on Christmas (Jesus).
    22 December 2011, 4:55 pm
  • 31 minutes 16 seconds
    God's Master Plan - Joseph: Finishing Well
    1 Corinthians 10:6 tells us that the people in the Old Testament are to be used as examples for us today. As we conclude the Joseph story, we see an example of someone finishing well. Join us as we look at how Joseph can help us to finish well.
    11 December 2011, 11:06 pm
  • 34 minutes 56 seconds
    God's Master Plan - God's New Community
    One of the challenges for Christians is to maintain the simplicity and purity of our faith in a world where consumerism, hedonism, and a host of secular values constantly seek to reshape it into something else. What can we do to keep it intact? Jacob and his extended family faced the same challenge when they moved to the great culture of Egypt. What could they do to avoid being swallowed up by this massive culture? We learn some lessons about preserving Christian truth in an alien culture in Genesis 46:28-47:12.
    4 December 2011, 10:15 pm
  • 32 minutes 29 seconds
    God's Master Plan - The Power of Promise
    Transitions are difficult for us at times. And the bigger the change, the more formidable the decision. From time to time God may call us to leave much of what is familiar behind. But he offers confidence and courage through his promises. Join us as we look at a surprising declaration God makes to Jacob as he invites him to trust him in the last great adventure of his life.
    27 November 2011, 10:17 pm
  • 26 minutes 52 seconds
    God's Master Plan - Joy from Despair
    When you’re in the middle of a story, it’s easy to become discouraged because you don’t see how issues will get resolved. Both Joseph and his family were in the middle of a big story when he disclosed himself to his brothers. He was living proof that God brings hope when you think the future will be grim and impossible. In today’s teaching we discover how we can act in hope even though we don’t know how our stories will play out on earth.
    20 November 2011, 10:05 pm
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